Memin and his friends try to find treasure and instead encounter a ghost that takes a fantastic voyage into the past, returning to this for another mission under ( and anything can happen in this rag) After recovering from indigestion, Memin is lifted from the bed to the floor under the bed and find some pants that I had time without wear. They find the paper with drawings previously found in pig's mouth when he was wanted in the drain, realizing that is the map of some treasure. Excited, decides to go for it once, but swallowed Eufrosina cuentode not going to school at that hour, and sends him to bed. Memin was sleeping and his imagination takes him out of his way to a very silly dream which looks like a pirate ship captain, with his friends as his crew, who are forced to conform because it is his dream. The paddle to an island makes giving orders with megaphone and all, and they soon set foot on land, finding just the "X" marking where they should dig. Memin weakens on a hammock while they dig, but all they find is a box where there is only human bones. Angered by the exploitation

in vain, your friends will riot and go through the grill, falling into the water while Eufrosina wakes with a bucketfuls. Memin reacts quickly, remembering what they had to do and not waste time having breakfast. Along the way, he realizes he can not read a map and head-Carlangas encountered. Foolishly, I assumed the map uppity found not impress at all, but still takes him by the hand to help you. Carlangas reviewed the map presented as Ricardo and Ernestillo, and quickly learn what is happening. Ernestillo clear that this is not a treasure map Memin pirate as he thinks, but one of a colonial area, pointing to the possibility of an ancient treasure of the time. Bold face the wrath of jealous, they all point to grab it and share it, but having no money to pay the fare on the bus, you have to sneak out the back. So they reach their destination, although it escapes Memín thank the driver for the trip, which then runs around cops walk.

After the run around and listen to some nonsense from the mouth of Memin, are introduced to the neighborhood where they were supposed to find this treasure, coming from an old and dilapidated home, but find no "X" (that is the step in the dream of a Memín ignorant, but they should already know that "X" does not physically exist and is merely pointing). Using tantrum, Memin tramples the old floorboards, and the four fall by them. Tramples down again and still another floor and threatening to do it again, throw it up as a classic cartoon (with sound effects and a puff of smoke) and leave it tied up and gagged. Begin to explore and Ricardo falls through a secret passage, distressing the other for a moment, but soon to return for advice. And find a rotting wooden door open using the head as a battering ram Memin. They are in an elegant room adorned with portraits on the wall of a long name Viscount (sorry, I will not transcribe, but Memín takes to make jokes about how long it would take to be submitted). In the portrait, it seems that the viscount's hand pointing down where they have to dig to find the treasure and go already excited, thinking about what they would do with wealth. Carlangas think Isabel walking around the world to stop working (these desasjustes of continuity, since when the lady does not work!) Ernestillo buying a new woodworking (do not just renew it again?), And Memin in buying a fancy house and electric washing machine for his mother. Of Ricardo is not that ambitious, but it is normal because nothing is missing, which explains why it does not really excite then with the discovery of a valuable treasure, but in the end. What comes is a chest of gold doubloons, that Memin took for chocolate coins, but jumping for joy as he explained his estimable value. The sound of strings that collide get tipped off and turn to meet the ghost of Viscount happy. After screaming in terror, the ghost replies with his own cry spectral Memin and she gets her bad breath, complaining openly.

they run in terror, and Memin is entangled with a curtain. The ghost attacked the bold, and it gets to use the curtain to circumvent, emulating a matador and his friends still cheering, as if this is really a stupid cartoon where you can not take anything seriously. Memin presumed sangrona and distracted, receiving a cap that leaves ghost dizzy. The ghost traps Carlangas the legs, and as they try to help you get away, just being dragged with him. A Memín given by grab some coins and a light portal opens, and then casts the four ghost. Memin

sangronatica tension worsens singing a little song to say goodbye to the world, and then the four are floating in a nebulous void, believing they have died and that is the afterlife.
Suddenly, four hard fall on the floor in the middle of a street. Memin is moved as if from a Carlangas attraction and return it to the reality of a blow to the head. Ernestillo notes that are still alive, but are in another era, judging by the architecture, the coaches and the way people dress. Are introduced into a carriage where there are a letter confirming that they are in 1633, and shortly after, leaving them again viscount, although apparently less ghostly. This cuts to the chase, saying he needs you to do a favor, but they get their buns for bringing them there, especially Memin. Deciding who would listen just to tell them how to go back to their time and starts telling Viscount unimportant history. Although it is short (and of course, lost no opportunity Memín interrupt with mocking comments), not worth summarize, suffice to say that the viscount was charged with the theft of some coins, and sentenced to death. He made the map to someone could find the chest containing coins and so rest in peace (but the part that is a ghost that can travel through time and space do not never explained). So we are supposed to be the day that the theft was carried out for an indictment and they should restore the lost coins, saying Memin and has taken. His friends nagging, blaming him if any got into the mess, and it took precisely forty que se precisan para resolver el asunto (¿como tuvo tiempo de agarrar tantas cuando los jalaban para llevárselos?). El vizconde los guía al lugar al que deben ir solos, y de algún modo ahí dentro se hacen con ropas típicas para pasar desapercibidos. Unos guardias aparecen y fingen ser estatuas, recibiendo malas críticas en cuanto a la decoración del palacio. Después, encuentran el cofre y ya están por cumplir su misión cuando son descubiertos, y de inmediato los llevan ante el juez, quien no tarda en juzgarlos culpables, condenándolos a morir en la hoguera y hasta llamándolos herejes, termino que Memín no entiende (ni tampoco el argumentista, los ladrones no encajan con la descripción de lo que is a heretic.)

And so, tied to posts, lament their fate, especially Memín to blame everything on the pig that gave him the Indian boy to if any got into this mess to bring the map on the snout. The executioner lit the flame and then comes the viscount, throwing the hood, so you throw the coins. Memin wanting still gets play saint who asks politely, and then scold him, Ricardo, to go strapped to his side, he manages to put his hands in his pocket and put them in the chest (do you really have time to pick up and throw many coins in that precarious situation without dropping them?). Instantly, they are sent back to the present, in the old games, and hear a heart-rending cry that seems to indicate that they will leave the police car (and on the cover of this number used precisely the image of that famous spectrum, a complete lie and that belies the content, but so are most of the covers of the new season). Fearful
decide to go to see who is crying, and he pulls Memin, as always. Step on a rotten plank rebuke him, but hearing as someone tries to open the door, run and fall on the bold. Slowly lower figure, which is revealed as a fragile old lady, which Memin is taking for an appearance and says some nonsense, but give it a bump on the head by his lack of respect. The elderly or whole, assuming fell through the hole in the ceiling, and invites them to follow. Now, Memin thinks is a witch and wants to eat, but force him to accompany them. The black is startled to see the old black cat, is sufficient proof that a witch, he said. She continues, regardless of their comments and begins to tell the stories of treasure there. Memin is to contradict, but Ricardo nudges him to shut up. Change the subject to hear the screams and the woman admitted that, in fact, she uttered, but can not prevent the tear off. She got to see the ghost of the viscount, his ancestors, but to tell his son and daughter, they took it by mad and left, denying contact with the granddaughter. Memin whining and overly empathic, but shut to the threat of Carlangas fist.

They begin to explain they have seen the ghost and can give the testimony, but the old feel it's late, because soon come to legitimize the sale of the house and detain her in a psychiatric hospital (do not want to say in a nursing home? at least I've never heard of people like an old woman in an asylum). Memin suggests that there is a way to convince them that she is not senile, and join the five to secrete and make your plan (for what? If they are only at home).
Rodolfo, the son of the old, and his wife, grumbling, arrive at the appointment, and the woman receives them, inviting them to accompany her to the basement for the papers. In the fall, the women face one of the steps is rotten and that tends to call the husband "Rudolph" because it has more class ("What has this dialogue with the plot?). The woman is powdering her nose seat and a ghost dressed Memín out behind him, but is stunned when she arranged her purse and hit him without realizing it. His friends help him return for another attempt. The old woman takes the papers, but before signing, and requires his glasses back up, leaving them at the mercy of the next attack "spooky." Now

Friends have made more intimidating pyramid, leaving Ernestillo for check the ventriloquist, and posing as the ghost of the Viscount and scare the couple, demanding they leave to live in peace and let the old woman to see her granddaughter. They access, swallowing the poor performance, until a woman steps on a end of the savanna and accidentally removed, exposing the charade. Anyway, they insist that if there is a ghost, and behind it, see the Viscount, terrifying both to demonstrate that they tell the truth and make them run.

They thank him and he says he just returned the favor and they can finally rest in peace, and well, disappear, an effect that will Memín looks crappy as Mexican movie (not the chafeces pains of this magazine to other entertainment media). Who knows if the same day or another, but the fact is that on the next page the old woman announces to the guys who will take her to live with his family, and here again the two, with the beloved granddaughter. By the way, never say what it is called the old lady gave him no opportunity to present, but to leave in a single number and improvised story, I guess it's not necessary. Apologize to her for having taken up by crazy and then say goodbye and Memin and his friends, thanking them (and not commented on how real ghost). The black suggests to give them a monetary restart, but the car starts and grumbles that were not heard. Carlangas suggests they go for the coins from the chest, but it has disappeared. Have already taken the road back home, complaining about the stinginess of the ghost, when he discovers that Memin is a coin in his pocket. Ernestillo complains that it made them walk back, but the black excuse that I wanted to keep as a souvenir. Sighted a group of people gathered around a street performance and curiosity draws. Seeing that it is only a function of the machine as crappy music with a monkey up, move away, but the simpleton of Memin was so captivated by the monkey and leaves the gold. As if it were an ordinary day, the goodbye, to forget quickly their alocadísima adventure. Memin comes home tired, or dinner as you want, let alone comment on the incidents of the day (again a remarkable difference in the style of the original author would not let the opportunity to tell insisted that Memin all your ma cute so that it does not believe a word and give him tread it shoals by Chora).
In your dreams, go to the adventure of the day and up pops the monkey, as a bad omen for his next adventure (bad feeling).