Memín group is enriched by the presence of a very smart monkey, living in certain incidents without being. Memin awake to go to school, skipping along the way an area wet cement (not relevant or to be part of the beginning of this sequence.) Without further ado, we present the following page to an old organ called Abraham out for the first time to work with mono, Guitar (although in the previous issue, we have already seen, but clueless). Apparently, is the son of a monkey with the works before he died under circumstances that have never spoken. Do not take much doing the task of putting the tune while a monkey begging for money, when you can see a truck full of bananas appropriate. Guito stop working and check on the truck, carried away only to drop further, at the mercy of the cars on the street. Observes and jump Memín in time to save him, just as two cars collide while trying to avoid them. The owners of the cars are set to discuss what Memin the monkey takes to be before they can claim. Require police to get a moving, but I do see that they can not state their cars (and say nothing of the child and the monkey makers, another scene I feel it was irrelevant). Memin
enters his room carrying Guito, and are quick to draw attention, getting the mockery of a casual partner, Fermin, which causes a violent reaction Carlangas. Romero involved and while the nagging, the so Fermín uses the distraction to get a banana (but do not understand if to eat or to the traditional slaughter to slip the other with the shell, in any case, with the teacher above is not appropriate to make any two things at the time), but snatches Guito, eating fruit and throwing shell in the head. The whole room was laughing and Memín it takes the monkey off to keep out of trouble. Meanwhile, the owner is looking for the monkey to keep working, but almost nothing to gain because their music is worth nothing without the monkey (I think it would be the same if I put a stuffed monkey, the road show would be interesting only if the monkey who play).

Outside the classroom, Memin is aware that the monkey is very smart and well serves its indications, so asks him to stay there while the return to their classes. Romero finished the class about the broken (had it not already seen this issue?) And the next page, and let out. Memin's friends join him to admire the abused monkey. Guess not want his name to propose Guito call for "Changuito" (originally) and Carlangas says that it is even smarter than Fermín. The aforementioned distance reached to hear, having decided to take over the monkey to get money. The monkey them some thanks as thinking goes Fermin who could sell the monkey. Then the monkey is targeted to another demonstrating knowledge serves currency as the offer, going to the shop nearby (but bought something or not? only sees him offering it to the seller). Ernestillo believe that someone could have lost and suggests Carlangas put an ad in the newspaper to see if anyone comes to claim it. That same afternoon they go to a regular place and who knows if the note comes out the same day, but it is very clear that we say, because it only requires that we call someone you have lost a pet (this would encourage anyone to call , which would bring droll situations, but the truth is that nobody does, so he did not joke).
later decide to teach the monkey to play baseball, and although at first confused, he learns quickly, so that when another team comes to challenge you, accept to play against them with twine. Fermin does not lose detail of what happens.

The game ends with the opponents complaining that advised over the monkey, like the typical bad losers, throwing lawsuit in shock sometimes discover that, leaving aside the monkey who is smart enough to stay out. Fermin had that beat so go and grab the monkey, but they are victorious and decides to wait for another opportunity. They realize they do not know where they can leave Guito until someone sees the advertisement, and are considering a place, and is the monkey who gives a clue that you build your home (or so plays Memín). Ernestillo Ricardo supports the idea and suggested that they place on the tree in their property. Taking advantage of his father walks out of town on a family visit, the four friends and the monkey are moving there. Eufrosina realizes the delay of Memin, getting angry but assuming that as usual, be entertained by something. In carpentry, the four get to work, and even helps the monkey (not a monkey I think really has the strength needed to cock with the firmness required for a construction). The noise made by a neighbor awakened their attention, demanding that they stop or take them to his cousin. They do not

have no choice and go to a vacant lot where they managed to finish the house. Fermin is spying (and bored me this, do something right?). Parents (except Mr. Vargas to go away) are concerned about the tardiness of their children. Isabel and Carlos and drive out to look at him, Eufrosina prays to the Virgin for her naughty child, and Arcaraz and start making calls. Ordered the maid to tie up the dogs. Roger and Mercedes just out in the car, just as Ricardo and others had arrived. Begin to climb the wooden house, but the instincts of monkeys are activated, sensing the dogs, who also feel it and walk and groaning. The barks are soon to be heard and try to climb the monkey nervous warning him not to drop, and it prepares for a long night.
Meanwhile, he continues to miss Guito, recalling with nostalgia when his mother lived. The narrator does see that he will never see the ad in the newspaper, because neither read nor write (and still not saying much). Memin
returns home, finding all parents together, and explains what to Guito. When they calm down and leave the rest, walks Eufrosina angry, but decides to forgive him (or what! Since beginning this new era have not seen him even once shoals). With Carlangas barely let us see how it went. And again with the Arcaraz, they just complain about the barking of Tosca and Goliath, who can not tolerate the presence of other animals. Memin is spent studying the fractions (repeat a few lines that are similar to the numbers said before, sozzled). Guito whines to remember his mother and the dogs are barking. Roger and Mercedes understand that and not be able to sleep, and wake up neighbors to the ruidazo. Outside, Fermin has been hoping to go to take the monkey, but does not dare to perral barking. The neighbors complain Arcaraz and seeing no other option, authorize Ricardo down to the monkey and put it inside the house. He said he had no lice, so no problem.

Finally, the maid can Guito them free while you sleep comfortable at the foot of the bed of Ricardo. Fermín buy some tacos with which waiting to distract the dogs, but they are too good stewards and to ignore the presence of an intruder and stop eating to lie about it. Fermin running desperately to the tree, but can not find Guito in the house, so their efforts were in vain. The incessant barking allow neighbors to become angry and call the police, leading to a lawsuit do not see many details, but Fermín uses the distraction to flee, hoping to have more opportunities later. Mercedes is set to consent to the monkey, while Memin fell asleep doing homework, dreaming with a guitar speaker that offers him a hand. Wake

and although it is early, it urges Eufrosina preparing to leave at once. His friends stop by his house carrying a Guito and after the problems last night, suggest that Eufrosina caregiver. She agrees when the monkey convinces her with kisses and then we will walk helping to wash clothes. Fermín listens commenting on the playground, noting for now haunt the house of Memin. Meanwhile, as Abraham does not draw enough money, you can not afford that rent the instrument. Ignorant of all, Arcaraz and see the ad in the newspaper, surprised that the owner did not call (or that would call the first day and it's not as if everybody read the newspaper.) Sleeve, installed on the roof of the house, you walk ingratiated himself with Memin and Fermin is still waiting for the opportunity to volárselo.
Time passes and Guito mentions that becomes part of the gang and has ability to play other sports, display models different uniforms, baseball, soccer and American fooball. Okay. First, Memin and his friends have never played football. Second, this already looks like one of those silly home movies starring animals too ready to interact with children, so we understand that all this story is a pathetic attempt to mimic this genre.
As Abraham again failed to pay their share, they remove the instrument leaving now if in misery, missing more than ever wanted Guito, and decided to walk the streets without a break, looking for him.

comes a night when Fermin was finally going to make his move to take Guito, but lost his chance, because by that time, Eufrosina accepts being left at home to stay down and consent by platinum food with sugar. And it's the last time we see the happy Fermin, which also goes against the normal protocol of this kind of intelligent pet frames, because it is assumed that at some point, the villain who wants to exploit it his way, and this We just started hanging around with the silly, without in any way justify their presence.
Coincidentally, penguins and go monkey watching TV during dinner (and also Arcaraz and off the page, the other, I guess) where they do a live report on homeless or something, and just turn to interview the old Abraham, who whimpers , saying when he misses his pet. Guito

reacts pointing and jumping, suggesting that its owner is gone. Ricardo Carlangas and speak by phone to discuss and Ernestillo does the same with his father. Eufrosina Memín rushes to quickly go where they think it is giving the report. Thus, the four friends find themselves in a corner. Guito Abraham still crying, just as he appears and he pounces, jubilant. The meeting is so touching that Eufrosina (watching TV) and the guys get to mourn (not that it is insensitive, but I think meetings are more emotional than an old and a monkey reencountering). Revived, Abraham presents his monkey and does not require public charity and will return to work (but work just depends on the charity). Proposing to accompany him to his house and Ricardo uses to inform his parents that he will return later, just before he cut the interview. Upon arrival, the monkey Memín asks on behalf of all if you go to forget, but he makes a gesture to indicate no and are always in his heart, and all that.
And finally, one of the times you can having a closed end without giving us clues to what follows, but does not justify having endured this plot so crappy that is commonly used in movies that do not even earn Oscars. More luck next time.
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