Memin and his friends attend a concert in Bellas Artes. Carlangas are amateurs with the oboe and presents the familiar case of the instructor, in the four just meddling. Great boredom.
Arozamena engineer informs Isabel on a concert in Fine Arts with a classical music program you are interested and available immediately to buy the tickets. Carlangas arrives and the first thing is to invite Elizabeth to go with them, and contrary to expectations, then calls will be logged and invite your friends. His father agrees and rushes to find them, finding the three too soon. Apparently there is a misunderstanding not mentioned that as the father of Carlangas will pay the ticket to all three, so all access, but of course, Memin keeps going as uneducated. The four are put to chatter about his knowledge of classical music happy for them, and Carlangas mentioned the program (someone did their homework research or perhaps the script writer is fond of this kind of music, the problem is that in a magazine, and above bland as this, it is look inappropriate knowledge of something we can not even hear). Ricardo to be thrilled with the music of his "namesake" Richard Wagner (no idea who he is, I'm sorry, I'm not "cult" like these brats), which takes Memín capture, but really beside the point.
tickets are purchased and the day comes that they must attend the concert with their best claws. Memin comes first, but you forget the shoes and have to go back. Carlangas encourages parents to leave once instead of waiting for Memin, as you have your ticket (and the habit of losing everything that is stored in the pockets). The Negro enters the house going straight for shoes and waking Euphrosyne, who just finds out.
The Palace of Fine Arts, the delay of Memin and is attributed to a dull excuse for missing the concert, it takes not to start. Sozzled, for a full-page torture us with the implementation of the first act. Attention is drawn to a guy playing the oboe and reluctantly Isabel Carlangas feeling the emotion of the sound of that particular instrument.
Memín he spends running around, falling in the Bellas Artes subway before hitting the Palace. The guard did not want to let him take it for a minor (as under eight can not go in there, but for me nor the age of Memin and his friends should it really hard to appreciate the music of that environment) and as the black becomes a fool, that hesitation is the first work 18 hours and must wait until the end. When a couple is left behind to pass, Memin is aware of the deception and is quick to give his ticket and go without giving him time to say anything to fool guards (that should have done from the beginning instead of going to argue).
end with the work of Wagner and again points to the oboe that seems tired of everything. They get to comment on the first run and noticed that Memin is still absent. The black pianist enters the dressing room that walks nervous and typical ignorant comments, manages to make you relax. Then goes behind the scenes, and ask to try the piano makers to place everything confused with a true artist (Are you kidding? Not be confused in this short with a professional musician!). Memin starts to play and the horrible result is heard by the audience, comparing the sound of dogs fighting. One of the typical morons who praise the bad music gets excited and applauds, spreading others, using the binoculars until they are given, Carlangas and others recognize his friend. Memin and will try to play the clarinet when between Ricardo Ernestillo and dragged him out of the stage. The idiot is clapping and the presenter's voice announces the start of the second part, a warning that abates (better call security right?).
That part of the concert impliqca the combination of the orchestra and the piano because it is too complicated or something. The oboist is distracted admiring the pianist and just wandered a note, so only some notice, including Carlangas until the director was horrified and angry (just a small error at all? bah). As are the musical performances, Memin, predictably, is just entering it bored and sleepy. Snore loudly, and the ignorant idiot takes it as a "new act of contemporary music." The indignant director is to suspend the concert, but Ricardo and Ernestillo come forward and take it out. After everything finished, harshly scolds oboist, whom we introduced the narrator Germain. Memin is still asleep and can not wake him. Carlangas are encouraged to approach the oboist and to their parents, asked to give private lessons to learn to play that instrument, ready to make any sacrifice to afford everything. Germain access and it then joins the others, without being aware of what I was enthralled with the music to notice the heat that made them spend the uneducated Memin.
The next day, go comment on what happened while drawing Carlangas oboe, informing them that you can not join them in a football game to buy this instrument. And in a few pictures, and we see him making the oboe. We see the final party, which is lost due to the absence of Carlangas (and even uniforms walked what was not a street game?) And its opponents will make fun. Knowing that Carlangas have its first class day Next, they plan to go see it out of curiosity (and I say softly, what conmumente is transcribed as "psst .... pssst" and see what they put here, badly done.)
And so begins the class, which brought in error Carlangas a score to play with clarinet, but according to Herman, can be transcribed easily. From the window, spying on his friends, and as he keeps the class, Germain does not try to hide his dislike of the oboe, confessing that his is the piano, but by family tradition, has had to devote to it. Memin does not prevent nosy walk and gets into the conversation, betraying the presence of others Germain touting to their questions.
Days pass and one in which Germain arrives late, apologizing for having distracted watching a piano concert on TV. The boys insist they should play what you like, but Germain does not want for fear of offending his father. However, not stop thinking about what they said. Back home, seeing his father, a man somewhat abrupt, accusing him away for daring to see that the piano and cower before you can tell (this is the worst sequence of dialogues intimidation I've seen). Germain is removed and the father is thoughtful as the oboe practice, noting that he so detests. Sale's younger brother Herman, Joseph, commenting on what upset that his father has been lately (even commented that his family is a native of Germany, which says in so dramatic that just makes this plot more incongruous.)
At another party in the alley, suddenly, Carlangas interrupted to suggest to your friends to do something for their teacher. Assume that Germain's house must have a piano ("just for being a family of musicians are going to have one? If you only play the oboe) and Ricardo Carlangas asks about scores of which are at home to give them and cheer for Engagement and closer to his true passion. A dull scene after house Arcaraz (Noting that only Mercedes plays the piano, sometimes and not very well) and I have some of the concert Rachimaninoff number two (just to screen them with cultural knowledge do you think that readers of this magazine will have the slightest idea or be interested only for this?). They go home and get his father, Don Farnes, who Memin can not fail to intrude on the first, irritated. Germain is advised that at a concert but not long in coming, asking them to wait but warning that it will not offer anything and not feel at home. Fearful of being robbed, insists on staying with them, causing an uncomfortable silence that breaks Memín to inquire why it is so unpleasant, making it angrier. Don Farnes walks and jump him, but he defends Carlangas Memin, and begin to criticize the "tension" prevailing feeling at home (just take a few minutes and feel you can criticize it). Reproach him that his son hates the oboe and it is clear that he. Joseph overhears and that Germain comes and listens well. The father breaks down and whines that it was all for his great-grandfather who so loved the oboe as to why the tradition started, but what he has always loved the violin. Germain and Joseph is joined (the little brother likes the cello), ending in a conciliatory hug they glean end that "Family curse" and form a trio dedicated to his own. Coincidentally (or improvised) about musicians discuss something in a major concert to be given within two weeks in Germany and as they are not going to touch on issues passports, are preparing to go and replace them. Germain Carlangas apologizes, because it means that testing with the new instrument can teach him and he accepts it, opting to form their own band with friends ("without completing their classes?) And make plans right there on that will touch everyone. This is so not the case, seriously, no matter what they say here, they will not do anything but waste time, believe me.
Then change the subject to make it seem even more absurd, with Memin asking why the names of the sons of Don Farnes, and as it is because Germain was born in Germany and Joseph in Mexico (yes, Yes, but who cares?).
The family will buy the instruments in order, remembering her mother, who also had to play the oboe (was married to his sister or what?) And acquire a harp in his honor, which is what he liked , although none of them can play.
comment on the Friends of Germany, an excuse to show again Memín geographical ignorance. Not the case.
Back with the family, the father evokes the image of his dead wife, he remembers he has an outstanding concert and is quick to prepare, taking time to talk to her (her portrait). Not the case again.
Now, Arozamena house, the father of Carlangas Isabel arrives to share the suffering of the tests your child's orchestra, which are quick to cancel, without spending a silly, impromptu entertainment. Isabel will pass a letter from Germain Carlangas, stating that the concert was excellent and his family has finally regained its stability.
After the test (the one we saw last but readers), Memin starts to say stupid things and his friends make fun of him, only to steer the conversation to propose throw another peel.
Along the way, Memin stops, looking dumbfounded a shop, pointing to the next sequence.
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