Memín returns home after school, and stops outside the door when he heard a collector Eufrosina giving an ultimatum to pay the rent or have to leave. The reaction of the black is removed to avoid seeing the scene, back when the said collector is gone, and climbs to the roof, very sorry. This is incredibly inconsistent and inconsiderate. Should not you first go to report to Eufrosina and support in this situation as improvised? Tsk tsk. Then Memín happens to think what it would do to the collector to make her mother suffer (if you're doing your work What does not?). Symbolically throws away a stone, which struck in the head Ernestillo, which coincidentally was out there, knocking him down. Memin whines for dead and caring for end up in prison for murder. Ernestillo react and to inquire about the reason for her tears, and as he falls twenty Memín he is alive, just confessing responsible for the coup. Receives a well deserved push, and apologized, telling the state that put their problems. Ernestillo the compassion and hold the impertinence of feeling her little black bump him and then reveal the reason for their presence, simply wanting to restore a wrestling magazine left at home. Memin gratefully in the magazine a poster of their favorite fighter, Mano Negra (mentioned some sequences above). Ernestillo takes and in return for the accident, and lets the rest of the magazine. Memin is something else in it, an ad that offers a large cash prize that hold two falls in wrestling (and all it says it does not say where or even when it is valid nor requirements, something so out of his sleeve like that silly bike race.) Decides to just get into it to solve their problems and asks Ernestillo that train, but he refuses, not trusting that challenge falls short of bold. Tries to flatter him for his ability to fight, to which replies by saying that the same would tell Carlangas, and that's just what makes Memín in the next shot ("same day? Still delaying the return home to go up to Carlangas ? not in any hurry to see his terminally ill mother). Of course, Carlangas also refuses to train him and warns him to resign. Coincidentally, passed near a gym with ring and all, which currency the famous Memín Mano Negra. Memin Carlangas makes it continues to get (was on public view just like that, with a professional wrestler in the gym?) And say hello. Memin offers his hand to the fighter, when he suddenly falls, and now both go thinking if I should be dead and go from there. A man (employee of the place or his coach? Not tell us) is coming, make sure they are well, and is a symptom of alcoholism, as Mano Negra has degenerated into a vicious, is unwell most of the time, blaming fame. He removes the mask and throws water to revive him, and very disappointed by what has been his idol, Memin and Carlangas hurry to leave.
Saturday, Memin's friends are in the arena to watch a wrestling match. Regret that he is not there, but since they could not find it, had to go alone three ("without adult supervision?). Ricardo observed that the program should first stand the silly contest challengers for the fair. The presenter announces Memin, very cocky, enters wearing her wrestler outfit. His friends do not approve and try to convince him to resign, but the black makes the deaf and gets in the ring. The grip of the legs to desist, doing a show that awakens into public complaints (Where are the security to deal with the troublemakers?). Memin laughs, explaining that he comes from "second" and is another who will fight for the money. Seeing that this is Trfión, was more angry with him, but it is too late to stop them. Is submitted to his opponent, The Caveman, who immediately raised to Trfión in the air, makes it a key and iron on the canvas. His friends are horrified to see the beating he is tip the chubby, requiring Memín take responsibility and help.
Okay, so ended the number 386, and the next, now the Caveman is holding the neck, Memin and Trypho, and Mano Negra is no longer wore the coat to make his surprise appearance in the former ("I suppose that in the time it took to remove the other fighter ignored his threat and continued to lash out at children?). The release seized their victims, and Mano Negra faces. A very short fight, which of course, the coach wins. Memin and Trifon celebrate with him the victory, until the Negro realizes that they were not who won, so do not have the prize money. Ingratitude is angry with the fighter, who did not took notice and invited everyone to his dressing room. They ask him when he returned to the struggles ("when they said they had given up? Not drunk man walk would stop fighting or they would have not recognized), and explains that that day, although neither spoke, he could tell that I had let fans, and so he determined to quit drinking. He speaks but the short version of the famous cop corrupted it, putting emotional to tears and the whole thing. A Memín it worth all that, but was thrilled when offered a special prize, which is nothing more than show his face under the mask. I thought that Memín and Carlangas already had seen him when he was found drunk, but in any case, the black was disappointed to find very ugly. Apparently, others also were disappointed, although they had the good taste to cover printing, rushing to retire after scolding Memin.
Along the way, suggests that they go to play baseball but his friends do not you think, considering that is having financial problems. Try running the good Trypho, receiving coscorrones by Carlangas to cut once you've finished with it (as always). The chubby prefer to go to sleep, and all four are going to the house of Memin. Enter and are not to Eufrosina. Hear voices behind his room, which are just the conductor of that and the casting goes, making mourn and everything. Memin is distressed to feel suffering and his friends support him, opening the door forcibly barred for confront the abusive collector (Why would walk by sliding it in your bedroom? As not being charged in an inappropriate way ...). Eufrosina it opens the door at the time, and four dropped. Looking to the collector, but no trace of it. Eufrosina is puzzled, but when they say what they believe is happening, laughs openly, clarifying that this was a soap opera who liked to listen.
This opens the following sequence.
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