Memin and his friends with their parents spend their holidays in Chachalacas, leaving only Mr. Vargas doing work that will cause him to return temporarily alcohol addiction.
Ricardo arrives home after leaving his Memin in just in time to bid farewell to Mr Arcaraz to be working (the scriptwriter describes that says goodbye to his baby son, a very unnecessary as readers can appreciate it in the box, we are not blind.) Before leaving, she gives directions to James, the driver, who repeated Ricardo on to inform their friends and their parents to come home at some time. Richard is intrigued and asks that are brought to Mercedes, but she claimed he did not say anything (not true, in the previous issue is every indication that it knew why so smoothly? Ush). When Ricardo informs them, Memin and think they are going to scold them for something and sets out its intention to hide the table Eufrosina a precaution (not necessary, it is clear that she's never going to stick with it for the new "policies") . We spent the session in which Mr. Arcaraz requesting the services of Mr. Vargas to make a new desk in his office. Memin opinion that has gone mad if everyone just calls for it, but then says that man work in peace, the other will go to holiday Chachalacas while (very nice, let Mr. working while they enjoy , will have to pay too much for this service). All accepted the invitation, although Ernestillo planned to stay to help, but John already has in mind another girl he met recently and may perform the work.

His friends encourage him to accept this temporary separation and the following table and is the day of departure. Memin battle to get ready, and routes it Eufrosina sharply. Ernestillo goodbye to John, and soon the car and walk with others on the road, holding the sponging of Memin.
John is preparing his tools, when he gets his new assistant, Gerard, who was getting late and calls over breakfast and he admits to having forgotten their own tools. Hiding his disappointment that so little entrepreneurial attitude, go to the house where only Arcaraz Jaime will be to oversee everything. Gerardo immediately reveals his alcoholic tendencies taking your bottle of tequila every time.
In Chachalacas, kids and parents get to play beach volleyball and is Memín to show off her dark glasses, which make you confuse Eufrosina with the ball. Anda Ernestillo paragraph, feeling lonely without his father and remembering her dead mother (and get over it, brat!). Memin draws your attention by throwing a ball to the head, and joined the game. The black just getting a hit in the face and faints. His friends are hesitant about giving mouth to mouth, but he was only pretending and Euphrosyne is ready to spank and be the joker.
Mr. Vargas is still working, and along with James, they soon discover a rather drunk man Gerardo and walking as if he were at home. Juan Jaime tries to search and snatches the bottle reacts violently and young, but is thrown a punch. Confirming that he did not steal anything, but as there is no way to be a good helper, and run from there. John apologizes and takes responsibility to do everything himself. Returning to
Chachalacas beach, Memin suggests getting into the sea, and his friends laugh, reminding him of when they were in the pool of Arcaraz. By the way, that mention the incident of the quake, a fact memorable to occur only during a very boring series of events in the magazine, but good for this time, the argument starts to read back issues. Memin makes a fool throwing a dip at low tide that merits crashing head, then and now, if you get left at the mercy of a shark. But it was a shark, but a lifeline to shark fin to put a joker.

His friends go into the water and without fear and leave the Negro in the sun. Later, the adults get covered after the "parachute", but before kids climb on the banana. Ernestillo wonders how he will go to your father, and in the table below, take us there.
John is dedicated to his work with James to help you monitor it but as the carpentry is not your thing. Seeing the bottle of tequila that left Gerardo, casually takes a sip of it. Bad omen.
Back on the beach, the adults were up to "parachute", and at least Arozamena engineer and Elizabeth found the experience fascinating (yes, I understand it, must be great to get one of those, but not I rub in the face to readers, especially those who are far from the beaches where they have them), while Eufrosina reads compulsively believe the virgin very dangerous. Juan da
account with the bottle and is quick to go buy another one, leaving Jaime suspecting that something is wrong with him. Later, the driver is the carpenter having hallucinations and discover the bottle of liquor responsibly. Juan loses consciousness and his mind goes back the past, making way for a retrospective that does not have much place in this story, but it is a way you can see how he met and fell in love with Lupita (mentioned, but had never been physically in the magazine at the time of Doña Yolanda and Don Sixto). It is a very interesting story to say, so I will summarize quickly. John knows it filled at a grocery store, they start out, invite him to the house, gives him a scarf (which he mentioned during the last incident of Eufrosina earrings), and apparently his heart is won by making a table that replaces the was broken when he was invited to offset their lack of skill in other things.
try Ernestillo call to find his father, and James has to make up an excuse to not know that walking drunk. Finally, John regains consciousness and an excuse to drink and turned to his wife by surprise, since nothing is more effective to remember, even the happy scarf, he always carries with him and even taught. Ernestillo called again, and now John if you are able to answer. Memin he grabs the phone to his friend to greet his father and clings commenting pure nonsense that baffle Mr. Vargas. Carlangas returns the handset to his friend and father and son are talking, remembering his dear Lupita (of what they do not want to remember is that he died, a mystery ...). Later, Ernestillo sees adults providing alcohol, remembering when his father got drunk, hoping that it's over long ago (and it should be, but this argument did not want).
apologies again, John returns home, promising to Jaime to come early the next day and compensate for their lack of work to go drinking. Along the way, appear Gerardo and a friend, you attack to steal so they can keep giving the suck. The arrival of the police makes them run, and grateful that John did not steal his scarf, but the same goes with them to report them as they took the money she had given Mr. Alcaraz for materials. Ernestillo wanted call again, but his friends convince him that has already caught much, and give up. After a while, and have called Mr. Arcaraz to report the theft and reassure Ernestillo, who assumes that his hunch was true, but does not complain of his friends have taken lightly.
Gerardo and his friend are arrested, ironically, in an area where drinking is not allowed, and police calls John to identify them. Gerardo begs to help them, but odd, there they stay. Again, all report to Mr. Arcaraz, and the four friends and their parents are enjoying the holidays, even though he was not saved him that John fell into the habit again. Jaime is authorized
to open the safe and get more money to help Juan to work, and soon becomes over the desktop, which is praised by Mr. Arcaraz in when they return.

After receiving approval of their work, John is fired, addressing a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, followed by a scene reconciling with Ernestillo, disappointed, but proud at the same time because in the end got help (pure excuse to promote such partnerships, in fact the last time Mr. Vargas gave up drinking, was very convincing and conclusive). The scene makes a Memín mourn and say that it is sad that some soap opera 8 (What? Know, anyone who has been at the time or the moment you purchase this issue, however, is another shameless promotion.)
A very boring story Memin, but at least a little more consistent than others who had been using, which is a small me provement.
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