after a gas accident which is Eufrosina saved by little, with Memin and his friends, go to the Basilica de Guadalupe where to go given the nosy and hear the case of a couple who tells them the reason for his compulsive religious fervor. During the meal, Memin realizes that Eufrosina has given the flu, and ready to loose, as always, tries to convince her to stay to look after instead of going to school the next day. Sneezes of its greatest Wake beautiful as the night but all in the morning he rushes to take off pretending to be normal. The black is late for school, replicating the teacher who said his delay, with a joke and very dog-eared (
the last to arrive and the first to leave , sozzled, a classic but worn, but as Romero and must be laughing at the answer.)
At home, Eufrosina can not do their homework by the flu and was lying down, boiling the tea for relief. A gust of wind blows the fire of the stove (for that to happen means you put the fire too slow to be poor, do not skimp on gas consumption), and gas ranges can stop it without her. During class, Memin note forgot to bring his history book and returned, regardless of scolding from his friends. Come and discover what has happened. Turn off the stove and asks for help from neighbors (including the forgotten Don Cayetano) for being pulled out as send for the fire department. Eufrosina

again itself and the first thing you think when you explain what is going to thank the Virgin. Firefighters rush to ensure that no traces of gas that threatens the house and when they finish, Memin asked for his autograph because they were "heroes" (but did nothing) right in your history book, which is also "hero" for having you back in time (the book did more than them the truth.) Eufrosina
Memín tells that when the flu will pass a virgin, but meanwhile he must return to classes without excuses or pretexts. The black back just in time for the start and tell you what happened to their friends, they do not believe anything, and least give them the "evidence" of the signing of the fire, which they say could be giving them to any other adult. Tease her for being such a bad liar and the whole house, but a few days (one table) then, and they confirmed that if Eufrosina really happened. Memin
nearly collides with a police officer to meet them and tell them about the intentions of Eufrosina to go to the Basilica, offering to accompany them (not even tell us what day it is, not because they will go so suddenly.) They agree to join the "pilgrimage" and thus give a long walk to the center of devotion to the blessed religious icon.

Sitting beside a young couple, Mrs. and the guys get to pray, thanking them for their kindness (up Ernestillo still gives thanks for saving him from the leg of mule and was recorded as a traumatic event even though it lasted only one number). Memin is the only one who does not pray, distracted, as usual, paying more attention to the couple, who prayed very hard. When they get up, decides to follow her outside and is submitted to them. Euphrosyne and her friends go to scold bothering to go, but the gentlemen did not see any problem, when conquered by his sympathy, as usually happens with anyone who knows Memin (when not fall sangrona). They are presented as Lydia and Mario before others, and exposes them bold having noticed how much he prayed, and admit that it is. Eufrosina curious and asked why, to which they respond is because the virgin has been granted two miracles. And just like that, they propose to tell her story and begin immediately. They say they are

Chihuahua (named Memin suggests a city that is the dogs, or know if so is pure name) and really start from the beginning, that is, when you were dating before marriage. These facts are of little interest and have a great hurry, which is convenient but still occupy valuable space when they could just cut to the chase. Memin interrupts because they are hungry, and Euphrosyne rebukes. However, Lydia agree that they have not eaten and invite everyone to eat some gorditas with a lady who sold nearby. Mario mentions that food brings memories and continues telling his story boring. Pure nonsense typical of young marrieds, bordering on kitsch, it never ceases to point Memin and his friends end up agreeing with him. Lydia goes to the part where his happiness was in danger, that Memin is rapidly because of infidelity that could make Mario, getting their deserved coscorrones from their friends, to replicate the woman was something else. One day, just Lydia wakes up cranky, and Mario it happens all the time at work thinking it will happen (Could it be that is in his day?). Memin is sent asking for another chubby in passing Lydia asking Mario what happens. The restless very simple: that after a year of marriage have not had a child. That's mortified and takes it as a punishment from God (go dumb, do not know how to interpret a hint divine to take? So many children who need homes and good parents to make their bows bent on having their own). Mario agrees with her and that will be done to solve this problem. Memin interrupted to ask for more gorditas the very greedy.

Back to the story, Lydia and Mario are subjected to studies that conclude that she is unable to conceive, but the doctor suggests a treatment, but is expensive and does not guarantee anything, but are willing to pay whatever (pure waste of money! children starving and people are spending on nonsense for conceiving).
One day, Lydia suggested to Mario that should be updated with the faith and go to the basilica for the Virgin to help them (thank goodness that bothered her before God to ask for silly things like this, no offense, but a conception is a miracle to be granted without being asked, no desire to force or both, because it has no joke). Mario accept your stupid idea and use their vacation to go. Quite an experience to travel that far, I suppose, for Catholics the bone. Interestingly, it counts as prayed before the statue of the Virgin to ask for what you do not need to be ordered, and so they spend, until one day out, met a little girl named Stella, who sells gorditas outside the basilica and quickly sympathizes with them, especially when mentioning Lydia suddenly he remembers his mother died. When they return to Chihuahua, she is thinking about the girl and a friend commented on the possibility of adoption, but because it believes that it should not take a beggar, immediately cooled the friendship. He explains his idea to Mario, who had already seen, so come back months later, finding and suggesting that Estela is her daughter, but she is undecided. Try to make excuses but as the couple insists, admits he has an aunt named Ramona to which it might not seem like the idea. Encourage her to let them walk her home to talk to her, but barely, leaving women, abused by leaving the loaded walk. Lydia gives a suddenly dizzy and Mario makes you see that is because you must be pregnant at last.

They both held to the anger of women, and note that Estela gets home, disappointed because I think you no longer need it. From the window, Lydia makes you see that want to adopt anyway, but Ramona refuses to allow it. I closed the door in his face and closes the window, preventing the girl go out and warn you that from now on she is going to accompany the sale of the gorditas to not wear it these tycoons, revealing who is a loose living at the expense of the exploitation of Estela. The couple did not give up, and after confirming with the doctor that Lydia is pregnant, they hire a detective to keep an eye on Ramona and thus seen as removing the child from their custody. The detective gives the results, which indicate that she is not his real aunt and operated without even having legal guardianship over the child. One day when a woman tries to raise Estela, the police come, and without being able to stop it, it opens the door and take it stopped before it can be fled. And that was the double miracle, Estela and had adopted her son, who called Stephen but do not put any pictures of the boy. Then Memín draws the woman who went to serve gorditas, Ramona assuming it is already released from prison, asking if he's ashamed. Mario explains that she is not and the lady admitted that if he had heard that witch and what they did to the poor Estela, which is now very happy and they are grateful to them. Then charged intake, being a sum rather high, and all because he ate fourteen Memín gorditas in total, but still pay the bills.

Finally, Mario and Lydia say goodbye, promising to bring to the next their children to introduce them (which apparently never happened, thankfully). Memín ends up suffering severe indigestion and Eufrosina takes it home to give a purgative. The black almost seems to have learned the lesson, but I doubt follow the example of the leg Ernestillo mule and then enticed the first opportunity.
An anecdote outside regular cast certainly did not come to the case, it seems that they wanted to tell a story similar to La Rosa de Guadalupe, with a lousy script and unemotional. And so another round of bold absurd ends, starting with another meaningless to the next. That's how they vary in this magazine, go for some simple and the following is a mafufada. Brilliant formula ...
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