Memín should cover a debt working as a hairdresser's assistant. "Accidentally", thinks he has found a cure for baldness and without confirmation, decides to sell his "miracle product" with the help of his friends, getting into trouble.
To change things, Memin and his friends are playing baseball, and the game is so boring, that the bold and you walk sleeping, but even in that state, he manages to catch the ball. Ernestillo he argues that it was pure fluke, and Memín gets heavy and smug, as usual.

I put batting down a peg, and after failing the first releases, manages the third, but broke a window (this is already very cops, both to this magazine, as in anything else, and these should be clear by now that should not be playing baseball in vacant lots please, if you are in the City! "can not go to a pig, really?). The irresponsible run away, unless that is papando Memín flies, without understanding nothing, until you see Don Beto, barber, owner of the establishment where the ball landed. Memín asks for it back, but of course he gives it, warning that to pay for the glass, and if not, inform her mother. Gives a bold work for him for the rest of the summer. A Memin does not seem very fair treatment and says he is going to think. Do not spend a lot of pictures that you do so, fearing that Eufrosina find out and seeing the benefits that he, too, between the business and ended up cutting people's hair. Runs into the salon, startling Don Beto, who almost cut what the client should not be responsible. Seeing that the Negro accepts the deal, barring puts los cabellos en el piso, y él se queja ya que quería hacer lo mismo que él, haciéndole ver que se necesita mucha practica para ello. Memín importuna al siguiente cliente, esperando recibir una propina, ya que al parecer, no entiende que no se le paga de ese modo a los “chicharos” (termino que el mismo cliente ahí indica que así se les dice a los ayudantes de peluqueros). Para ser alguien a quien le acaban de romper un vidrio que da mala imagen a su local, Don Beto se la pasa molestando a Memín haciéndolo malas bromas a su costa, como el típico adulto relajado, y todavía lo deja a cargo de la peluquería mientras se va a recoger unas tijeras que mandó afilar. En verdad a este hombre no le preocupa much your business.

Memín sit back in his chair, when they get their friends. Carlangas shouts his name and makes it jump off the chair, and the propeller spinning ceiling fan, and still falls on the dresser, knocking over several bottles. Apparently, his friends have never set foot in a salon, looking around the place, and gradually falls off the twentieth of what makes Memín there. Seeing that he walks well established and there are no repercussions for breaking the glass, they are going to enjoy the holiday but Memín begs them to stay to keep him company. Offers him a free haircut and hurries Ricardo regard, said that much has been learned the trade in their .... "Thirty minutes of work? Stupidly, Ricardo accepts, at the mercy of scissors and makes a lousy Memín modern style. Angry, chases him and throws a cup, breaking a mirror. The others make fun of you will owe much more, but Memin is easy with just sweep the glass to leave no evidence and Don Beto think the mirror was gone and now. Ernestillo Carlangas and Ricardo take the anger and take it out of there, leaving the rogue complaining that they are ungrateful, and getting back to sweep like that. Another customer arrives, disappointed at not finding Don Beto, but Memín gets insistent that he can deal with, and permits. The man is almost bald, so I do not have much hair and do not see why waste time on being a hairdresser as well, with anyone who makes the favor enough. Memin strips him of his remaining hair, and the man is furious, demanding it back. Memin not know what to do, but he turns the focus and begins to mix the bottles found, producing a mixture poured over his head, causing heartburn. After you check the water, the man goes mad and warned that if it has not grown for tomorrow, will pay (and indeed does not pay for the service). Carlangas returns to greet his friend, finding it appalled by what he did and what will also break you will not have to finish paying Don Beto ("just started and already are complaining?). Carlangas encourages him to take a break and go from there, forgetting that you left the salon manager and only Don Beto say when the day ends. Currency Memín a man identical to the left shaven, wearing a shiny hair, and makes a logical deduction. Carlangas dragging along, follows the man, just to see him up close and talks to him. Carlangas were exasperated, not understanding what Memin means, and he throws a whole choro to indicate it has invented a miracle cure for hair to grow quickly and that type is the living proof. Carlangas not believe anything and threatens to hit him, but Memin is committed to bringing a show and look for Richard, who has already passed the courage of his badly cut and greets him as if nothing. Memin leads back to the salon, and before Carlangas can stop (and because Richard is an idiot), finished raparlo. Ricardo gets angry and whines so it looks ugly now, and to intervene Carlangas, argue and fight.

Memin is beaten by both trying to stop them, but soon recovers and begins with the mezcladera bottles, hoping to get the same result with the "magic formula" Ricardo was the check to the head, jump from how much it burns and soothes him to immerse in water, but it has nothing of hair. She complains that she will be bald for the rest of his life (cut his hair, he was not dropped, so it will grow back, you idiot).
Memín comes Ernestillo and use it comes up for what follows. By then, Don Beto is here, and find the flaws in your site, but the four escape. Go to the home of Ricardo and as Ernestillo is very clever, Memin puts you in charge of analyzing the formula for re-prepare. In the primary curriculum includes very basic chemistry, but he did not rocket science, so Ernestillo help, getting coat and glasses be serious, while the fool of Ricardo is crying for her lost hair. Ernestillo finished preparing and Memín adds a goal to get a match, causing a gas explosion. All survived, including Memin, unfortunately, that ended up under the bed. Him out of there and the three hit it, repeating for the third time the cartoon (and very out of place in this magazine) effect of the puff of smoke.

Despite guamazos, Memin is revived, pointing to a single hair on the head of Richard, who said that his formula works, although with the delayed effect, he thinks he recovered in a thousand years (which hair cut grow back, you moron!). Memin choose to use the formula to become a millionaire, and requests the assistance of all their friends, who question the lack of evidence about their effectiveness. Memin is committed to serving the perfection (or rather, is blinded by greed). Ricardo gives his consent to have nothing to lose and the other access. Van a carpenter to make what you will need to work building one of those exhibition stalls with curtains and everything. Ricardo says that it has not gone more hair, but Memín ignored and continues to fool with his absurd project. He tells them not look at the details and installed at a local fair. There is the bald guy who left along with his twin brother, who is the hair, so we have clear away the confusion of Memin. They are pickpockets abused, and listen to Ernestillo preaching about the miracle product to make hair grow "doctor Pinguin."
Memin is the important, not attending the first three calls Ernestillo, straightened his elegant attire, believing that the public applauds (why should they if they do not know?) When in fact they are complaining they do expect the .

A tomato-and forces Memín out, throwing him head. The black recovers and begins to brag about your wonderful product, with cigars tales. Ricardo sends for presenting it as a child suffering from baldness to disobey their parents or something, exaggerating much everything. We check the substance in the head, and puts it behind the curtains, as no such product only works in the dark (anyone said fraud?).

His friends put a wig belonging to his mother (why Mercedes needs wig? Is not so old) and so out again, making the public swallow their lies and will buy in their bottles with lot the mixed waste substance. Okay, this is officially a fraud case.
Memín presume de su triunfo, y todavía le dice a Ricardo que su cabello puede tardar días, meses o años en volver a crecer, orillándolo a que lo estrangule. Sus amigos se retiran y Memín se ve en el espejo, admirándose por lucir como un magnate (no lo creo, si fuera magnate se haría cirugía plástica), y un par de manos lo atrapan. Sus amigos se cansan de su tardanza y descubren que ha desaparecido, así como el dinero y las botellas que quedaban. Suponen que se ha robado todo para no compartir con nadie, pero comprenden que él solo no pudo llevarse tanto, así que debió haber sido secuestrado. Después de alegar mucho innecesariamente, divisan a los dos pillos llevándose a Memín (But not upload or see the bottles nor the money where was that?) And chase him. Memin rogues take their neighborhood, so respectable showing as delinquent, until kindly greet the neighbors. Introduce you to your home, admitting that they do not want the money, but the secret formula. The bald threatens to spill the beans Memin, but he admits he does not know you put into it (is not reproduced it once?). His friends are looking out, thinking that torture supercharged, but it seems that the criminals were actually being hospitable. Then, they lock in a room Memín not allowed out until you remember the formula. While
So Don Beto looking for information on the whereabouts of the Vandals, and those who provide it at the show, seem to agree in return ask them to buy something of what they sell, making Mr complain that it is a "mafia." Police seek friends who come to the aid of Memin, who already goes to work, combining substances. Don Beto encounters with all three, and they run them, following an absurd persecution that causes the crash with a police barber. In this company, give scope to the boys, and trying to explain, when they hear a loud explosion. The two thugs come out, asking for help from police, but he recognizes as pickpockets in the park, and arrested them immediately. Memin leaves very smugly, admitting to having caused the explosion (not to his attention), and finally confronts Don Beto. Claims to have money to pay thanks to its formula, but the barber is reviewed, clarifying that water is nothing more than alcohol and perfume, and there is no way to make hair grow.

So either way, you have to keep working, and just spent a month to settle the debt, while Ricardo has regained her hair, one picture after another in that once again be complaining about Bald lifetime (seriously someone should explain to the little brat that was not possible.) Don Beto Memín releases, although he complains that it exploded, he feels he has learned enough to make a stylish haircuts Euphrosyne (no way to break a strange woman's hair). Memín asks to be let a magazine, since he was not going to pay with money, and Don Beto accepted. Is supposed to be a scientific journal, which solely interested Memín impressive illustration of a dinosaur and use the information because the touch back to school issues. Don Beto offers even more magazines and Memín becomes very happy home with good learning materials.
Readers are the only ones who learn, that this is an indication of the worst among the worst frames frames itself up all this new era of Memin. Seriously, has been one of the worst crap. You'll see what I say.
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