On the last page of # 365, Ricardo invites his friends and their families eat in the garden of his home, telling them that they have a surprise. Yikes! What will?
For in the way (more on the following number) being taken out of the blue to be Africa. Memin and Eufrosina not understand where is that and I will explain Ernestillo. I can not say that penguins are more ignorant and clueless that whoever wrote this nonsense script, and that obviously did not read the numbers above, with the expedition to Africa which lasted about twenty numbers. It's not something you forget about numbers for another hundred! Apparently, they take readers as a forgetful or being people, and the scriptwriter anonymous, is just knowing Memín magazine. Mr. Arcaraz
Euphrosyne, Elizabeth and Mercedes do not want to go so far and traveling in a rented plane instead of a conventional aircraft passenger (and with children? Worse!). Memin comments on the sexist assumption that women are cowards and his friends give him a well deserved bump on the head.
Two frames later, have already packed up and got visas and passports, traveling the four friends and their parents (except the spirit Memín that neither can be said to walk when he walks alone thinking of your ma cute) with the pilot in charge flight. They must be joking! On a plane from Mexico to Africa? Ugh.
During the flight, Memin and demands that they serve food, and it is clear that a commercial flight, but still gave them enough food Mercedes. See dolphins ("dolphin? It seems but I know this synonym) splashing in the sea and is Memín which is another thing to misunderstand the word, only to be rebuked. Not the case.
The plane lands at some point in Uganda and out, given the prevailing warm current. Mr. Vargas is grateful to Mr. Arcaraz to help him fulfill his dream of traveling to Africa (but are actually directing Mr. Arozamena does the cartoonist and the argument is not agreed and not differ from each other or what? What missing). A Memín occurrence comes the stupid bragging that once defeated a lion, referring to a real one, who appears behind her. Her friends flee in terror, leaving the bewildered bold at the mercy of the beast, but it is limited to sniff. Everybody gets safe on the plane and taking advantage of the lion gave a roar made, urged Memín to climb a nearby tree. That makes him and soon becomes safe, leaving the lion trying to catch up in vain. The beast gets tired and withdraws. Give green light to get off the tree and then teased it seems that monkey.
bedtime arrives and they discover that Memin is gone, but after a while you have slept on the plane, where he feels most comfortable. Mr. Arcaraz made clear to Ricardo who came to see about that and not the mountain to climb, why not bring your computer. He tells them they are too young for that, and Memín replies that they are very old (What part did not come to climb did not understand it?). As expected, give it a bump on the head, but puts on a lively pan to protect themselves.
Al scriptwriter ran out of ideas that more could be done in Africa, leaving all that "they went from here to there" for skipping a day of return. They're all well arranged in the plane and the pilot very confident, when a bird just stands and made flesh in the other to mate with the propellers. The pilot said with anguish that sooner or later something like this happens (if and so only a fool would take so many passengers in a plane inclined to this kind of accident.) Passengers are nervous and the pilot maneuver, achieving to find a nearby island where he makes a forced landing. The plane crashes into a tree, but no one gets hurt. Out to see where they have fallen and Ricardo points to a human skeleton. Consider the presence of cannibals, but the pilot course, but it continues to waver, showing the opposite.
En México, las señoras empiezan a preocuparse por la ausencia de sus hijos y esposos. Se encaminan a buscarlos al aeropuerto.
El Capitán Gómez anuncia que ha managed to repair the transmission and has finally made contact, giving the exact location, so there was only waiting for rescue. When requesting reports, they are told the ladies that they are well and I will send for them, so they feel relieved.
The next day the harvest, so that kids and adults to sleep without worry. The pilot is the first to wake and far, seen as powerless as a tsunami. Warning adults about the imminent danger. The boys insisted on sleeping in the tent and yell at them they get the plane immediately.
In seriously, is the worst and most ill-conceived plot Memín I have seen and do not understand why it was canceled immediately after this. Now the worrying thing is to see that future sequences can "overcome" this waste of art and printed material.
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