Monday, June 7, 2010
When Is The New Yukon Body Style Coming Out
Memin and his friends return to school after his disastrous debut as a musical band, back to the boring classes Romero. The goalkeeper, who knows if the old Melquiades still rarely went out or if they changed at last, is disturbed by the arrival of a stunning blonde, who is directed to the address without waiting for an invitation. The director receives equally impressed, and she presents herself as the new teacher, Laura (no last name he said), excusing their late arrival by the traffic. Meanwhile, Romero's class continues, with Memin importuning to Ernestillo. The director and teacher Laura knock on the door, interrupting the class to present only Romero (which seems very inappropriate, even though it has taken not interrupt classes to introduce new teachers, or that it was school inspector or by really important.) All the kids are captivated by her beauty, especially Ricardo, the degree of beating distracting in class when Romero resumes and earns a good scolding. Lrecreo it's time and everyone is going to play, except Richard, who lets his imagination. Here is a brief but dull fantasy sequence in which his princess (the teacher) and called a ridiculous parody of Memin, who speaks presesimente at that time, back to reality. Declined the invitation to join them to play, just keep thinking about the blonde. Romero is entertained in the lounge in advance for your next class when the teacher Laura is going to stop it, flirting shamelessly, but shies away without much thought (and with a suddenness that characterizes the Romero we used to know, but anyway, we must accept that this is not coming back ever). The blonde takes the rejection as a challenge and an invitation to seduce him out of pure pride.
days go by and so far's friends wonder what happens to him because we hardly spend time with them. Carlangas proposed visit you at home that same day and will, offer very inspired, writing poems to the teacher Laura. Try hide, but eventually admits he is in love with her, and they better ask him how the verses go with him instead of seeing the impossibility of a woman so you can look at a kid (not to say that if I did , would be an illegal relationship and she would end up in prison). As Ricarso could only write one line, offers copying verses of poets of truth, and his friends join him, each one selecting a different authors to see it (but that's plagiarism!). All this is not the case and that, while useful for reference to famous poets. Choose one of Gonzales Memín Martinez sounds more like a threat than a declaration of love and the rebuke. Ricardo read she chose, allegedly made by Mr. Arcaraz and dedicated to Mercedes (but as he says it "heard" I'm surprised his good memory.) His friends applaud, leaving aside the ethics of making use of something dedicated to someone else, less Memin, who remained browsing the shelves of books and not paid attention.
The next day, the teacher Laura arrives late because of public transportation, hoping to marry Rosemary, he bought a car (if I could afford it, would not be teachers as well, and should know that he drives a jalopy) . The director is forced to take their place in the living room and chides him for his tardiness, yell at him about his irresponsibility, noting that not a single day has been able to arrive early. Ricardo nervous walking on the playground, preparing to deliver the paper where he wrote his poem, and his friends encourage him (when should discourage). In their respective games, it coqueterarle managed to go back to Romero, but is forced to be kind and receive the cheeky brat, sensing immediately that he loves her and can use that to your favor. With subtlety, he managed to tell him that Romero is not available but happily married, but it is still a woman without scruples, and information is encouraged to seek more. Ricardo delivers the paper runs out, meet friends, only to have plagiarized the poem instead, gave him his task, which was the description a witch (what kind of homework for children in sixth grade is that?). So the blonde will turn to read a description nothing to do with it, at least aesthetically. Does not care, aware that the guy was wrong, and when he returns pretends not to have read anything, ask your name and letting him read aloud his poem to give you confidence to pass him to turn around the next day. So when Richard puts out both his friends, very excited and without suspicion of wrongdoing that it plans to that woman. She tries to climb in the car by Romero, but he sends her to walk again. The blonde is outraged, determined to conquer it, regardless of who is poor and married. After UNSO still frames to display how happy he was with his wife Rosemary and his son (boring and corny!).
spent the next day, and Richard has been very smart in school, stinking lotion declararsele committed to the teacher who is not a pedophile. His friends look at everything from the window, and Ricardo is set to make conversation and she asks the tutelage because it is so old. After a while he asks Romero chance to address the east with some things that do not know because it is new and that, and foolishly, Ricardo writes the address. Laura's teacher invites him to a ice cream the next day, an apparent "date" where's friends insist mitoteros walk. Indeed, check Memín to lose the "romantic moment" of the declaration of sneezing when Ricardo was ready. They spend days with the teacher and to extracurricular classes Ricardo (to what end? Already got what he wanted). Also is she has studied the habits of Patricia, which lets you see your chance to find Romero at home alone when in quella usually leave her child. Ricardo was surprised she does not succeed in the classroom one day x. Taking a taxi, Laura arrives in time to meet your company, and so you check the master, giving him a kiss in the eyes of Patricia, who had returned. Of course, she misunderstood the situation, take the child, and leaves home. The blonde loses complete his composure, appearing to beg pathetic love of Romero, and just leaving it indignantly. All this week I made any telenovala shot, but the dialogues are so clumsy that they do not say much emotion.
The four friends struggling with math, and Ricardo suggests that the way to go with Romero to explain them, and tips him to win Laura (what he would advise is to get away from it or get into trouble). find the teacher very depressed and not the nonsense that says Memín lighten the tension. Sobbing, Patricia Romero tells them that has left him, and proceeds to narrate how everything is because of the blatant coquetaría Laura. Until now it falls to twenty Ricardo that she used it and never was going to fall in love with a lad. Romero encourages him because he just went with the gossip of who was behind her, and after that, they started to see that Patricia can do to make them happy. Memin is the number of the house of the mother, and the flame, making him go to Patricia, but as she assumes that Romero had him, merely more angry. Nevertheless, Romero invites them to eat to waste nothing. Memin climbs into the crib of little Reuben, envying the lives of babies and takes a nap, taking an absurd dream. In this, the black comes out as a storybook character, eating chocolate house of a witch, in revenge, makes in chocolate boy. Then, it becomes fairy godmother (with the image of the teacher Laura) and invites the versions of his friends eating it.
Carlangas going to give you the first bite and just screaming Memin and his friends respond, pulling it out of sleep. After seeing that it is late, decide to go home. Along the way, by chance, find Laura in a cafeteria, chatting with a friend. By surprise, they have an idea. Memin left to watch while the others are at home to ahcerse Ricardo recorder, and so to record the words of women to boast of having destroyed the Romero family (up called "amigui" her friend to make it look more like a frivolous slut). With his taped confession, are to give good news to Romero, and then Patricia, and above anything else planned. The next day. Memin delivers a message to Laura from Romero in which you are asked to see, and she believes that finally fell, but no, it was all a plan to humiliate her, teaching him a picture amplified kissing his wife. Outraged
once again, the fox out of the box and did not see more in the magazine. This "plan" to humiliate her too planned it to be something so simple and obviously out of his sleeve. Patricia Romero and thank them for helping them, until they realize that Memin does not work, since according Ernestillo had something to do. They consider is best, because they do not want to know about one thing.
and leaving us with the intrigue of referred, there are the envy for the next sequence.
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