Having finished
that of the earrings and the scavenger murderer, go with who forgot to study for the final exam. Ricardo suggested pass the answers to your friends (but he was with them all the time do not assume that he did not study? Because talk of passing them, not that cheating the four of us) that even a reprehensible act, is very justifiable emergency. Memin is the first to protest at the suggestion, so that makes us believe he has a conscience, but actually it does not want that after Ricardo rub them on the side that went through him. Ernestillo Carlangas and decline the offer, preferring to risk, no matter to repeat the year. That makes Memín be give by pessimistic, thinking that you'll miss Eufrosina the house if you fail, and now if you want them to pass the answers, but now the three refuse. Returns home, complaining and kicking a can that gives a man. He runs around so angry and invokes Memín "Santa Petra's callous." By coincidence, the man collides with an acquaintance who just called Petra, which Memín interpreted as a sign of holiness and the aforementioned promises to bring flowers to his church (but it seems like it in a fictional figure in two senses I do not think so).

should be noted some serious inconsistencies here. First, given the nature of the situation in which they were and the fact that Romero is the master of the most comprehensive, makes no sense to worry about not having studied both as easily have the Arcaraz to confirm what happened the day before, and that was for a good cause. So I would have no trouble putting them on another day, even out the dirt final exam. And another thing ... is assumed to be in sixth grade! And to my knowledge, in government schools, no more years after the sixth, so that once finished, it's goodbye to the primary. But the commitment of the arguments ever let on that course and to Doña Yolanda is such that not get excited, because after the holidays, back to sixth. It would be an improvement that will change the a secondary landscape change with new characters and everything, but no ...
At school, Memin is declined for failing to study anything and their friends ingratiate him. It's time for review and Memín begins to do so, seeing that there are things known and others not. Go worried Ernestillo (not supposed to be flip during an exam) and he says he does not know the answer to a question that Memin if and passes. Never give us a clue that there was much in this review, it's just math. Memin ending time and asks for two hours to Romero, but was not done (it seems to me that the same numbers and wanted in a very classical, as The new argument that belatedly began to review the early Memín we believe that readers are so poor memory or novice as he or she). At the exit, Ernestillo express regret cheating Memín presumed to have helped him, confident that everything will go well for having entrusted the horny Santa Petra. After recess, given the results (as there is a final very important for us to say whether the same day and given the ratings). Memin and Ernestillo are retained and .... That is all. Romero does not give any of his typical speeches that Memin will take over next year win or disappointed or surprised by the failure of Ernestillo for being the most applied and all that. Nothing. Seriously that is not ejemplazo Doña Yolanda educator who had (no matter how much you check the new argument of the past, just do not know well to characterize these characters, just make it more Memín sangrona but normal). Ricardo
Carlangas and if passed and regret for his friends. Ernestillo blames him Memin, but he justified he did not know that would give different tests to prevent precisely copied. Without more, everyone is going home. Memin fears for the punishment that you put Eufrosina and imagine and give the board (with which it has given a number of issues), concerned about that rather than disappoint, so when it contends that the test was stopped by heat. She swallowed and already walks offering cake made to celebrate Memín passing year and can not eat because her bad conscience. A Ernestillo not doing very well, his father is so disappointed I will not let you help in carpentry, sending him home and then punish him (it is assumed that he already knew that did not study enough to have been helping Memín ! And now we're so ... Why the hell needs the bold Ernestillo weighed him a puff on a math test? For more recently to study, is clearly not a reliable source for their ignorance).
Again Memin prays to Santa Petra horny, waiting for a sign to find a solution to their predicament. The "answer" comes in the form of lightning that knocks down a tree near the root. Memin believe this is the signal and putting out a hat and black jacket. It goes with Ernestillo, throwing stones at his window to get his attention, but just hitting him in the head with a. Ernestillo wants nothing to do and still Memín reminding the "help" given to him. Memin says he needs your assistance to Eufrosina not know that failed and Ernestillo accept, out later, dressed in black from head to toe and with equipment for digging. So ... Does the idea of \u200b\u200bMemin (which does not say, but it is understood or Ernestillo understand that now is not very clever as it used to be) is to bury the exam? Would not it be easier to burn? Anyway, the black drag his friend to the hole in the ground to open the lightning, believing it means something coming from Santa Petra. A police badge and feel you have seen before with Memin, but he hides and without thinking that it is very rare that two children dressed in black walk in the street so late, retreats. Memin does not clarify when police met such, implying he did spend a calamity by accident (and I'm sure if it is some insignificant incident that easily forgot a previous block or something that would explain later and that the argument is forgotten). Anyway, Memin down the hole and proceeded to dig to bury the exam. But just nailed the shovel, when you hear a strange sound. Memin is closer, ignoring the warnings of Ernestillo, and then mounted in a stream of dark liquid. Falls on the floor and then tells his friend that their concerns are over, closer to detect the smell of oil, which naturally makes them millionaires (although it is assumed that the possession of oil depends on whether they are owners property was discovered, and as they walk in a street with no is yours, well ... that stupid).

In the dream, Memin fell into one of their oil fields, as it has become a tycoon, with his three friends working for him. After that it falls on the twentieth, it becomes screaming and jumping with excitement. Later, in the office, asking them to bring Euphrosyne, and as in the other line Carlangas tries to tell you there's a catch, the black required to comply with his order (perhaps she meant that she had died or was sick but like it or leave end ...). It seems that Carlangas not intend to comply, and Euphrosyne nor in this sequence plays out. Rather, it meets Ernestillo and Ricardo, revealing that all three are tired of the attitude of his boss have conspired to remove him from the scene and keep it all. Memin looks like everything is "millionaire" giving bad tips, wiping sweat from his brow with a ticket typical. Ricardo was trying to do that fell by a sieve, but who knows because he had to be below and covered it without thinking Memin, crushed fingers. Then you have to drop a bucket of paint on the head when he was a miserable alms to a beggar, but the calculation fails again, and it is the poor guy who suffers from a naive and childish trap. Back in the office, Memin will save a bag of money withdrawn from the safe side. His friends had planned to put a booby trap inside, but Richard the wrong program and I get to be them who would explode in the face. To be a dream of Memin, all this sounds like a very bad parody cartoon, as if the plot was inspired by classic animation.
The next plan takes place during a rodeo. Ricardo is in charge (why he does it?), And while it is out, tells Memín Carlangas Ernestillo and, together with the white man, are his best friends and plan to share his fortune with all three. They realize they screwed up, too late, as Ricardo refers to Memin and mounted on a toro bravo.

The police warned that they should cover the pipe in less than two hours to bring prisoners back (did not realize that if he leaves, they can take flight and more after that threat?). Ernestillo is angry about the problems that Memin puts it, but they must keep their word. Nobody knows how to repair the pipeline, but the bold do you think of as he did to fix the toilet of his house (although seen in flashback after pouring water over it so that dragging Eufrosina), and is a hit gum. It seems to me a solution very irresponsible, but raises awareness Ernestillo and not hit anything and gum. Having completed all that wasted time, the two go to sleep at their homes, with Memin even concerned about the reprobate.
The next morning, wake up to find water all over the house. Eufrosina indicates that flood suspended classes, and places to help get the water. That happens in the neighborhood, and after approaching a couple of gossip, they say someone broke the sewer pipe and reacts Memin, showing very suspicious, but fled without giving convincing explanations to the ladies. To continue to draw water, check on Ernestillo accident, he comes to claim. The neighbors overheard and spread the word, so that soon the two are pursued by an angry mob.

Back at home, Memin Eufrosina continues to help get the water and see the review marked as failed (do not assume she can not read?).
Things are back to normal, and the next time you take the test, now you go Ernestillo and Memin (of course the black out 6). Friends say goodbye ready to enjoy your vacation. Memin Conchudo when Richard gets ride offers to give advantage to the driver came to pick it up.
Arcaraz At home, Roger and Mercedes commenting on a story we want to give Ricardo, but we'll see for the next.
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