A visit to a radio station just for presenting an opportunity for Memin and his friends enter into stardom as a makeshift band. Needless to say that fame will not last a moment.
Having solved (or rather have lost the time) the previous sequence. Eufrosina carried Memin and his friends at the station XEW. They say they are traveling to study 6, but along the way, are separated from Euphrosyne. Memin sangrona sets and that was already Carlangas pony will take, but it is soon thrown to the ground. In a room where the air, scolding and Memín demonstrates not be aware of how the stations and their programs. His friends insist that reach Euphrosyne, and complains that Memin can not walk more (with the little that is valued today radio, stations can not be so wide does it?). Walking the halls, to different celebrity Memín regional currency. Pardon my ignorance, but if he recognizes them, I do not (only one that seems to be Pedro Infante), and do not mention their names, perhaps because they have no rights or involve no more in this trash magazine.

He tells his friends that there does not pass the time (were they ghosts? If it agrees to all who came could say, but no, sorry). They arrive to study 6, but are confused, unsure whether it will be there or not, and most are embarrassed to see that the program is one called "The Amateur", sponsored by a soap product (which to end is called "Foam happy "). As Eufrosina not there, assume that the study is wrong. Try out, but goalkeeper make it impossible, as no one leaves until the program ends. They further clarified that this is the study 9, and a humorous put the upside down sign. Memin gets rude, but you cover their mouths and have no more than resigned to watch the show, which features a number of aspiring singers very tune. One of them touched him singing into the microphone off. Memin helps you connected, but it produces a shock that leaves him unwilling to continue (if it were not Memín did not make sense that one touches like that, but when it is good to have or cause unfortunate accidents ...).

The announcer asks the audience someone to replace it, just as Memin's friends try to remove it, believing it will kill someone. In their attempt, throw it on stage, and inadvertently compromise the to be the substitute who almost died of electrocution. Memín asks to be advertised as "Memin and his trio, dragging their friends to this shameful display. They are angry, but no choice but to take the instruments at hand and touch. And just see what they played, when the announcer announces her triumph in the table below, and win an overall prize of detergent, that Memin is a great reward to save much Eufrosina with what you need to wash. They go out and find Euphrosyne, mortified for having lost, but took them back home. A man keeps them and takes Memín by a policeman who found his "attempted murder" but it appears as Arturo Lopez, an art representative interested in them, offering them a contract. Eufrosina refuses to consent to their child engages in that. Among the friends trying to dissuade Memin and the pressure of ensuring representative may accompany the tour, she believes that the opportunity offered to travel, could visit his people longed for, manage to convince her to sign.
The tour begins ... immediately on the next page ("same day? If so, and was a long day, is not it?). On board a truck and a road in poor condition, the boys and the lady will be the first presentation. A Memín it raises the "fame" (which has not begun) to the head very quickly, and already think and dress like a star. Objection to the deteriorating

where they touched, but the representative ignored and telling them where they staying. Memin is used jumping on the bed and wanting to grab a shower, to the extent that it thrown out. It comes to food, where Memin is sent, waiting to be served caviar and champagne, complying with eggs and ham. Ricardo told the others that you have patience, but he loses his temper at such impertinence of bold, demonstrating that no one can stand a long time. Get ready for the show, it does not last long and has very few attendees. Memin exaggeration to receive the applause and his attitude, Ricardo throws a maraca. On the bow, the black and it eludes hit in the face of a wizard, angering friends and throw to give the musicians their due (it seems that everything was a rural village, with a taste for litigation).

The angry mob forcing them to run with Eufrosina back to the truck, and only until you are back in town, they notice that the representative left stranded there. Do not waste time worrying about it (and you thought the whole thing Eufrosina? Nothing! And neither saw him do or say anything, really suddenly give a very poor use this character in its units) and will home, but are captivated Memín admiring a beautiful woman, which is an indication of what follows.
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