After that Memin birthday for the first time in his life, his uncle get a course that leads him and others on a trip to Veracruz to demand a herancia that his father left him, among a series of droll situations.
Patricia Romero and entrust them with Richard, and Ernestillo Carlangas what Memin plan and should not know. After that, Romero hopes that Richard and he back to being friends, although in no time were disgusted by the mess of that offered to or mentioned again. And only the couple, Patricia overly concerned that they do not leave your plan, as if they were hiding the fact that the Negro has a terminal illness or something. Romero says his wife not to worry and that everything will be fine (see what I mean?).
The next day, Memin is drawn from his dream of ugliness Euphrosyne, who urges him to scoot to school. The black distinguishes that particular day is marked on the calendar, but rather to explain, Eufrosina check it out the door, but then gets to mourn. Anda Memín discouraged in school, intrigued by what she hides and what it means then, and when he sees his friends, they eventually prove they know more than they should, but as they swore to keep silent, awkwardly trying to hide. Persistent as always, Memin want their soup, but Romero comes and the class starts. At recess, they rush out to Memín not have the opportunity to insist, and attempts to ingratiate himself with Romero, but he takes out tambiín back.

Memín he spends playing pranks on the rest of the class, trying to draw the attention of his friends, than to wander the secret, endure without scolding. At the start, they run, hiding in a trash can when you try to follow the black. Finding none, Memin is saddened and assumes that everyone rejects it, so it remains only to live on the streets. Find a place under a bridge and tries to get into a garbage can to sleep, but leaves when he finds a rat (now do not like as much as the last time he thought he had been exiled). Try to make blanket with a newspaper, finding a vaguely authentic, who initially takes it as a hallucination caused by alcohol for some pictures later clarified that no decision ("lying or stupid arguments and did not know what they say on the box above?). As usual, the vague solidarity with Memin, and proceeds to tell without many details that basically that trouble just as well for families, should not do that path. Assumed that his family might be worried about him and to imagine suffering Memín Eufrosina well. And she walks just suffering at the time, but only because they can not celebrate his birthday, since it is so poor that they can afford, and has been from the beginning. Is that all? It's the stupidest excuse I've heard not to celebrate a birthday, and more when they have so many friends with whom they can count. If I had gone with something like, Memin's birthday is the day his father died, because that if the step, but not this. Seriously, this argument does not convince anyone. Memin

tells the bum now remembers that day is her birthday and no one has agreed, and he cries, opinion that his story is sadder than yours (everything he says is well unhooked this vague, do not know if it can not be serious or there is indeed an oversight of meaning and consistency very serious dialogue.) It offers a humble pastry he bought, putting candle and all, to celebrate its birthday and make a wish. Memin want to have a father and after eating, thanks him and goes home. However, little is coming, when once again reject forebodings haunt him and decides to climb to the roof to kill himself (seriously, this is very inconsistent! It is as if the characters write and say what they are writing a lot of arguments in turn they have no common agreement). Lands on the back of Romero, who is very confused to grasp the barbarity that attempted to commit. Finally, he said at last know what they have been hiding, and puts a blindfold on, inviting them to go home, where, predictably for everyone except the idiot Memin, her friends have a party hot stuff surprise. Eufrosina thanked them Romero and his wife for everything, and they reply that everything was in gratitude for saving your relationship (or is that, without it? Y Memin did nothing! Unless that allude to the past when it was for his statement that joined, but not who you remember that). Felicia Memín receives all and you get to blow out the candles to ask for another wish. Before he can, knocking on the door and looking at Romero announces bold. Runs away, finding a man who calls him "Son!"
Or so we are to believe the end of # 392. No, actually, after thinking a lot about the subject, clarifies that said "Jijo!" The presence of unknown confounds everyone, especially Euphrosyne, and attitude to get in and serve cake very breezed not help anything. After pondering pages unnecessarily, Memin's friends understand that may not be your father, since he is really dead.

The man claims to be the brother of his father, and said he thought Memín would come out with something like that was his uncle. After reproaching his tremendous ignorance (that the black trying to blame the poor teachings of his teacher, remembering the last time that Romero was out there). The "uncle" reveals that the reason for their presence is to give a role to Memín who left his father, but gets tired of Eufrosina confiancitas and stuns it a slap. Discreetly, the guests are removed to allow the Penguins meet the family affair. The "guy" insists on delivering what it says it is the testament of his father, but Eufrosina knows very well that he was very poor, so that you can not let him something. The rush to beat it and it will warn you again Veracruz leave for the next day, so think about it. And just the two, Eufrosina admits that looked a lot like his father and then they see the paper where it says they left a fortune, just does not care and do little bits, considering that neither told where to go to collect blessed inheritance. Memin is sad, wanting to be a millionaire, and falls asleep thinking about it.

takes place a dream in which he speaks with his father, asking how to get this poor legacy to leave, and to compensate for their "neglect." Certainly the father of Memin design is unlike anything we got to paint Don Sixto. The dream ends abruptly before he can tell when Memin feel the presence of an intruder in the house, which deducts a sartenazo Eufrosina head. Al percatarsde that is the "guy", trying to revive him, but he has been very confused, and do not remember the legacy for which they ask.
The next day, Memin shares with his friends the pain of having lost that opportunity because the "guy" was weighed (and does not mind being in that state and family will have to take care of it? We have destroyed and ruined life at a time). In class, Romero was going to apply a test Geofrafia and understand that Memin is then that the "guy" was going to Veracruz, and not to "see Cross" as he supposed, concluding that there can claim the inheritance. Try to be important for its brilliant deduction to their friends, but they noogies because anyone else would have noticed right away. Memín asks Richard to speak with his father to afford the trip up there because it is nowhere, and although hesitant, in the end convincing. And I do not see how you did, but enough to say it was a "noble cause" (as they have economic problems if they're actually there that do not want to disturb the Arcaraz just for being wealthy that imbeciles!). The day of the game, and you all go in the season. The "guy" is ill, and as they come So just reached to pay five seats, one can not go. Memin choose to wrap the "uncle" to newspaper and send it as luggage. Travel to Veracruz

goes smoothly, apart from the cries of "Uncle" packaged with each stop abruptly. Euphrosyne was excited to return to his homeland ("when told she was from Veracruz?) And released crying. Having reached their destination, give your package, that open to reveal the stunning "tio" scolds Eufrosina Memín silly for his action. After that, travel by taxi, but as you know where to go, the driver gets angry and starts to read the newspaper until finally the "uncle" reacts, guiding the boardwalk. Driving like crazy, takes them up there, and the "guy" says the lighthouse, indicating that is the point where they would receive the inheritance. I think at this point it is obvious that the Lord is not right in the head, but Memin's friends are so dumb they assume that there could have hidden the money. Think about how to reach the black and suggests they go swimming, but they only show their stupidity, blurted out that he did not know how to swim (continuity error, we've seen Memín swim several times, but it is obvious that the argument). The "guy" get a boat to that address, and four up, while resting Euphrosyne remains with umbrella and sunglasses who knows where removed. When starting the boat engine, Memín makes the "uncle" to fall, but they do not stop coming back for him and continue toward the lighthouse, taking leave of Euphrosyne (who saw nothing or very stupid to let go of four children in a boat without adult supervision.)
Now, a very sequential stream of nonsense perpetrated by Memin. To begin with, insists that he stop driving, and causes the thing off and are stranded at sea, being very withdrawn and for someone to come to his aid, at the mercy of the sun, the subsequent thirst and sharks lurk. After a while whining about the lack of water and their friends from drinking sea water, Memin is a bottle with purified water, believe they have found salvation. The waters immediately, and literally empty their contents into the sea, to use the bottle to send a help message (this method never works, help may be years in coming and no use unless it gives the coordinates).

Your friends will inflict upon him, crept a little scene typical puff of dust as it sounds for being so retarded. It does not end there. Memin shows have paper and pen to send the message that who knows where he got, but the pen is slipping from his hands and falls overboard. Insists on going to pick it up, and your friends can not stop, mortifying because he can not swim and sharks come. To not know how to swim, Memin does get to the bottom of the pen, but you get a shark, which receives a blow from a shoe thrown by his friends (I think the arguments are not ignorant knows that throwing objects of that size does not imply a blow condunte to the water pressure at depth, not less than throw a massive force that could not run any of the boys). Others manage to ward off sharks and Memín rises to the surface, but the anchor is hit on his head (when they were away to a shark). Ernestillo proceeds to write the message, but the pen no longer works for the wet.

Now consider using an oar, and seeing Memin, grabs, using it as such, until they get back to the pier, where the naive Eufrosina waiting. Shake and squeeze to Memín to get the drink seawater when used as rowing, and decide not to tell any of his dangerous (and useless) crossing to Euphrosyne. The "uncle" has been frozen in place, pointing to the lighthouse. Then come members of a psychiatric hospital to take him, revealing that he was an intern who walks always escaping and dragging people with his story of "heritage." According to this, had never gone that far ("the City to Veracruz? A fugitive mental patient? Huy, that's unusual, and very unreal as everything that happened in this plot absurd if you ask me), and they roamed out there because they know he likes to spend hours watching the lighthouse. Eufrosina

regrets not having known, but his memory is really bad even to remember her husband's family. Despite everything, they see the good side that could afford to travel there and know that land. So I decided to sightsee and have a good time until it touches back to the city. After saying goodbye to his friends, Memin says he just nice to have its greatest and most families do not need (but which had not been all about money? InterAsa see the little guy did not care to know more about her father.)
Eufrosina goes to his room and after that things will fall on the old wardrobe, decided to give her cleaned the next day, or rather, in the next sequence.
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