Saturday, September 8, 2007

Softdog Dongle Emulator

Cogno Art Art



predicates acquire brand through the adjective in this case which in turn Holy is the classification of a particular aesthetic aesthetic layer, such syntax is applicable to all possible types of art including "art." Conventionally

Art means "set of precepts for something done right" from the Latin Artis, translation from a Greek word that apparently is Technos whose Latin translation is Artis Castilian art. Art is art because it fits the body of knowledge to do something well. Technique is the term used to describe a set of activities and tools within the call Mecamática. Usually associated with the production of iron tools, space development is the factory ship is called metal space having a section of fire inside to melt iron there was classified a type of ancient man "Homo Faber" by action is made. It adds another term that means industry movement known as synonymous with kinetics that involves movement (applied to the Movies). The technique has generally been considered in this mecamática ruble is apparently totally different plastic art, but it is relevant to the definition of art to the extent that some of obligation to do something well, fine art technique is undoubtedly the as it shapes the elements of nature including mathematised explanations of the processes of nature even plays artificiality of art. Such an inference appeals to conclude that everything is fine arts there is no separation between art and technology, unlike prior art is the art itself responsive to the knowledge logically structured, resulting in works of art such as skyscrapers, space rockets, fractal cars, in the case of the latter are works of art that move and serve to transport high-speed, each piece created by man is art, so the separation is absurd possibly made by the scientific bureaucracy of modernity. Art that extends the body's extremities

Today "advertising" is the visual arts by 98% figurative invades all areas of the city, as an art that conveys information and knowledge about "brands" of goods, based on ingenious combinations of colors captured by the harmony of consciousness and unconsciousness aesthetic class. Another variable is the art acoustic Music and Rhetoric recorded electrical means is to form the world of knowledge - auditory art contains logical structure but largely abstract art is the imagination of the speeches because of the partiality of information is provided by the acoustic medium. This description of art can be applied in any of the senses. We

knowledge and concrete in visual archetypes to be more easily understood by the public so that it develops in the course of Cogno Art. Art of any kind is the construction of the plastic is the synthesis of knowledge in all fields of artistic expression including art.

Speaker: Eduardo Nunez Becu

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