Saturday, September 8, 2007

Portland Cruisy Spots


Body , Body, Body ... .. the perfect interpretation of the figures "ideal" body built on a study of the plastic potential of the body to achieve maximum aesthetic expression meaning perfection issued by the body positions effect systematic movement in turn translates messages language of the existential character this way given the general idea for those who observe the implementation of human drama drawn by body movement, also governed by the ideality recorded in the script regulatory instructions and plastic movement restrictions, finally in the theater as part of the written speech indicator of evolution from beginning to end of body expression. poetic in the sense that the harmony of the building signals the body rhetoric, prosody that metaphors mental states more "high" and the pure movements reflected in mind plastics product of mental concentration, etiology of harmony in the limbs and vitality.

Muscles, weight, height, breathing and mental concentration are the components of the phenomenon of harmony portrayed in the archetype of a singular, unusual in everyday life, only practiced extraordinary position to build the figure in canvas of the body, support yourself where is recorded the direction of movement semiotically way that portrays the semantics of pure spirit which is embodied in autonomous development of the individual positions of the states were homonymous spiritual principle of life, peak and ecstasy of the meaning of life. Aristos human aristocracy as meaning "the best of the best."

Meaning and significant entities in which to display the body language, grammar, described by the experimentation of kinesthetic intelligence Corporal whose words are not as active noise figures but nice evocative images of tenderness and fullness of life, True art carved and our structure of existence: the body.

The definition of sport is intensely contradictory in their symptoms, says its presence as if it had multiple systemic structure vital Syndrome. Additional contradiction since all central terms that give identity to the world pass Eucrático such as health, competence, respect, integrity, generosity, initiative, education, sacrifice. record, technical, hobby, freedom, courage, game, beauty, collection of words that describes and categorizes the human fact that sport is called Sport in the twentieth century English, word in the English language was used in the XV century and go resurgence in the twentieth century, a term used in the eschatological sense it meant the exit to the "free" space ie outside the city walls which were a social hell, go out into the field meant an unconscious memory of old when the bodies were in contact with the rustic nature of life and also allowing the individual to do extraordinary things Amen hazards that meant being in the open by the presence of wild men that abounded in the districts surrounding the city, to the extent that civilization reached the checkpoint in the field and improved political relations between the kingdoms fences and gates collapsed. The word lost consciousness Deportation language disappeared from the scene, deportation is the externalization of the community, the expulsion of any territory or city as the case of Dante Alighieri who was deported outside the walls of Florence., on the other hand imports meant the integration of someone or something into the community. Bearing is to own something very similar is the sound of Sport Port, port, when moving the carrying out of the person in the "other" is the reportación, to transfer a person outside the group "others" is deportation. In English and English Port refers to the entry / exit door of exports and imports. Deportation components of community. Game

words can approach the meaning of sport as it sports a "something" that is within us. Such reflection of sport to build in context that what we know today as a sport in the fifteenth century was still in the consciousness forms of feudal aristocratic tournaments, knights errant, fighting to espadazo called fencing and especially Community exercise processions were led to sacred sites, collective eschatology mobilizers of many people who share the travel fatigue and win the satisfaction of having fulfilled the mandates of God, this life form did not identify the word sport and physical action practiced at least officially, but as a way out of the gates of the city to the country, perhaps for the processions out into the countryside to reach the holy people, such reflection is there for those who wish to penetrate in this investigation. In the second half of the eighth century of the second millennium, the cult of the body emerged as never before in the history of religious action for gymnastics, later becoming physical education is where Sport and Sport is born, its use is now made retrospectively to classify the activities human physical extroversion, the past is seen from this standpoint of religion to the body it is called sport.

definition undefined holding Santiago Coca "sport is a plural reality, let's stay with this statement ambiguous enough aliquot as not to close any road later that refuses to be understood as a mere question of terminology. Define the sport when we have understood as indefinable category given its "polysemic" "If you interpret life and set up a model of human being is, then we have succeeded in defining, in the epilogue, the man sporting and cultural man" As on the other hand, the sports physical gesture, by definition never ends, its appearance continually renewed force us to wonder about its components, its causes, its remedies, its failures, its because living associated with the evolution of a world that also can not sit still. Sports man moves around and in the presence of things and of others. And this gesture is only the pregnancy and the mobilization of resources that drive all the enormous wave that emanates from his integrity and to afford to be lived in fullness "

Denial of stillness is the mobilization that can be considered as body work that however it needs to be anchored to the laws of nature to extract a living, known as action that "work" routine, repetitive and boring enslaved most cases. Moreover we have physical work where the presence of physical stress ecstasy subject to conventions and procedures, that burst of energy that undergoes catharsis the energy order transferring their personal and collective state energy harmonies that are expressed in the conduct of stillness. permanent stillness can be harmful for thought, so the body's vital impulses pass between stillness and concern a kind of implosive and explosive system, contraction - extension. But nevertheless each is unique sports action to the extent that life is unique, each regulatory action becomes singular work of art, as the case painting is unique in another way would only cloning but not the same building, the explosion of exports action is poured on site for full freedom of the person, feeling the existence of his body wrapped in the mystique of the action itself extraordinary, in full consideration of the movements and regulations that direct exercise mode. Closely associated with youth. Each person has their own sporting history and its own perceptual experience being the inner dimension of the action exports.



British intelligence comes from Victorian era in which individualism reached its consolidation, as the cult of the body is its distinguishing feature, was born physical education is the systematization of body movements designed to contribute to education centrally rational mind. Mental education center systems of "civilization" of the little old man, the "physical" though still considered secondary to the importance of the mind, also reached its peak but the body is still considered at that time as separate from the mind and with it the gym was more focused on the domestication of the body and away from corruption towards which naturally created rules of collective participation and mediating objects were introduced in the physical relationship as in the case of the balls. Eventually recovered the ancient Olympics as an example catalyst for this emerging body culture, celebrating the ancient Greeks, incorporating part of physical education they received the ancient Roman gladiators in order to recover the world of the past, but creating new and conventional forms gymnastics individual all sport. The Victorian era opens this new era of humanity, laying the foundation in systems education of the body as related to mental capacity, then were the findings that the discipline of the body leads to improved reading performance and overall mental efficiency and gradually begins to relate the body mind where it appears as depending on the body unlike the classical rationalist view of the body movements depended on movement of reason. The United States came to the conclusion that thought is just a tool of the body as eating and sleeping, articulating the mental functions of harmony with the state body, the mind becomes dependent on the body's attention turns to that effect education is the shift final count the soul is moved by the body worship body takes on new dimensions in the twentieth century that the sport began to massively large organizations, there is economic justification and already suggested by Adam Smith.

Sport reaches the level of art but nevertheless continues to occupy the ideological space for leisure and school activities and complementary completely separate human life in the field of science that is covered by reasonably complex in relation art remains the separation of the latter with respect to art, for the above is artistic expression in the body as a work of art where canvas is the body and mind without being separated plasma in external media to the meat of the body as are all the components of the art world, where the body is excluded except to the dance and drama which are only representation the figure written for theater or musical themes also derived from written discourse such as the Nutcracker, body art is only used as a representation but not as unique and spontaneous expression of individual body.

Sport PTO as such because of the emergence of the theories and philosophy that gives primacy to the body of ethereal entities fundamental religious systems at least in the West as it is the Spirit and Soul. But still undefined but their organization achieves superlative degrees in Amateur and professional fields such as the International Olympic Committee IOC, the International Federation FIFA Soccer, among other global dimensions governing Awareness billions of humans in crowded societies pushing both the recognition of sport as a true creation of aesthetic production as the show has such meaning as it has social approval and moving enormous sums of money as the show can not be outside dimension Art. We are thus confronted with the paradigm investment body, eliminating the old concept of corruption and vice structure to reach its cinestecia consider as the true work of art made by man and man, arrived in this way to the final resistance opposes the age of modernity which is the body as a reservoir of the devil

probably in the coming years will witness the use of the word sport not in the sense of leisure and entertainment but finding the meaning of art in this context its definition, perhaps already be placed in the world of religious rites because the urge to revise the concept it fills the center body ruining thinking once and for all those human concepts that has been dragging for over two millennia. Possibly the way the sport is perhaps revolutionary claiming full freedom of humanity.

body asymmetry is an aspect of the physical difference between men greatly impacts the performance in the right to compete in the game that some bodies do not show much difference in the asymmetry causing the submission of the athletic team "winner" and certainly in the background the athletic team "loser" but, what is winning? If there are bodies to design a "defective" in most people that the asymmetry is very large so yields are low in contrast with the dimensions of the bodies that hold many similarities between the right and left. But this does not prevent the body shop to your self as an act of art despite the "flaws" that keep the person to be the center of public relations among social groups do not belong to the elite Champions League. The art exported is independent of the idea of \u200b\u200b"perfectibility" aristocratic bodies profitable business for good spectator sport.


Monterrey Nuevo Leon, August 17, 2007.


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