Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Periodontist In Canada

public library, reading and Librarians

Libraries, reading and libraries for building another world is possible and necessary *

Javier Gimeno Perelló

Workshop: "What to do to strengthen dialogue among civilizations, the defense of cultural diversity and a world of Peace? " Havana, Cuba. 11 to June 15, 2007

The library is the place or one of the best places to read, as it may be the bank of a river, the bend of a trail or in the shade of a chestnut. But unlike these sedate places where we are with the book's author and nature, in the library are crowd in equal dialogue. His shelves are filled with thoughts, ideas, thoughts and artistic creations that challenge us and claim us. In the library, time stops and asks us to read in a quiet, slow act, an act of reflection and dialogue, which is just as adverse to the competitive world of debauchery. When we read, we thinking and talking with the author and ourselves. There is no dialogue more fruitful than the one who struck up with the inhabitants of the libraries. "We read to know we are not alone," wrote one day the author Charles Lewis. Seldom are answers to our questions, but almost always find new questions. The author challenges us and makes us challenge ourselves. Reading is a meeting with us and with others.

The capitalist model of postmodern societies can not afford time for reflection and retained reading because the city hates reader, which is critical thinking and time. Reading, and literature in particular, that for many, for me, too, is reading itself requires detention, slowness and reflection, if only for pleasure (which is wonderful). For the pleasure we do not care if he was truly alone Crusoe on his island, or if preferred La Maga Buenos Aires or Paris if Aureliano Buendía loved or tender rain of Macondo, or Alonso Quijano was really crazy or whether hopeless fools are their readers. Fantastic madness in any case. It is not necessary to find the Emerald City of Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz, Island Wendy of Neverland in Peter Pan, The Secret Garden Mary Lennox, LE Aute Albanta or Cavafy Ithaca or Lluis Llach. Havens that we will not find: We find it to us if we can open ourselves to wonder. "The great thing reminds us of the writer Gustavo Martín Garzo, contrary to what they say, not us from the world but that world does the realm of possibility."

"Libraries serve to give the world a semblance of meaning and order," says Alberto Manguel. Open and dynamic libraries where it can be the happy meeting of the speaker, reader and word, regardless of medium containing the substance, whether magazines, are DVDs, CD-ROMs, files, remote links, books ... Libraries able to provide different types of reading up to the full reading, which is comprehensive and thoughtful reading, which goes far beyond access and consultation and cold raw information of the Internet and its resources unaffordable. The libraries provide reading that requires an effort of thinking, an exercise to select, to settle and sort. Required to transform the real time-time reader, quiet time. Reading that has little to do with the culture of zapping and click to which we have spoiled the market societies, the culture of this continuum, the frantic pace of the speed of light, free reward the culture of no effort, the fierce competition to come early to nowhere culture of unhappiness and isolation in an interconnected world alone. The library provides reading that brings us pleasure, reading emotions, feelings and imagination, dreams of freedom. And none of this scheme is typical of the market, nothing to do with the worship of the Golden Calf

"The beauty and culture make the subject more responsive, more intolerant of vulgarity, "says the philosopher Jünger.

Reading learn that this is not the only thing between us, things are also made history, past, memory. We learn that men who preceded us and who are no longer here now, also had similar concerns, perhaps the very many of them have committed similar or the same mistakes as we had so many doubts, and felt loved and were beaten. And all this has left indelible mark on the language. Well, is nothing but the word's true history. Our real evolution, not technological.

"Reading is not only important for fun or because they provide information or because it lets us know the Golden Age literature, but for something more radical: because Human intelligence is linguistic intelligence. Only through language can we develop, understand the world, invent great things, live together, clarify our feelings, our problems, make plans. A full understanding of Images and empty words is a minimal intelligence. Tosca, almost useless, "said José Antonio Marina.

Reading helps us learn who we are. Also survive. Reading makes us more human, we can always lead to another and think and see clearly all around us - "We read with open eyes," said one anonymous voice again, "and realize it is not fair and what is not well done, ask your reasons and to realize that the world can and must transform into a better world. Us themselves and one another, thanks for reading. There, at the turn of each page, Walt Whitman would say, always the man is hiding.

For what it provides essential reading is the task of thinking, learning to think. "Read, says Fernando Savater, is always an intellectual activity itself, an outline of thought, something more active to do mental images: after the spoken word, the written voice is the most powerful tonic ever invented for growth intellectual. "

When power has never liked his subjects think. Therefore, at this time perhaps more than any other from the press, the reading becomes, as Manguel says, in an act of rebellion, because reading invites and encourages the thought, it to question the world, and then, to action when we realize that the world can change. That the world must be changed as a moral imperative.

That awareness of moral imperative that allows us to see clearly how capital devours the natural world, how has plundered more than half the world with its wars and its greed for wealth and plunder. In a few years, if men and women, sensitive and aware does not intervene we will not have a clean, healthy and peaceful place to live.

Awareness also lets us see how their greed is undermining the intellectual world surreptitiously. Neoliberalism has been another twist in its quest glitch predator: fine to the countries of the European Union that have not complied the directive that imposes a fee for lending books in public libraries. Predatory ruin of pure law that requires pay to read.

When do you pay for dreaming? When the imagination will go public?, We wonder. Advancing barbarism, now gets into the library - "enter the loan payment, says author Gopegui Bethlehem, is to open the doors to the wolves" - one of the few places where there is no commodity, where everything happens free because free is to be the act of thinking embodied in language, the act of free delivery to the other and apprehend and enjoy free. Because the act of providing a book is, above all, an act of generosity, as well as law and justice, and not due to a business transaction. But this does not fit into the logic of capitalism scavenger.

As it enters the philosophy inherent in the idea of \u200b\u200bthe public. The library is a quintessential public services where the offer is the satisfaction of a fundamental right, a human right, but also a need and desire, the burning desire and a pleasure to admire and enjoy the work of Others the need to grasp the knowledge and experience of others. In exchange for nothing and paid for with money from everyone. This and all utilities are in danger of extinction by market forces and their means of action: WTO, IMF, World Bank, GATS and other equipment of usurpation of public into private hands. Except as serving the interests of power. Countries like Spain, will pay for their old and obsolete institution of the monarchy for all its citizens, that no vote anywhere, and around the world, the arms trade and the existence of hosts will be due to public input.

now also want to take away what belongs to everyone and also inexhaustible, whose invisibility and intangibility should not blind us to its significance: the ideas and knowledge, thought, art and culture . They intend to sell our common heritage, the current and traditional knowledge that have shaped our human condition. From Platonic Idea Poetics of Aristotle, Archimedes' Theorem, to Law of Universal Gravitation or Theory of Relativity , El Paraíso Lost of Milton, The Rite of Spring Carpentier or Stravinsky, The Naked Maja de Goya, Rayuela or the poetry of Nicolas Guillen and Garcia Lorca, everything that man has imagined and we are being shaped usurped with vileness.

have invented the information society euphemism to disguise what really is, marketing knowledge, and cognitive or informational capitalism surrogate ideology that sustains it. Intellectual property laws and copyrights are the barriers erected to limit and limit the infinity of man's ideas of creation, that abounding and intangible resource that exists only because there is a thought, memory, imagination, because there are fantasy or dreams, passions or feelings like love, melancholy or sadness. Commercialization and privatization are ways to restrict access spurious democratic, free and universal access to what is the common heritage of mankind. "The laws of capitalism, Che Guevara warned, invisible to ordinary people, act upon the individual without his being aware."

"We did a sort of mirror eye turned inward," lamented the characters in Saramago's Essay on Blindness when they realized they were blind transfer.

When capitalism threatened their existence relies on its most ferocious, war, and its first task, along with destroying the lives of men, is fulminating their ideas, expressed them in any way, in any form. What makes it even when dictatorships for their livelihood. People, books, art, libraries, museums, schools, universities are the main victims of the wars of the capital. Destroying books, destroy libraries and museums is to destroy part of humanity. Is destroyed. The enemies of human rights and freedom have always used one of the most destructive barbarism: the fire, regardless of her were heretics, women, witches or books. The ruins of the National Library Baghdad, Sarajevo, National Library of Madrid university or bombed by the Fascists during the English war, are examples of what we have ceased to be. Fernando Báez wisely we can illustrate this.

destroy or burn

art or books is also a metaphor for something worse, says Caballero Bonald, "represents more than an order atrocious: a new metaphor for slavery."

"That the reasons for the strength, Saramago tells us, no longer prevail over the force of reason, that the positive spirit of humanity that we are engaged , once, to heal the countless miseries of the world. "

"We are not so naive to believe in an eternal and universal peace, we also illustrates the Portuguese Nobel prize, but humans have been able to create, throughout history , beauties and wonders that dignify and ennoble us all, it is time to put hand to the most wonderful and beautiful of all tasks: the continuing construction of peace. But that peace is the peace of the dignity and human respect, no peace of submission and humiliation that too often come disguised under the mask of a protective false friendship. "

There were the makers of those fertile Educational Missions of the ill-fated Second English Republic. There are those books now come to the world's remotest places in the Biblioburros of Colombia, the Chilean bibliolanchas or libraries of many countries. All were and are and remain living ambassadors, emissaries of dialogue, peace-builders stubborn. They have been and are a compelling example of all that is the library: meeting, relationship, friendship, dialogue, imagination, harmony, hug, language, imagination, respect, solidarity, dreams, equality, love, justice, peace, freedom ...

Because library welcomes various forms of expression, the authors heterogeneous languages uneven, beliefs, ideas or knowledge. Is a natural place for the intertwining of orality and literacy. Promotes the various expressions of language, its various uses and encouraging respect for themselves and dialogue within the community. The library promotes intercultural dialogue, supporting the oral tradition and promotes understanding of artistic, and historical bibliography.

The appreciation of the arts and achievements of science are, among others, the library mission emphasis for the UNESCO Manifesto for the Public Library, which proclaims as "a living force for education, culture and information ... essential agent for the promotion of peace and spiritual welfare through the minds of men and women." The library as a site of recovery, conservation and dissemination of traditional and contemporary and all those who through carelessness or negligence, or malicious intent, have been neglected, abandoned or destroyed.

The library endorses the recognition and strengthening of cultural diversity "for the benefit of present and future generations", adopted by UNESCO in the Declaration Universal for Cultural Diversity so necessary for human beings as biodiversity is for all other living species. Mosaic consists of original features such heterogeneity in their individuality, reflecting unique values \u200b\u200band features. Many cultures as individuals, "Living Human Treasures" nominated by UNESCO that embody a people's cultural life and the sustainability of their heritage.

Meeting of cultural identities, they revitalize the individual and the community, they feed on in the past and help build a future of dignity. Identity that is dialogue with others, with the traditions of others in a cross-fertilization of ideas and experiences. "Conservatory of sense" for the anthropologist Michèle Petit, which can be much of human experience, aesthetically transcribed by writers, which condenses the thought to relanzárnoslo, while widening and ordered both the world around us as the worlds of other cultures, languages \u200b\u200band identities, as well, "regions interior shape us "(Michèle Petit).

Therefore, the library is a tool for transformation. In a world essentially unfair to the majority of whose inhabitants are denied the satisfaction of their basic needs, food, health, water, housing, education, and anesthesia was unbridled consumption, with the invention of artificial and unnecessary requirements, to marketing and advertising (quintessence of true) or television, we urgently need tools to shake off his blindfold and the mind that prevents us from seeing and realizing how imperative it is to change this world outrageous. One such tool is undoubtedly the library and the pages and shelves containing ideas and memories and multiple ways to extend and disseminate so much knowledge creation and housed them.


words. As the library is taught and practiced the language is known, means, enjoy, live, whatever their medium or its support. The word in the library regains expression of life. Library therefore also decreases the gap between rich and poor because it extracts from the pages or disks and bits of words to give the reader without any payment (so far), making continuous and permanent learning, information literacy , an elementary and necessary task. The library, therefore stimulates and energizes citizen participation, building common areas shared visions, given channel the expressions of each community. The library enriches the experience everyday people, encourages communication.

to this has undoubtedly helped the survival of oral tradition, the words flow from the thousands of migrants who have enriched the language with new expressions, with twists, new idioms, nuances that are making a colorful expression of cultural language, knowledge, visions. The recreation of the Indian language that in many cases very beautifully expressed through writing. Maybe in Mexico where, currently, is written in more than fourteen indigenous languages \u200b\u200bwith English. In other countries such as Paraguay, there are two or more languages, living on par with the language of power. Bilingualism is a vehicle and construction of thinking of many people. This heterogeneity of the word and the multiplicity of speakers and writers make up a fascinating kaleidoscope seductive words that breaks the confines of a world so often possessed by the silence or obscurity.

Perhaps that is why, says the former director of the BN of Chile, Clara Budnik, Neruda preferred name, fables ... "Each of my poems wanted installed as a palpable object, each of my poems intended to be a useful working instrument, each of my songs aspired to serve in the meeting room as a sign of where they crossed the roads, or as a fragment of stone or wood on which someone others, those to come, could place the new signs. "

"Neruda described with clarity and beauty," said Clara Budnik also sign-that space where we belong and in which they live libraries. His verses lead us to experience once again, that drunk. " Well, do not are crossing those different languages, our fusion product, a mixture of roads where they cross the speakers with the readers, these and those with the authors? What are libraries but rallying point, common meeting space? The library is the opposite of a "semantic cemetery, they have been transformed to Luis Goytisolo Western developed societies, where the predominant larval single thought for a simplistic language maimed in their expressions, which are expressions of a non-thinking . Through the library access that pluralistic world formed by the landscape of the diversity of multiple and diverse cultures where the language is based, is disclosed, becomes, grows, multiplies. Which language is the expression of thoughts and fruitful living. "The library is a summary, a mirror of the universe" in the words of Alberto Manguel, and its catalog a mirror of that summary, a mirror of the mirror.

This is precisely why we multiply our libraries throughout the Iberian Peninsula here in Cuba, in the Caribbean, throughout Latin America in Western countries in the Arab world in the world, that our languages \u200b\u200bare more typical, most common, of all languages \u200b\u200bof the meeting, harmony, peace languages, so that each day there are more and more places and times made of books, made of language, literature, knowledge, places and times made of words.

Not surprisingly Borges imagined "paradise as a kind of library."

Finally, let me finish my words with words of José Martí, who surely have read and heard PC thousands of times, and I want to do well myself and share with you:

"Being educated is the only way to be free, and being good is the only way to be happy "(José Martí).

Thank you.

* Paper presented at the V International Congress on Culture and Development

Saturday, September 15, 2007

What Is A Good Praise Dance Name

epistemology from the third to the sixth World War


news Gnosis ES notion or something, when it finds body becomes methodological framework or model , appears as a system logical operation of the cluster of notions. The news is closer to the synthetic field is unfolding as yet more strength in the area as a whole semantics of common terms and singular, absolute and connotative, first and second instance, complex and incomplejos, impertinent impertinent. The logical structure of all grammatical phenomena, revolves around this system of categories that is the sequence of propositions figurative oratory setting the coherence or incoherence of the notions set

News of globalization are to be expected as it passes the its essence and definition as a model. It is the intent of this definition to test it on stage at the time and space with special emphasis on events that have not happened, which are virtual, the reading of the guesswork subject in part to the laws of contingency and Murphy are force projection and paradigms epistemic bases different from the current paradigms with which we usually examine the architecture afterlife in the next 100 years.

Global Society is "social macrocosm Macrocosm, which has a social sovereignty over all sets, sectors, communities and component elements in it are integrated, and legal sovereignty, which defines the competition from all groups, including the State "holds Gurvitcch.

We are witnessing the formation of a global state among the nations singularity since there is already a supranational body like the UN that works sort of global state power exercised by the 5 winners of the second global war, the key to this trend is in legal coordination of "national states." That globalization is the root of the concept of man, forging the title of "global man."

The pure concept of globalization as a process can be considered thus Globalization, a concept that aims to describe the immediate reality as a global society, beyond borders, tariff barriers, ethnic, religious Croesuses, political ideologies and socio-economic or cultural. Arises from the ever increasing internationalization of economic processes, social conflict political, cultural phenomena.. " As well as all eucrático scheme for humanistic sense, is readily acceptable, notwithstanding the ownership structure inherited for centuries is difficult to break, so that the global discourse come into conflict with the lifestyle of traditional owners, making the globalization trend and a fetish for little understood the real deal is on globalization and not in the early nineteenth century property. So the international process has regression and closures. A kind of contraction-expansion. Globalizations

have existed in history, a thousand examples can conjure, but the frame of reference cited here is the modern era was born in 1545 in the convention of Augsburg where he started the privatization of world. So the first globalization is associated with the economic boom between 1875 - 1910, the segunda1920-1930 and the third is from 1971 to 2010, whose bases are the democratization of knowledge societies as 'open', including differentiation of social strata in terms of episteme The Information Society, Cultural Diversity and Sustainability , the fourth takes place from 2021 to 2045 characterized by the end of the information age and the beginning of the era of genetic build a world government is consolidating around 2030, relying on a world parliament similar to the UN but without the security council with arcane political direction of social democracy to some extent abandoning traditional government methods of Christian Democracy , energy systems will have exclusive nuclear energy, the fifth last essentially three decades between 2070 to 2105 this period is dominated by the aristocratic universal republic because the production processes will be moved to outer space in a high percentage interplanetary era will be the central economic device by devaluing the land productive work because hyper speculation about the world is its distinctive feature, the unit-weighted solar energy is no avoiding the continuing nuclear source of radioactive material effect on other planets, and finally the sixth 2115 - 2130.en this period is the great philosophy a sort of business knowledge society permeated by the moral order being the basis of economic transactions, acting as a kind of socialism Ligth distribution of wealth because the capital accumulation model remain but very worn and providing more open to sharing power systems thereby facilitating globalization respect the identities of the countries, as the European continent will be a true nation, will be entirely eliminated vejes making more urgent the action conception of time the body into crisis the value of "experience, the government will not be centralized because nations will reduce their interest in violence as a means of subsistence, the spiritual rule economic processes directly with the disappearance of liberalism, the state functions as an eclectic spiritual state.

Eduardo Nunez

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Is N3- Polar Or Nonpolar?

globalization and the Treaty of Versailles



The November 20, 1910 starts the first world war in Mexico, southern U.S. border, previously reported symptoms of armed explosion in Turkey and Spain between 1908 and the following year, the tide of war was officially with the intervention of the Austrian army in Sarajevo with the murder of Austrian prince executed by terrorists in 1914. The official story is very common on the fighting in Europe whose main players are the Axis powers against the Allies, war and announced in 1905 by a British spokesman. France, England and the United States the big winners, crumbling Austro-Hungarian empire and the disappearance of Francisco José de Habsburg, breaking the fall of Czar red revolution and of course the defeat of the Kaiser of Germany. This generates a new world order crystallized in the treaty of Versailles. So far the traditional features of this global war. But there are other ways of approaching the issue in the field of global geopolitics as in the promotion of insurrections within enemy countries to weaken and demobilize. This is the case of United States was unable to participate from the beginning due to armed almenaza representing the "Mexican Revolution" for his eventual transformation into a declaration of war from Mexico to Washington, such was the danger of the presence of Victoriano Huerta.

On April 21, 1914 the American navy orders of Wilson invades Veracruz took the match, was the war of the two countries that was done a few 98 days that the Austro-Hungarian empire officially started the Great War. Also at 64 before the fall of Huerta by Pancho Villa's victory at the Battle of Zacatecas on June 23 is the government of garden disappears 34 days before the outbreak of peace in Europe. Coincidence?, It is true that The argument was based on the introduction of German arms to Mexico, Veracruz is not only invaded but the seas of the Pacific coast of Mexico the presence of the U.S. fleet was present, on 26 reports that the U.S. has sent to the 77 coastal vessels under Admiral Dayle. Ensenada 1, 3 Guaymas, Topolobampo 12, PACIFIC 6, 15 Tampico, Veracruz Gulf Coast 31 and 8 How to stop only a single vessel the "Ipiranga" ...? at that time the German battleship that was in Leipzig and Dresden area in the Gulf of Mexico, closer to Cuba.

Then came the intervention of Pancho Villa in Columbus in 1916, returning to demobilize the troops on their departure to Europe. Pershing had to go into Mexico, again disrupted the interventionist plans against the Germanic powers, is up to the constitution of January 30, 1917 leaving Mexico in peace, that's how it starts the landing of U.S. troops is the old continent.

The Versailles Treaty marks the emergence Society Nations governs world politics until the second great war, which lists security issues for workers, the new European borders, the possession of colonies, the history of the Hague tribunal , among others international accomplishments, also negotiated with the Soviet Union .

Eduardo Nunez Becu

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Post Cataract Double Vision

philosophy of mind and matter


sustainable world, ideal role in the scenario of the first steps of the third millennium, and has been incorporated into the administration in many countries as discursive and programmatic entity institutionalized range and is in correspondence with the indicators UN official respect, in short sustainable future is already guaranteed, it is idle to engage in review a case already decided by the "global intelligence" because the land was saved from the predatory class ..

But the concept as such brings with it very tricky as the eyes ideological interpretation that is perceived and its further application or contempt, after all votes UN resolutions on the facts become

recommendations ... ...

As the treatment of sustainability of the universal concept that is leading the world. The world concept are built upon the methods of its analysis directly based on the rule of social relations of property, the more exacerbated in our days when the public is ever reached magnitudes that becomes extremely chaotic the traditional concept of property in a world already divided, split and become divided, to the extent that the trend appropiation turned to the competition for the appropriation of the metaphysical or ideological level, relentlessly pressed their distribution to the owners of such a social component that I believe is fundamental , ie to the canons of sacred and classical philosophical thought with all its representative institutions, are observed subject (as) to displacement by new owners of the market "metaphysical" matters not merely "spiritual" are by their value logic forces that energize the "material world" in the context of galloping revolution complexities of contemporary intelligence structures in the advancement of cultural diversity is increasingly lucrative business for financial monopolies settled in the "materiality" business that characterized the first three centuries of modernity, although it is clear that the metaphysical of modernism is soaked companies occupy important spaces in the sense of these institutions being new role in the circuit of the reproduction of capital.

The "World as a Thing" in appearance of the Cartesian soul-body dualism of the "thing", a fusion of the spiritual and the material in the monad or entity ambivalent up the major problem to consider in metaphysical philosophy and art.

The world can be presented as a phenomenon, Pure Idea, Matter Absolute Being there, Summary of Elements, Will and Representation, Thing, Singularity, Appearance, Hope, Drama and religious (Hume), Habit and Ascendant Course nature (Rousseau), each head is a World, Sensible, pragmatic, realistic, Romantic, Experiential ... ... ... ... ... ... so on.

For our consideration, "The World as a Thing" is the benchmark for considering sustainability the context of property relations, it was considered that other concepts are also potentially able to explain the essence of political relations, however the "commodification" of such relations is in the superlative in the final stages of modernity where it appears the sustainability concept of the imminent extinction of the natural resources that make the artificial life of man, rather the concept comes from the resistance to losing or being separated from the artificiality of the "modern" life.

"Matter is not created or destroyed only transformed" says the first law of thermodynamics that is the corollary also of the materialistic interpretation of the world, namely its philosophical synthesis. Its antithesis is the spiritual source of the material world. Spirit = God, lexical fundamental equation of the metaphysical tradition that has guided the conscience of man for millennia, reflecting his image through the mirror of his own conscience situated beyond the material bodies. For fear

matter dynamics has no origin or end, only transformation in multidimensional bodies, the art itself is in prison for at least has not been proven otherwise, despite his tireless search warrant which was derived knowledge of their attributes and categories classification by the mind. Properties are considered to place, time, name, action, causality (historical substance), quantity (number), quality-quality (pragmatic), effect on other matters, health, relationship and other attributes that are already in the field of pragmatics of man cease to be so material. The wisdom on the subject has focused on the Physical Science (Nature very driven from Galileo Galilei reached levels of religiosity in the positivist thought that triggered the disintegration of physical bodies such as the atom (in cuttable or in section) is its particles. The solid body the energy released inside for submission to the pragmatic human (artificial), certainly energy release process is a part of the transformation processes of nature without the intervention of human hands. This accumulated knowledge of a number of characteristics of the material already mentioned before, but extend to the vision of the Cartesian plane and multi-dimensional Euclidean plane, even if you avoid the mystery that leads to our perception of the not being able to perceive or capture simultaneously whole, can only be captured partially. Jean

Wahll says something about the dimensionality of the thing "Our realism is not homogeneous for realism then everything is on a single plane, eg plane extension. On the contrary, we say that there are many realities that are embodied by a force of nature. We feel ourselves as if we had a center and around us things appear, each of which seems to have a center. Originally not flat images that are around us, but rather dense tiny worlds, each of which is one thing. Here we recall the Dinggedicht Rilke's and Husserl's attempt to define things, to the extent that can be defined as the multiplicity of issues while also taking into account the center of things, if we may say, seems to be essential to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe thing. Things are given and not given. Never before phenomenology had been better designed things, conceived at a time in their varied perspectives, in central opacity and invisibility last. They are at once immanent and transcendent, or rather beyond these two qualifications "

The thing is considered multidimensional or pluralistic to the extent that groups homogeneous parts and even contradictory whose general structure is called thing unifying in the metaphysical concept for the structure resulting from other objective structures that generate forms of "also" or continuity of the past but, with other arrangements such as the classic case of white salt is first attribute, which tastes sour and geometry in their granules, but no attribute has to do with each other directly only in the concept "thing" these things are unified, deductive each attribute contains the other but not in conventional form, but the reality is based on the abstract the unity of the parties that if they are linked but disparate and heterogeneous, the unit turns metaphysical in its origin as the thing from another thing and synthesis of material is it's the concept.

The material world is a self-regulated world of the thing existing in physical form, is a mixture of reality and unreality as their presence is pure relationship, a historical logos that casts a bridge between the material and the metaphysical.

The philosophy of mind sees something intangible, which has its own logos of development, the spirit is autonomous in the case of Hegel the spirit develops toward the infinite and spiral whose projection in the world of matter is of development in pure form, the history of man and all things are stages reached by the spirit, the thing is contained in this area of \u200b\u200bhistorical development.

Moreover Kant notes that the world is "in the transcendental sense of absolute totality of all existing things." The thing is being a kind of peculiarity of the whole, more though is the whole thing in yes that part of the abstraction "nonexistent" as consideration for Universal, but ultimately its material expression only appearance of the "thing itself", the structure placed beyond the matter is that the Spirit.

matter reflects the idea that the spirit is entirely impossible to be tamed by one of their species as man. The spiritual world is rather domesticable man is a domestic species of it, for Him is the brainchild of thing is the whole world, a reification of it without human intervention because it is a thing of the whole Sustainability is a concept that comes from the spirit and turns on him as it pertains to Leibnitz

clear on linear thinking and progressive as the definition of the world "is a regulative principle of reason" One thing unique regulator of reason but so far.

addition to the above we have to existentialism more modern part of metaphysics that deals with the concept of world follows Heidegger in both field constituted by the relations of man with things and with the other men said that "It is equally wrong to consider the term to describe the world as whole the things of nature as to indicate the human community (personal). It contains essential metaphysically that such a concept tends to the interpretation of "Being there" in his relation to beings as a whole "

Literally According Abbagnano thing" means any word of any human act or more accurately an object with which it has a connection in a way either. This is the meaning contained in the word PRAGMA "... the thing is action. The pragmatic approach moves in part to the metaphysical privileging the control of matter over spirit, classical science unwrapped his existence in this way, however, with the advent of quantum mechanics science invested in speculative pragmatic with the conception of models for studying the organization of matter in its minute particles, which are usually located in metaphysics do not require a demonstration based on the experience "a priori" to address the intangible aspect of the matter, but not in Kantian metaphysics but in the poetics of the metaphysical movement whose main tool is mathematics with their propositions, and inferences equality operations where the existence of spirit is not definitively ruled out and more emphatic however, this entity receives a different treatment traditional religious practice, a kind of pragmatic metaphysics, for the construction of explaining the behavior of the material order.

The wisdom of the spirit delves into the constitution something intangible, yet the pressure on color blindness in Aristotelian thought behind medieval Christianity, was driven to look for evidence of the existence of spirit, generating the spirit projected consolidation of the concept in the organization of the material world, and solidified the concept became a prisoner of the Ratio Renaissance ie process of objectification spirit is in the material thing which in turn boost the objectification of the subject as an entity controlled by man.

The spirit was encoded to the extent they can be represented by pictorial and plastic figures at the hands of artists from the stage where the figure iconoclastic cultural material becomes sacred tones about the appearance of religion concerns.

The spiritual world is undoubtedly materialize in the period of the counter. Ending in the processes of modernity in the spiritual world becomes the material world, where the explanation of the thing operated from the behavior of the material processes, the divine breath becomes vital breath claiming the current vitality.

Renaissance Revolution invested in material to the spiritual world, the sky became the earth, the spirit in person, the soul in God's mind and turned in person. The collection moves from the visually intuitive level of organization of matter with its central axis: Man.

So the material world became a reflection of the spirit, being the "thing itself" the body shown our eyes as the truth of the material world as provision of "reason" objectify it as man's power over the physical and spiritual nature.

The world as a thing is the result of the duality of the composition of nature by the spirit and matter, appearing as dominant materialist conception of man's relationship with the world giving it the concept of "object" provisions to human vagaries for the construction of artificial life.

The world as a thing is the central obstacle in the culture of sustainability into the future world. EDUARDO NUÑEZ


Monterrey Nuevo Leon, August 21, 2007

Can You Smoke A Blunt Wrap By Itself

philosophy of mind and matter


Thing is all you have entity, whether physical or spiritual, natural or artificial, real or abstract. In law, is the material object as opposed to the rights conferred on him and the personal benefits, ie ownership of the thing than the person who is not a thing, because it owns, ethically man has a status of superiority over the thing.

Any entity is a thing, so every thing is organization. So far a total observation that the entire philosophical work focuses attention on responding to the essence of the thing and hence the "Self" as the thing "is." Phenomenology is responsible to describe and systematize the presentation of the Being spoken of the "thing itself" and "something for himself" when subjected to the concept of evidence for the existence of the self that can not manifest in its entirety but small pieces that's the thing, the union is established in common between them which is the existence and being is impossible to see because its expression is partial. The thing in both body is the Self, the Self is the thing for himself, but not itself.

The world is all encompassing to be and the thing is the existence, being the absolute being nominated niche world. Perhaps the influence of Latin diction, but perhaps it becomes a variable of the term nature in turn derivative of Physics in classical Greek. World more powerfully evokes the image of Earth, previously nominated Hierro. Gea Greco term also for establishing the link Earth-Gaia, finally female substance. The World is absolute entity connotative of the Monad formally titled Universe, as the Universe is the world and the world universe, duality infinitive, however remember the fantastic imaginary unit as the boundaries of one are impossible to define in relation to another discourse becoming tautological because of synonymy produced . Schopenhauer on the "World As Will and Representation" where things in-itself is the experience, unlike Kant he considered beyond it. Activity experienced by the personality is the will, it is the innate nature that every experience and takes in time and space as the appearance of the body, its representation. From Schopenhauer maintained after an atheistic position unlike metaphysical thinkers who adopted the device as the metaphysical world that will only share the spirit that has nothing to do with the experience of the specific person because the will is spiritual. Nothing to do with the development of man in his everyday life. We have two core methods of accepting the word worldwide on one hand the metaphysical and the other a materialist, ie the philosophy of mind and philosophy of the subject.

The world as a thing in under the force of experience certainly cut from the edge of the historical processes in action both experience collective of men, as opposed to the dialectic of spirit in its journey to the absolute totality reflects its metamorphosis into works of man leaving evidence of historical development objectives of the spirit equivalent to God.

The commodification of the modern world as it corresponds to either the spirit or the will and representation have taken over the cosmos, including its first victory this enslaving globe as something totally alienated desire for property and therefore characterizing it as a commodity. How far is the worship that was offered to the world!

Eduardo Nunez Becu

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contemporary philosophy

contemporary philosophy.


The philosophical work deals with different problems as a set track to enter the discourse of truth and away from the tree that lies to coalesce a number of key words philosophical knowledge construction as they represent the "Password" to understand and to some extent take possession of the cosmos for thousands of years coveted by man, apparently paradoxically remains as before.

Among them: Consciousness, Freedom, Nature, Philosophy, Reason, Mind, Dialectic, Love, Substance, Accident, Being, Body, Abyss, Heaven, Divinity, God, Judgement, Class, Animism, Appearance, Culture, Religion, Experience, Intelligence, Science, Form and Content, Idea, Ontology, Alma, Law, Representation, Language, Will, Metaphysics, The new and the old, Thinking, Quality, Quantity, Value, Essence, Phenomenon, Logos, State Attribute, Progreso, Matter, Time, Space, Cause, Thought, Order, Transcendence, continuity and discontinuity, Thesis, Life, Theory, Identity, Negation, Practice, Purpose, Subject, Existence, Ideology, feeling, reality, Rules Method, Review, Spirit, Equality, Understanding Private-General, Tetrad, Triad, Mystery, Enigma and Paradigm, Universe, Multiverse, Poetry, Moral. Antinomy, Ethics. Aesthetics, Beauty, Pragmatics, Energy, Eclectic, Motion, Mechanics, Evolution, Revolution, Precept, Precept, Concept, Vitalism, Positivity, Intuition, Big Bang, Language, Vision, Structure, Purpose, Sense, Thing, Passion, Faith, Infinity, Cosmos, Dark and Light Nothing.

Over 200 years have been constructed discourses, differing from each other to the degree to form parties or currents of thought which invariably tend to break with the scholastic forms of thought determines the medieval world without exception so that are grouped under the Humanism claimed by self-appointed contemporary mythology that combines modern discourse Christian Democratic and Socialist suffering permanent adjustments in the complaint to the interpretation of the root of man

Eduardo Nunez Becu

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Dbz Doujinshi Kamehasutra

role of the Universal Forum of Cultures


Unlike conferences (with = union Greso = all) tend to be resolute, the Forums are instruments of democracy tend to be advisory only and most of the time as eschatological are used as a cathartic action to return to stability when they occur states of turbulence or crisis of spare parts is not the only one of these resources used but mainly the electoral processes that accompany a dominant trend to ease the anxiety of the conscience of numerical minorities identified as a project or unwilling to be devoured by political orientation "means of mass scandalization ." But the forum is also practiced as a pedagogical tool to induce "a deduction in the context of some early political and cultural meaning that is clear from the start raised principled platform, ie on universal terms sought are anchored in unique and specific terms as well as denotative and connotative among other terms and categories that make up the logic of discourse capable of being absorbed by the public most critical because we must not forget that there is a critical sector.

In our case the work of the Forum is developing in the globalization process that requires an urgent and radical change of philosophical order denying the post-war era but not to take these speeches to academic classrooms, but to transform in particular those universal laws and philosophical discourses capable of reorienting the international legal order that favors the permanence of the "global village" understood the image and likeness of philosophical identity of the dominant economic monopolies in this present historical moment, namely the Forum becomes a kind of simulacrum of a certain reality as possible, since the multiplicity of the world is irrevocable, which already exists, though it goes to be "recognized" as the case of the "new" wonders of the world that already existed, only one NGO promotes "re conceptualization" of the wonders of course with great success putting at risk and ridicule UNESCO in As you move your legitimacy. The system of "new" legitimacy is run by NGOs such as the Foundations Forum Universal Culture

The approach to the definition of the Forum is quoted in the statement that this legal institution of "civil" Organizing Consortium supports the Universal Forum of Cultures and Knowledge "Monterrey 2007 on the second point defining ..:

"international city event designed to counter the stresses of the modern world through dialogue, discussion and celebration. It is based on culture and the arts and ideas is the principles and values \u200b\u200bof the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Millennium Development Goals established by Organization of the United Nations.. "

postulated in his room "space of expression for citizens and organizations that focuses on ideas and debates on the international agenda and in which different people of diverse ideologies can see and hear each other"

also in their content section states that. "In an era of globalization become apparent that multiculturalism and diversity, the Forum endorsed the need to promote interaction, encounter and dialogue to promote understanding between the two"

clearly postulates fit into the universalist discourse that no one can find sensible objection, but in fact tends to strengthen a central concept: freedom.

hardly through the ages have found that the main religions postulate the value of Liberty, on which modern society of "free competition"

The political motive of the French Revolution was enshrined in three axes Central: Equality, Fraternity and Liberty.

unifying principle but inconsistent in its application and philosophical trends that tend to establish a "balance" of these early computers in the modern world where totalitarian regimes have arisen in particular the concept of equality that eliminates freedom or totalitarianism of free men that eliminate the equality forcibly subjecting the weaker men vulnerable historical causes, reflecting a sort of "deviationism "in the idea that human behavior is composed of a mixture of these three principles. However the experience of more than 200 years to build on these national constitutions, recently added four other components resulting from the mixing of men, Peace, Sustainability, Cultural Diversity and Knowledge. Concepts

apparently consistent with the principles medieval man who annihilated Cosmogony subject to reaching absolute first to materialize the idea of \u200b\u200bthe modern state of Christ's speech "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God, God finally division State reached its highest expression in the French revolutionary wave, as if Christ himself rode at the top, breaking on the rocks of the feudal resistance, and damping blue waters of the beach sands of Fraternity and Equality and a new scent : La Libertad.

freedom derived from corruption because we differ from each other in competition for the appropriation of things, turning every living and mineral arbitrary object of our desires, but this faculty of man is subjected by the rules of the State which corrupts or Freedom libertadoide dwarf, making exercise more fun to caricature dull solemnity of equality and sympathy of the fraternity. The modern state is the result of the juxtaposition of the principles mentioned by each partial entities since the pressure of the people who make society produces trends that amplify or reduce each of the principles, these compositions crystallized ideological political agenda or social projects causing the existence of parties vindicate the philosophical roots of man.

Thus all modern institutions respond to the guidance of the principal triad, which are being axioms in which it develops the spirit of the laws forming the complex called progress. You can not be fully fraternal, at least is the lesson of the current behavior can only be me, I am me and always, an overdose of selfishness that is imposed on the fraternity, denigrating it as very human practice of fools, however, the Vatican maintains a policy of solidarity as the equivalent of fraternity, but responding to calls for peace on earth as divine harmony factor among the children of God, in short is a major factor in the stability of peace, order the combination of these concepts is increasing as introducing other principles such as democracy, pluralism, tolerance, universalism, psychologists, existentialism, among other forms that explain the social behavior of man, most also incorporate the "new" variables is axiomatic as cultural diversity, sustainability, globalization complicate the responses to the facts of life very, very aggravated with this ultra indivualización of people to the extent that the bias or specialty of the activities and the spatial form of life, driven by growth frightening cities compared with rural way of life that every day the fundamentals are pressured to submit to the degree of permanent crisis which initially confused with another substance giving birth to a major ideological paradigms collapsed II war, severely eroding the idea of \u200b\u200bnation, region, stability, progress, political party and the sense traditionally monolithic institutions, tends to decay - recomposition.

In this perspective, the temporal and spatial concept of the world has come to be reduced by shortening the momentum of the process in obtaining satisfactions of the individual's life, because globalization is a stage of extreme acceleration of production processes developed in the shortening of the systems of capital accumulation, from pragmatism future planning of the here and now it's becoming smaller fraction of that now has come to be a matter of a month or less days, which changes the balance of market forces and therefore the order of ideas prevailing ideological processes of short and long term. The metabolism of trade in goods processed speech is too fast, and we note that the presidential campaigns are purchased as a package and are applied almost simultaneously in electoral processes in several countries, this example may be cited as too many cases where concurrency rule has been losing relevance because the life cycle of an idea turned into a system.

The scenario described the scene of clashes with the immediate past to the extent of causing social unrest as a result of lag between established ideas and the demands of changing the meaning of things, the identity of what is happening and what we think becomes abysmal and overlooks the grand mean threshold of schizophrenia sui generis. This situation puts pressure on the architecture of the government and political meanings of these, That schizophrenia for "change" without beginning and without direction, in this search to adjust the black in the "national accounts and economic growth measured in GDP, reflecting in turmoil and treachery to the principles of the French Revolution and its national expression.

This reconfiguration of the face of the global symbolic structure, it takes the "Open Society" held by Karl Popper in 1943, applied against totalitarianism that they were in open warfare. But today is incorporated into the semi-official narrative, say that flows in semi-academic "elite" and "prestige" that suggest the national intelligence these changes as necessary to get the delay and consider the course to be a first world power, the fit against the modes of social relations are on the rise driven by the spirit of modernity or post modernity.

The primary driver of these changes is naturally the World Economic Forum WEF with headquarters in Geneva and meets every year in Davos to take decisions on economic strategies and policies to be suggested and applied in the path of globalization towards international bodies such as WTO , UN, OECD, etc among its characterization of the global situation is that we place ourselves in the context of the Company of Information that is gradually turning Knowledge Society, which is necessary for the development of the world and the strategy is to move towards global citizenship, based on the concept of "global village" in which no cosmopolitan citizenship is a mere concept of science fiction, rather than be a useful public work and the progress of which device consolidation is to strengthen the intellectual capital but on the scale of the whole earth, a condition that would allow the continued financial capital in providing water the concept of freedom irrefutable identity, perhaps one of its effects is the creation of a global passport, but this will depend on the prevailing political trends in the globalization project.

sustainability concept is a product of fraternity to the present generation but generations fraternity of humans who are still ahead conditional resource reservation for the existence of these, sustainability expresses the democratic feeling of the freedom of future residents.

The formal forums just come up yet the TV forums and have a decade on, despite having no authority "formalized" definitely affect the directions of policy decisions, because they respond to policies in different societies countries stands between CNN, BBC, ABC and other global coverage, without underestimating the trend in television channels has developed forums especially in the political level on the high points of the moment but that's rarely presented topics perhaps momentous Raiting reasons, but they are still limited. More yet come to have a lot of power in driving short-term political changes, while recognizing that its programming and design always comes from the managerial elite of television companies is hence the most prominent limiting, but not enough are contributing so to the formation of an awareness of sustainable development in the population although this has been incorporated in government plans since 1993, directly impacting public planning methods, the national forums somehow recapture the vision of sustainable development to strengthen political criticism to the mainstream either right, left or centrist. Which prints dynamism in the thinking and the facts dl sustainability concept.

planning but is in contradiction to globalization governed by the Group of Five (G-5) has gained importance in the so-called VISION that builds characterizations in relation to the desired future and vision that have emerged 2021, Vision 2025. The creation of development plans in the twentieth century have been practiced for government budgets by management based on national sovereignty, however, in 1993, make recommendations to governments in the appearance of the System of National Accounts (SNA) by the Organization of the United Nations, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the World Bank, International Monetary Fund Commission of European Communities allows analysis perspectives broader coordination amen to have highly planetary-scale systematic represents the zero count whose benchmark is the year of 1993 when the U.S. economy touched the bottom of the crisis of recession and the beginning of the "recovery" so that became the key indicator for calculating further development in almost every country in the world .

The systematization of information in the SCN provides the vision for the future at least in public administration that has led to visions for the next 19 years of dynamic socio-political thing that ultimately impact on the discourse of political economy usually manifested the presidents and prime ministers that summarizes the concept of the state of things in a certain way continuous development. Thus it appears that quantitative planning, How and Where to an especially positive, but in the virtual reason why it is called Vision. Futures. However, the political rationale is little considered in the future vision for the immateriality of these, but in planning the idea of \u200b\u200bglobal man if involved the momentum for change in the axioms of thought and hence of social discourse that's the key where it aired the "values" that are more ad hoc transformation of the concept equality Diversity, fraternity and sustainability, for Freedom plurality, investments that potentially change the semantic meaning of the principles of liberty, fraternity and equality, which do not allow the fullness of Global Village, is based on the semantic shift that the symbols will be understood in terms of these "planning" Vision of post globalized world. "Social classes disappear? Obviously this is not the more acute as the means of production or economic infrastructure has been moved to the intellectual capital as part of the infrastructure which is nowhere near the access of any "global man" by widening the gap between media owners and the dispossessed. It is impossible to think that equality magnificent reach levels in the framework of sustainability under these social distinctions.

The Universal Forum of Cultures was born in Spain, with the continuity in America and later in Asia (Vietnam), Africa, Australia, is the historical function to globalize the concepts of solidarity, brotherhood in the way of maintaining a and stable world order that predatory class can be eliminated from the face of the earth by promoting other cosmic anthropological education. As desirable ideal.

Moreover sustainability the world in the immediate future requires the emergence of sustainable markets models as this usually left out of discussion regarding the idea of \u200b\u200bsustainability of cultures.

The role of the Forums Universal is definitely boost the new political order to bury all the institutions created in the Second World War, emerged as institutions that facilitate the continued global market worldwide. This is the dimension of the substance Forum.


Monterrey Nuevo Leon, July 23, 2007.

Wards Evolution In Populations Lab Answers

Order postwar Sports


During 1968 the first symptoms of the decline of the Yalta and Potsdam agreements with student protesters in Hyde Park in England, Germany, especially in Bonn and Hamburg in Italy was accompanied by massive strikes by unions, the French May Sorbonne, Nanterre, Lyon, being crushed by the blow of the troops of Charles de Gaulle, in America the Hippie movement against the Vietnam War with Argentina the Cordovazo, likewise in Venezuela, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, where the army intervened on 2 October in Tlatelolco Square. In order Announce middle class unrest looming massive scale. The ideological system preventive such a situation and had prepared Rome with Vatican II, which recognized the alliance with Protestantism with modernity incorporating the concept of divine discourse, advancing the social and contain noise as far as possible after many years is remarkable success of their efforts to maintain ideological stability.

The Atlantic Charter is the key to sharing the world of the Allied nations after the United Nations. United States maintains the "America for Americans", the Polo and control of North Sea, part of Antarctica , takes possession of the Pacific Ocean and the entire Indochina region including Japan, in addition to outer space in 1957, created the State of Israel as a country subsidiary to control the Middle East and who acquires the right to become the policeman of the world in defense of "freedom" and hence of world politics is permitted or restricted from Washington. The USSR gets part of Germany, Europe of "This" structuring the Warsaw Pact, it retains the domain from the North Pacific, imposes some influence in outer space, colonize Cuba in 1963 y mantiene la fuerza de la Komintern es decir la presencia de los partidos comunistas en todos los países del mundo, impulsando la “Guerra Fría” a través e estos organismos. Inglaterra pierde parte de China, Singapur, el Océano Indico, La India y muchísimas colonias en Oriente Medio y África, desde luego el Pacífico y el Atlántico. Francia se queda con gran parte de la región Islámica especialmente en Norte de África con excepción de Marruecos y se convierte en una potencia nuclear muy por arriba de la URSS. China se mantiene encerrada en sus fronteras y sufre la revolución socialista encabezada por el partido comunista representado in the figure of Mao Tse Tung in 1949.

The cold war is a key engine of economic growth that led to build the great America, the Torre Latinoamericana in Mexico and the twin towers of World Trade Center are symbols representing the second "Boom" of wealth. The depression came in 1967-1968, had to abandon the Bretton Woods agreements by adopting a managed float system by replacing the gold standard for the dollar standard, the direct cause of the American defeat in Vietnam.Surge the group of five G- 5 The order of the golden age was crystallized in 1971 and started the era of permanent crisis called globalization.

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