Memín trying to get a birthday gift for Euphrosyne and goes with his friends to a show and ends up getting into trouble (a mixture of absurdity and improvisation).
After very forgettable and bland "adventure" above, Memin walking down the street with his friends and is looking at a window. Noting that women's clothes that look, walk them and believing that the black is rare trends, but soon makes it clear that he likes to put it on your ma cute. Although the only thing that is really saying is a wide-brimmed hat and a bag, not that lightning will serve you a humble washerwoman. Mentioned it for her birthday and now I scolded by inconsiderate. Memin complains about being too poor to buy something and Ricardo offers him a loan that the black misinterpreted that will pay him his hat, which is very expensive. Ricardo disappointed that offers so little Memín away, saddened. They try to encourage him and he is still waiting to give you more to buy the ugly hat, but in a box for another change of opinion. Follows a very sangrona scene in which she asks Richard to "fall", and dropping due. After "fall in the wool" and with money in hand, the güerejo is dropped on the floor again. Until Ernestillo Carlangas and angry with this nonsense that not the case. Memin explains that he wants the money to Ricardo invited to a show near and reproach him for thinking of fun when he's worried about not having a gift for Euphrosyne. Memin fakes crying making you feel sorry and he ingratiated himself with going to the fair and even ask an apology (fools ball! spend more on the show in a modest gifts). With his friends shoot out to the show the same little guy welcomes scoundrel for being a good actor. That bastard.
The four are trying to decide which game to get first and Memín suggests the carousel. A Ernestillo Carlangas and seems very childish and hope that Ricardo's support but he's already doing well montadito in horses (why such an idiot Ricardo behaves in this issue?).

Solo Ricardo and have fun at it, and get even suggesting other the next game, the house of terrors. Predictably, Memin is scared on the ride and as they leave, passes by so afraid, but if you make fun, just unaffected and suddenly something catches your eye. Currency skill games, as it seemed a good way to get a gift for Euphrosyne, ignoring his friends who are going with the idea that no one wins in these, but almost immediately see a young child earning a huge bear in a game throwing darts at the balloons. Memin test this, but is distracted by talking and dart tread it goes to the backside of the manager, so they have to flee. Memin want to try on another, and said the shooting with rifles, but his friends have the wisdom of stop, not wanting to think about what would be capable with a gun in his hands. We suggest a more secure, removing the little fish with rod and pulls a ridiculous Memín vase. As it is another attempt, he hopes to get something better, but what things do is knock him to the manager in the head and again have to run.

In his escape, just a row of the roller coaster and during the ride, the vase breaks loose from the hands of Memin and have to split up to search. Memin believed to have fallen into the maze of mirrors ("inside if they were outside? No way that has no roof) and goes, knocking several times. Leaving there, The vase is horrible and gets to see some suspicious men burying something you want to undo. They react angrily when he saw the vase in his hands, and gave chase, which will soon join his friends to help him. They make the trip, bringing them down, though one catches up but gives a boost Carlangas and achieve clueless. Memin interrogated on that and has gotten away with the mens do not know. His friends are exasperated and throw him over, again showing the effect of the puff of smoke (very exaggerated and why they have to hit the three if you just want to tell you he thinks happened to those guys?).

Memín slips between them, but Carlangas catches him by the legs, making him drop the vase, and successfully intercepted Ernestillo. Memin is quick to thank him when one of the rogue takes it and hands it to one of their peers and ... still a whole sequence of passing the ball, now go around taking children to play. Sozzled, I brincaré this part of the passes. The final case is that Carlangas make the mistake of passing it to Memin, hitting him in the head and one of the mafia to take advantage. They decide to go after them but back, wondering whether they should to realize how dangerous they can be. Memin believes that they are not by what he saw, but to become an interesting, do not mean, and Ricardo hanging. He apologizes for overplaying his hand and explained that Memin finally burying just saw someone in horror. Take long to make him understand that it means killing someone and wanted to get rid of the body. The three considered calling the police but makes Memín desist, as this could not recover the vase to be evidence. Van getting the idea to recover by themselves, but Richard has a fit of panic and gloom, from which it takes a slap Carlangas (that said, Richard is acting like a big idiot in this whole adventure). Ernestillo devises a plan.

Back at the show, they go around, searching for the thugs, and Memin, as always, taking walks, but conceals making the brave. His "cunning plan" is climbing a tree and make human descending stairs. Memin almost grabs the vase when viewed head with one of the criminals and this leads them to the four (is not agreed to check first if the thugs were not around? And they do them in the same place, knowing that these guys they might have been denounced to the police?). One suggests annihilate but another reminded that this is not his style, and still have heard of Memin said what they did, further complicating things. In this, Trypho intervenes, believing that they are playing. Memin asked to help and to see his dear friend dangerous Negro, the chubby rammed against criminals, bringing them down (how can do that if is smaller than them? His size should not give that level of force). Memin and the other advantage to take the vase and flee. Clear that once saved, Memin ensures the participation of Trypho was unnecessary and already go home.

Memín At home, you have to wrap the vase with newspaper, which is the only role he has and to turn it over, leaving several wads of cash. Memin jumps for joy but his friends warn him that the money certainly is stolen and not yours. One of the bad guys up there and managed to keep the window from the spy. Memin insists on holding the collection of that money and should Carlangas down a peg with a blow to the head. Discuss and argue, ending with the three trying to take the vase and supporting Trifon Memin and the five fall on the floor (and the broken vase or is it plastic or what?). Eufrosina arrives and demands an explanation. Memin avoids rushing to give your gift (and neither she remembered it was his birthday). The washerwoman said it was the best he has received, and who knows if it is ludicrous and mean it (with these stupid arguments and a little drawing expressions convincing ....) Memin tells you look inside, but the money is gone and is bewildered. His friends used to "remind" you should go out and play, so hurry to congratulate Eufrosina and retire. Outdoor Memín wonders what happened to the money and Trifon reveals that he has the vase. Memin is released as a beast on it, jumping up and brutally when his friends calm down, the fat has already hung the shoes.

No, just kidding, just repeat what it first appeared.
As Trypho reaction, to Memín would think using a pump and put it in your mouth. His friends question this method and soon heard the explosion. Of course, it was not Tryphon who broke out, but a gas tank near one of the neighbors activated by dropping a cigarette fences. A gossipy neighbor explains everything and goes with others to see the official, who was badly injured. Memin also wants mitotero walk, but his friends take there, just as Trypho up. And elsewhere. Trypho asked where the money and he insists on showing the vase was puzzled because as Memin's house. Remains one of the worst ever sangrona used in this crappy magazine. Memin help the narrator calls the magazine (name "Lord" making it clear that there is Doña Yolanda) to tell them exactly what happened, going back to the past.

The narrator barely does its job in the Journal of Memin, usually tells things filling and describes the most dramatic scenes, he had nothing to do here. The worst thing is seeing so absurdly interacting, clicking away as from going to the show, narrating with unnecessary detail how Trifon casually walked around (even bother when Ernestillo Carlangas and interrupt it), he found the vase Memín and later exchanged for the money he brought home when nobody was looking. So with that everything is clear and as the black, demanded that for the narrator because Trifon take long to explain. Memin insists on staying with the money of other pitcher, and his friends refuse, reminding him that is ill-gotten and that the vase is evidence to hand. The bad manners that was taking advantage of Trypho, who was still holding the money. A Memín you'd better, seeing a good opportunity to get rid of him, but to mention money, to join them, but actually go to the delegation to report everything.
Back in the "crime scene", the murders are burying a big lump. Assume that Trifon has been murdered and they will get rid of your body. The police apprehend the criminals, while Memin inconsolable crying for the death of Tryphon. But the package only had money, so now assume that they did and ate carnitas (why would they do that?). Memin apologizes to the soul of Trypho, and it appears behind him, startling him. All are happy to continue with life and one of the policemen drew one of the thugs who begs them to get the child, indicating that gave them a tremendous beating. Trifon
goodbye to them, and Ricardo. Ernestillo Carlangas tells Memin and you need to say something important to Ricardo should not know, but will do until the next day in the alley.
Memín back with Eufrosina to celebrate his birthday, and the narrator then goes wrong, showing that the black is walking wonder what he does not want you to know Ricardo Carlangas. Everything to sow doubt in the readers. Seriously, this trick of leaving intrigue for the last time is a resource that should not be abused so much ...
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