Saturday, September 15, 2007

Dbz Doujinshi Kamehasutra

role of the Universal Forum of Cultures


Unlike conferences (with = union Greso = all) tend to be resolute, the Forums are instruments of democracy tend to be advisory only and most of the time as eschatological are used as a cathartic action to return to stability when they occur states of turbulence or crisis of spare parts is not the only one of these resources used but mainly the electoral processes that accompany a dominant trend to ease the anxiety of the conscience of numerical minorities identified as a project or unwilling to be devoured by political orientation "means of mass scandalization ." But the forum is also practiced as a pedagogical tool to induce "a deduction in the context of some early political and cultural meaning that is clear from the start raised principled platform, ie on universal terms sought are anchored in unique and specific terms as well as denotative and connotative among other terms and categories that make up the logic of discourse capable of being absorbed by the public most critical because we must not forget that there is a critical sector.

In our case the work of the Forum is developing in the globalization process that requires an urgent and radical change of philosophical order denying the post-war era but not to take these speeches to academic classrooms, but to transform in particular those universal laws and philosophical discourses capable of reorienting the international legal order that favors the permanence of the "global village" understood the image and likeness of philosophical identity of the dominant economic monopolies in this present historical moment, namely the Forum becomes a kind of simulacrum of a certain reality as possible, since the multiplicity of the world is irrevocable, which already exists, though it goes to be "recognized" as the case of the "new" wonders of the world that already existed, only one NGO promotes "re conceptualization" of the wonders of course with great success putting at risk and ridicule UNESCO in As you move your legitimacy. The system of "new" legitimacy is run by NGOs such as the Foundations Forum Universal Culture

The approach to the definition of the Forum is quoted in the statement that this legal institution of "civil" Organizing Consortium supports the Universal Forum of Cultures and Knowledge "Monterrey 2007 on the second point defining ..:

"international city event designed to counter the stresses of the modern world through dialogue, discussion and celebration. It is based on culture and the arts and ideas is the principles and values \u200b\u200bof the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Millennium Development Goals established by Organization of the United Nations.. "

postulated in his room "space of expression for citizens and organizations that focuses on ideas and debates on the international agenda and in which different people of diverse ideologies can see and hear each other"

also in their content section states that. "In an era of globalization become apparent that multiculturalism and diversity, the Forum endorsed the need to promote interaction, encounter and dialogue to promote understanding between the two"

clearly postulates fit into the universalist discourse that no one can find sensible objection, but in fact tends to strengthen a central concept: freedom.

hardly through the ages have found that the main religions postulate the value of Liberty, on which modern society of "free competition"

The political motive of the French Revolution was enshrined in three axes Central: Equality, Fraternity and Liberty.

unifying principle but inconsistent in its application and philosophical trends that tend to establish a "balance" of these early computers in the modern world where totalitarian regimes have arisen in particular the concept of equality that eliminates freedom or totalitarianism of free men that eliminate the equality forcibly subjecting the weaker men vulnerable historical causes, reflecting a sort of "deviationism "in the idea that human behavior is composed of a mixture of these three principles. However the experience of more than 200 years to build on these national constitutions, recently added four other components resulting from the mixing of men, Peace, Sustainability, Cultural Diversity and Knowledge. Concepts

apparently consistent with the principles medieval man who annihilated Cosmogony subject to reaching absolute first to materialize the idea of \u200b\u200bthe modern state of Christ's speech "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God, God finally division State reached its highest expression in the French revolutionary wave, as if Christ himself rode at the top, breaking on the rocks of the feudal resistance, and damping blue waters of the beach sands of Fraternity and Equality and a new scent : La Libertad.

freedom derived from corruption because we differ from each other in competition for the appropriation of things, turning every living and mineral arbitrary object of our desires, but this faculty of man is subjected by the rules of the State which corrupts or Freedom libertadoide dwarf, making exercise more fun to caricature dull solemnity of equality and sympathy of the fraternity. The modern state is the result of the juxtaposition of the principles mentioned by each partial entities since the pressure of the people who make society produces trends that amplify or reduce each of the principles, these compositions crystallized ideological political agenda or social projects causing the existence of parties vindicate the philosophical roots of man.

Thus all modern institutions respond to the guidance of the principal triad, which are being axioms in which it develops the spirit of the laws forming the complex called progress. You can not be fully fraternal, at least is the lesson of the current behavior can only be me, I am me and always, an overdose of selfishness that is imposed on the fraternity, denigrating it as very human practice of fools, however, the Vatican maintains a policy of solidarity as the equivalent of fraternity, but responding to calls for peace on earth as divine harmony factor among the children of God, in short is a major factor in the stability of peace, order the combination of these concepts is increasing as introducing other principles such as democracy, pluralism, tolerance, universalism, psychologists, existentialism, among other forms that explain the social behavior of man, most also incorporate the "new" variables is axiomatic as cultural diversity, sustainability, globalization complicate the responses to the facts of life very, very aggravated with this ultra indivualización of people to the extent that the bias or specialty of the activities and the spatial form of life, driven by growth frightening cities compared with rural way of life that every day the fundamentals are pressured to submit to the degree of permanent crisis which initially confused with another substance giving birth to a major ideological paradigms collapsed II war, severely eroding the idea of \u200b\u200bnation, region, stability, progress, political party and the sense traditionally monolithic institutions, tends to decay - recomposition.

In this perspective, the temporal and spatial concept of the world has come to be reduced by shortening the momentum of the process in obtaining satisfactions of the individual's life, because globalization is a stage of extreme acceleration of production processes developed in the shortening of the systems of capital accumulation, from pragmatism future planning of the here and now it's becoming smaller fraction of that now has come to be a matter of a month or less days, which changes the balance of market forces and therefore the order of ideas prevailing ideological processes of short and long term. The metabolism of trade in goods processed speech is too fast, and we note that the presidential campaigns are purchased as a package and are applied almost simultaneously in electoral processes in several countries, this example may be cited as too many cases where concurrency rule has been losing relevance because the life cycle of an idea turned into a system.

The scenario described the scene of clashes with the immediate past to the extent of causing social unrest as a result of lag between established ideas and the demands of changing the meaning of things, the identity of what is happening and what we think becomes abysmal and overlooks the grand mean threshold of schizophrenia sui generis. This situation puts pressure on the architecture of the government and political meanings of these, That schizophrenia for "change" without beginning and without direction, in this search to adjust the black in the "national accounts and economic growth measured in GDP, reflecting in turmoil and treachery to the principles of the French Revolution and its national expression.

This reconfiguration of the face of the global symbolic structure, it takes the "Open Society" held by Karl Popper in 1943, applied against totalitarianism that they were in open warfare. But today is incorporated into the semi-official narrative, say that flows in semi-academic "elite" and "prestige" that suggest the national intelligence these changes as necessary to get the delay and consider the course to be a first world power, the fit against the modes of social relations are on the rise driven by the spirit of modernity or post modernity.

The primary driver of these changes is naturally the World Economic Forum WEF with headquarters in Geneva and meets every year in Davos to take decisions on economic strategies and policies to be suggested and applied in the path of globalization towards international bodies such as WTO , UN, OECD, etc among its characterization of the global situation is that we place ourselves in the context of the Company of Information that is gradually turning Knowledge Society, which is necessary for the development of the world and the strategy is to move towards global citizenship, based on the concept of "global village" in which no cosmopolitan citizenship is a mere concept of science fiction, rather than be a useful public work and the progress of which device consolidation is to strengthen the intellectual capital but on the scale of the whole earth, a condition that would allow the continued financial capital in providing water the concept of freedom irrefutable identity, perhaps one of its effects is the creation of a global passport, but this will depend on the prevailing political trends in the globalization project.

sustainability concept is a product of fraternity to the present generation but generations fraternity of humans who are still ahead conditional resource reservation for the existence of these, sustainability expresses the democratic feeling of the freedom of future residents.

The formal forums just come up yet the TV forums and have a decade on, despite having no authority "formalized" definitely affect the directions of policy decisions, because they respond to policies in different societies countries stands between CNN, BBC, ABC and other global coverage, without underestimating the trend in television channels has developed forums especially in the political level on the high points of the moment but that's rarely presented topics perhaps momentous Raiting reasons, but they are still limited. More yet come to have a lot of power in driving short-term political changes, while recognizing that its programming and design always comes from the managerial elite of television companies is hence the most prominent limiting, but not enough are contributing so to the formation of an awareness of sustainable development in the population although this has been incorporated in government plans since 1993, directly impacting public planning methods, the national forums somehow recapture the vision of sustainable development to strengthen political criticism to the mainstream either right, left or centrist. Which prints dynamism in the thinking and the facts dl sustainability concept.

planning but is in contradiction to globalization governed by the Group of Five (G-5) has gained importance in the so-called VISION that builds characterizations in relation to the desired future and vision that have emerged 2021, Vision 2025. The creation of development plans in the twentieth century have been practiced for government budgets by management based on national sovereignty, however, in 1993, make recommendations to governments in the appearance of the System of National Accounts (SNA) by the Organization of the United Nations, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the World Bank, International Monetary Fund Commission of European Communities allows analysis perspectives broader coordination amen to have highly planetary-scale systematic represents the zero count whose benchmark is the year of 1993 when the U.S. economy touched the bottom of the crisis of recession and the beginning of the "recovery" so that became the key indicator for calculating further development in almost every country in the world .

The systematization of information in the SCN provides the vision for the future at least in public administration that has led to visions for the next 19 years of dynamic socio-political thing that ultimately impact on the discourse of political economy usually manifested the presidents and prime ministers that summarizes the concept of the state of things in a certain way continuous development. Thus it appears that quantitative planning, How and Where to an especially positive, but in the virtual reason why it is called Vision. Futures. However, the political rationale is little considered in the future vision for the immateriality of these, but in planning the idea of \u200b\u200bglobal man if involved the momentum for change in the axioms of thought and hence of social discourse that's the key where it aired the "values" that are more ad hoc transformation of the concept equality Diversity, fraternity and sustainability, for Freedom plurality, investments that potentially change the semantic meaning of the principles of liberty, fraternity and equality, which do not allow the fullness of Global Village, is based on the semantic shift that the symbols will be understood in terms of these "planning" Vision of post globalized world. "Social classes disappear? Obviously this is not the more acute as the means of production or economic infrastructure has been moved to the intellectual capital as part of the infrastructure which is nowhere near the access of any "global man" by widening the gap between media owners and the dispossessed. It is impossible to think that equality magnificent reach levels in the framework of sustainability under these social distinctions.

The Universal Forum of Cultures was born in Spain, with the continuity in America and later in Asia (Vietnam), Africa, Australia, is the historical function to globalize the concepts of solidarity, brotherhood in the way of maintaining a and stable world order that predatory class can be eliminated from the face of the earth by promoting other cosmic anthropological education. As desirable ideal.

Moreover sustainability the world in the immediate future requires the emergence of sustainable markets models as this usually left out of discussion regarding the idea of \u200b\u200bsustainability of cultures.

The role of the Forums Universal is definitely boost the new political order to bury all the institutions created in the Second World War, emerged as institutions that facilitate the continued global market worldwide. This is the dimension of the substance Forum.


Monterrey Nuevo Leon, July 23, 2007.


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