One day at school, at recess, Ricardo speaks secretly Carlangas Memin and just to show the newspaper that announces something about a national contest for kids geography under 12 years, indicating that it is very convenient for Ernestillo. Reporting that the winner gets 50, 000 pesos award, Memin already excited thinking about pocketing to get her cute ma holiday (do you really poor can not win large sums of money abruptly without thinking through the first waste?). Ricardo snapped that only those with an average of 9 may be involved, one that neither they arrive and less bold than it is in 6, although this only encourages him to suggest that it could turn your ballot to look like 9 (and failed by insult the intelligence of the sponsors). Ernestillo approach them to inquire about what they are talking and comes with a story Memín Chinese newspaper picture of a Martian in a beauty pageant (she had dated a backwards sequences similar hoax, what is brought with the aliens?). The others thought
Since then, he studied harder than ever sacrificing the traditional beige parties in the evenings with friends. The narrator shows us that Ernestillo strives to obtain the show to renew the modest carpentry (and had been renewed from long and "as soon deteriorated again?). Even Mr. Vargas was impressed by the determination of the boy, looking like a donkey. Time passes and send them tickets to attend the competition in Guanajuato (do not assume that something is preliminary and regional level before they start to gather for the grand prize, because if not, and it seems that they will go pay the tickets). As soon as
spent only a few pages of preparation, comes the day of the competition and all are awaiting their houses to see Ernestillo on TV. A contest among elementary students geography televised? Do not think it's anyone's idea of \u200b\u200bentertainment, people prefer estudos do game shows where you make it the clown that no one with average citizens. No reason to nationally televise something like that, but the scriptwriter thinks otherwise, apparently. Taking advantage of the many TVs
saving you the time which eliminated most of the hundred contestants, they immediately go to the three finalists, whom will they now closed questions rather than multiple choice. Ricardo and Mr. Carlangas Carlangas sighted in the audience while Memin sandwich stalls, without learning anything.
The girl finalist is eliminated first by failing to respond in that continent is the River Po (oh, please, anyone with common sense knows that.) Now there are only a certain Roberto Ernestillo and for disputed victory. Romero and his family are also from home as it all unfolds, Ernestillo throwing batons. The driver explains how to proceed from now (in the case of two contestants should be simple rules, but it makes both roll that sounds very complicated). As he continues making it a really difficult question to Roberto: How much passable roads existed in Mongolia in 1963? queeeeee "? Do you really expect a primary brat know something? It is even completely irrelevant information. Memin and celebrates the defeat of the boy, but surprisingly, it will overshoot, giving the correct answer (I smell that the contest is fixed). The driver is doing to Ernestillo another difficult question on the formation of the mountains in southern Poland (repeat my expression above). Everyone gets nervous, but responds correctly referring Ernestillo materials that at least I have no idea nor have I ever heard in life. Eufrosina and compare their excitement with being on the roller coaster (for that little has experienced in life). Now, the driver is on the simplest of the world in a matter of geography, names of capitals of countries. Ernestillo the waters as they put that of Hungary, only to miss the name of Budapest, turning it into "Bucharest." His friends are discouraged as they understand that Romero has lost up to hit the table in frustration. Roberto is proclaimed as the winner and receives the prize with his mother, who comments on how proud you are of your son (I do not see where, if you won just because the other failed in the name and this was a contest of geographical knowledge, not spelling). A Ernestillo just give congratulations on your effort and disappointed, will join his father, have disappointed and I regret not getting that money, but Mr. Vargas implies that the appearance of your business is not what matters but the dedication and service to customers. Back on the plane, try to do and see the bright side, that was allowing them to go to Guanajuato, but the kid is discouraged, considering dropping out and help more with the carpentry. John is clear that only contemplate that possibility if I did not learn well that he loves and all that, encouraging him to continue.
comment Memin's friends near a park on what happened. Ricardo and Carlangas agree that pressured him, but do not stop Memín mocks Ernestillo blunder, making a bump on the head worthy, but the arrival of Romero saves. Romero hears another bold reckless derogatory comment, saying, and then suggest something you can do for your friend when you return. Ernestillo
hold Who knows how long, when Memin is lost from view, and from there that opens another sequence, continuing something that was put in one of the above.