sustainable world, ideal role in the scenario of the first steps of the third millennium, and has been incorporated into the administration in many countries as discursive and programmatic entity institutionalized range and is in correspondence with the indicators UN official respect, in short sustainable future is already guaranteed, it is idle to engage in review a case already decided by the "global intelligence" because the land was saved from the predatory class ..
But the concept as such brings with it very tricky as the eyes ideological interpretation that is perceived and its further application or contempt, after all votes UN resolutions on the facts become
recommendations ... ...
As the treatment of sustainability of the universal concept that is leading the world. The world concept are built upon the methods of its analysis directly based on the rule of social relations of property, the more exacerbated in our days when the public is ever reached magnitudes that becomes extremely chaotic the traditional concept of property in a world already divided, split and become divided, to the extent that the trend appropiation turned to the competition for the appropriation of the metaphysical or ideological level, relentlessly pressed their distribution to the owners of such a social component that I believe is fundamental , ie to the canons of sacred and classical philosophical thought with all its representative institutions, are observed subject (as) to displacement by new owners of the market "metaphysical" matters not merely "spiritual" are by their value logic forces that energize the "material world" in the context of galloping revolution complexities of contemporary intelligence structures in the advancement of cultural diversity is increasingly lucrative business for financial monopolies settled in the "materiality" business that characterized the first three centuries of modernity, although it is clear that the metaphysical of modernism is soaked companies occupy important spaces in the sense of these institutions being new role in the circuit of the reproduction of capital.
The "World as a Thing" in appearance of the Cartesian soul-body dualism of the "thing", a fusion of the spiritual and the material in the monad or entity ambivalent up the major problem to consider in metaphysical philosophy and art.
The world can be presented as a phenomenon, Pure Idea, Matter Absolute Being there, Summary of Elements, Will and Representation, Thing, Singularity, Appearance, Hope, Drama and religious (Hume), Habit and Ascendant Course nature (Rousseau), each head is a World, Sensible, pragmatic, realistic, Romantic, Experiential ... ... ... ... ... ... so on.
For our consideration, "The World as a Thing" is the benchmark for considering sustainability the context of property relations, it was considered that other concepts are also potentially able to explain the essence of political relations, however the "commodification" of such relations is in the superlative in the final stages of modernity where it appears the sustainability concept of the imminent extinction of the natural resources that make the artificial life of man, rather the concept comes from the resistance to losing or being separated from the artificiality of the "modern" life.
"Matter is not created or destroyed only transformed" says the first law of thermodynamics that is the corollary also of the materialistic interpretation of the world, namely its philosophical synthesis. Its antithesis is the spiritual source of the material world. Spirit = God, lexical fundamental equation of the metaphysical tradition that has guided the conscience of man for millennia, reflecting his image through the mirror of his own conscience situated beyond the material bodies. For fear
matter dynamics has no origin or end, only transformation in multidimensional bodies, the art itself is in prison for at least has not been proven otherwise, despite his tireless search warrant which was derived knowledge of their attributes and categories classification by the mind. Properties are considered to place, time, name, action, causality (historical substance), quantity (number), quality-quality (pragmatic), effect on other matters, health, relationship and other attributes that are already in the field of pragmatics of man cease to be so material. The wisdom on the subject has focused on the Physical Science (Nature very driven from Galileo Galilei reached levels of religiosity in the positivist thought that triggered the disintegration of physical bodies such as the atom (in cuttable or in section) is its particles. The solid body the energy released inside for submission to the pragmatic human (artificial), certainly energy release process is a part of the transformation processes of nature without the intervention of human hands. This accumulated knowledge of a number of characteristics of the material already mentioned before, but extend to the vision of the Cartesian plane and multi-dimensional Euclidean plane, even if you avoid the mystery that leads to our perception of the not being able to perceive or capture simultaneously whole, can only be captured partially. Jean
Wahll says something about the dimensionality of the thing "Our realism is not homogeneous for realism then everything is on a single plane, eg plane extension. On the contrary, we say that there are many realities that are embodied by a force of nature. We feel ourselves as if we had a center and around us things appear, each of which seems to have a center. Originally not flat images that are around us, but rather dense tiny worlds, each of which is one thing. Here we recall the Dinggedicht Rilke's and Husserl's attempt to define things, to the extent that can be defined as the multiplicity of issues while also taking into account the center of things, if we may say, seems to be essential to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe thing. Things are given and not given. Never before phenomenology had been better designed things, conceived at a time in their varied perspectives, in central opacity and invisibility last. They are at once immanent and transcendent, or rather beyond these two qualifications "
The thing is considered multidimensional or pluralistic to the extent that groups homogeneous parts and even contradictory whose general structure is called thing unifying in the metaphysical concept for the structure resulting from other objective structures that generate forms of "also" or continuity of the past but, with other arrangements such as the classic case of white salt is first attribute, which tastes sour and geometry in their granules, but no attribute has to do with each other directly only in the concept "thing" these things are unified, deductive each attribute contains the other but not in conventional form, but the reality is based on the abstract the unity of the parties that if they are linked but disparate and heterogeneous, the unit turns metaphysical in its origin as the thing from another thing and synthesis of material is it's the concept.
The material world is a self-regulated world of the thing existing in physical form, is a mixture of reality and unreality as their presence is pure relationship, a historical logos that casts a bridge between the material and the metaphysical.
The philosophy of mind sees something intangible, which has its own logos of development, the spirit is autonomous in the case of Hegel the spirit develops toward the infinite and spiral whose projection in the world of matter is of development in pure form, the history of man and all things are stages reached by the spirit, the thing is contained in this area of \u200b\u200bhistorical development.
Moreover Kant notes that the world is "in the transcendental sense of absolute totality of all existing things." The thing is being a kind of peculiarity of the whole, more though is the whole thing in yes that part of the abstraction "nonexistent" as consideration for Universal, but ultimately its material expression only appearance of the "thing itself", the structure placed beyond the matter is that the Spirit.
matter reflects the idea that the spirit is entirely impossible to be tamed by one of their species as man. The spiritual world is rather domesticable man is a domestic species of it, for Him is the brainchild of thing is the whole world, a reification of it without human intervention because it is a thing of the whole Sustainability is a concept that comes from the spirit and turns on him as it pertains to Leibnitz
clear on linear thinking and progressive as the definition of the world "is a regulative principle of reason" One thing unique regulator of reason but so far.
addition to the above we have to existentialism more modern part of metaphysics that deals with the concept of world follows Heidegger in both field constituted by the relations of man with things and with the other men said that "It is equally wrong to consider the term to describe the world as whole the things of nature as to indicate the human community (personal). It contains essential metaphysically that such a concept tends to the interpretation of "Being there" in his relation to beings as a whole "
Literally According Abbagnano thing" means any word of any human act or more accurately an object with which it has a connection in a way either. This is the meaning contained in the word PRAGMA "... the thing is action. The pragmatic approach moves in part to the metaphysical privileging the control of matter over spirit, classical science unwrapped his existence in this way, however, with the advent of quantum mechanics science invested in speculative pragmatic with the conception of models for studying the organization of matter in its minute particles, which are usually located in metaphysics do not require a demonstration based on the experience "a priori" to address the intangible aspect of the matter, but not in Kantian metaphysics but in the poetics of the metaphysical movement whose main tool is mathematics with their propositions, and inferences equality operations where the existence of spirit is not definitively ruled out and more emphatic however, this entity receives a different treatment traditional religious practice, a kind of pragmatic metaphysics, for the construction of explaining the behavior of the material order.
The wisdom of the spirit delves into the constitution something intangible, yet the pressure on color blindness in Aristotelian thought behind medieval Christianity, was driven to look for evidence of the existence of spirit, generating the spirit projected consolidation of the concept in the organization of the material world, and solidified the concept became a prisoner of the Ratio Renaissance ie process of objectification spirit is in the material thing which in turn boost the objectification of the subject as an entity controlled by man.
The spirit was encoded to the extent they can be represented by pictorial and plastic figures at the hands of artists from the stage where the figure iconoclastic cultural material becomes sacred tones about the appearance of religion concerns.
The spiritual world is undoubtedly materialize in the period of the counter. Ending in the processes of modernity in the spiritual world becomes the material world, where the explanation of the thing operated from the behavior of the material processes, the divine breath becomes vital breath claiming the current vitality.
Renaissance Revolution invested in material to the spiritual world, the sky became the earth, the spirit in person, the soul in God's mind and turned in person. The collection moves from the visually intuitive level of organization of matter with its central axis: Man.
So the material world became a reflection of the spirit, being the "thing itself" the body shown our eyes as the truth of the material world as provision of "reason" objectify it as man's power over the physical and spiritual nature.
The world as a thing is the result of the duality of the composition of nature by the spirit and matter, appearing as dominant materialist conception of man's relationship with the world giving it the concept of "object" provisions to human vagaries for the construction of artificial life.
The world as a thing is the central obstacle in the culture of sustainability into the future world. EDUARDO NUÑEZ
Monterrey Nuevo Leon, August 21, 2007
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