Bereshit 19 to 16 But they were concerned, so Malachim took him by the hand of his wife's hand, and the hands of his two daughters - the Lord was being merciful to him - and guided them, leaving them outside the city.
Here are a type of Hesed of the Lord by Abraham's nephew Lot just something special and unique to them
Shemot 15 to 13 In your love, You led them to justice to the people whom you redeemed; [Sal 73:24 ] In your strength, you led you to your home Kadosh . [Ps 78:54]
We again see this type of Hesed or special mercy
Shemot 20 to 6 but showing mercy to the thousandth generation of those who love me and obey my Mizvot.
Shemot 34 to 6 Lord passed before him and proclaimed: "YUD-HEH-VAV-HEH! Yud-Heh-Vav-Heh [vuvh-YHWH] is Elohim, merciful and compassionate , slow to anger, rich in mercy, resignation, compassion and truth, 7 showing grace to the thousandth generation, forgiving iniquity, transgressions and sins, even acquitting which is not innocent, but causing the negative effects of acts of parents who are experienced by their children and grandchildren, and even by the third and fourth generations. "
Devarim 5 to 10 but showing mercy to the thousandth generation of those who love me and obey my Mizvot.
well as we can see if a person does not obey is eliminated because disrespected the people of Elohim Torah Devarim
7 to 9 From this you can know that the Lord your God is indeed Elohim, the Elohim full of loyalty, who keeps His covenant and His mercy is for those who love him and observe his Mizvot, to the thousandth generation. 10 But the paid to those who hate him in his face and destroyed. He will not be slow in dealing with someone who hates him, he shall pay on his face. 11 Therefore, you will keep your Mizvot, statutes and judgments which I am giving you today, and obey.
Here are a type of Hesed of the Lord by Abraham's nephew Lot just something special and unique to them
Shemot 15 to 13 In your love, You led them to justice to the people whom you redeemed; [Sal 73:24 ] In your strength, you led you to your home Kadosh . [Ps 78:54]
We again see this type of Hesed or special mercy
Shemot 20 to 6 but showing mercy to the thousandth generation of those who love me and obey my Mizvot.
Shemot 34 to 6 Lord passed before him and proclaimed: "YUD-HEH-VAV-HEH! Yud-Heh-Vav-Heh [vuvh-YHWH] is Elohim, merciful and compassionate , slow to anger, rich in mercy, resignation, compassion and truth, 7 showing grace to the thousandth generation, forgiving iniquity, transgressions and sins, even acquitting which is not innocent, but causing the negative effects of acts of parents who are experienced by their children and grandchildren, and even by the third and fourth generations. "
Devarim 5 to 10 but showing mercy to the thousandth generation of those who love me and obey my Mizvot.
well as we can see if a person does not obey is eliminated because disrespected the people of Elohim Torah Devarim
7 to 9 From this you can know that the Lord your God is indeed Elohim, the Elohim full of loyalty, who keeps His covenant and His mercy is for those who love him and observe his Mizvot, to the thousandth generation. 10 But the paid to those who hate him in his face and destroyed. He will not be slow in dealing with someone who hates him, he shall pay on his face. 11 Therefore, you will keep your Mizvot, statutes and judgments which I am giving you today, and obey.
The blessed us this is not giving a clear mandate we settled ourselves is dangerous to play in this way can not deceive Yahweh can the man deceive Yahweh?
Tehillim 4 to 1 When I cried to Him, God of my justification I heard you've made room for me in my trouble, have mercy on me and hear my prayer.
Yahushua is saying
Mattityahu 19:17 17 "Why ask me about good? There is One who is good! But if you want eternal life, look at the Mizvot /" Then
we see that there is more to have eternal life, is not as easy or "a cheap Hesed" as taught by some in the messianism. It is very clear here are the words of our Master Yahushua, "if you want eternal life, notes, keep, obey the (commandments) Mizvot I see, then, that hundreds of thousands, millions who are being led astray because they have, but have decided to observe the man's words.
Have thought about who you call if that Roe or Rabbi says do not obey the Mizvot is it a real pastor? Or is it actually rather butcher the sheep?
The same words are used in 1 of Yochanan 5:2-3
2 This is how we know that we love the little children of the Lord: When we love the Lord, we also do what He commands. 3 For Ajavat to obey their Lord means Mizvot.
And what is it that The Boss? That we keep His commandments. By this we know that we love the children of Elohim, when we love the Lord and keep / obey His commandments. You ask: Do you want to say that John / Yochanan obeyed the commandments? Of course, he wrote this after Yahushua had died and was resurrected and seated at the Father's right in Shamayim. If Mizvot had been nailed to the cross, HE would have said, are these assumptions are wrong? We Yahushua the emissaries of all observed, obeyed the Mizvot, including the festivities that are described in Vayikra / Leviticus 23
If they need more evidence? Well, let's give them.
Mattityahu / Matthew 15:9 "This people I honor with their lips but their hearts are far from me. 9 In vain is their worship for me, because they teach as Torah commands of men.
Ivrim 10: 28 He who ignores the Torah given to Moshe on the testimony of two or three witnesses dies without mercy.
[De 17:6, 19:15 29 Think of all the worst that will be the punishment for anyone who has trampled the Son of the Lord, who has treated as common the blood of the covenant that made Kadosh , and has insulted the giver Hajakodesh Ruach Chesed of YAHWEH! [Ex 24:8]
Yaakov 2: 10 For a person who keeps the whole Torah, but fails in one point is guilty of violating any. 11 For he that said, "Do not commit adultery," [ Ex 20:14, De 5:18] also said: " not murder." [Ex 20:13 De 5:17] Now, if commit adultery but kill, have become violators of the entire Torah. Yojana 14:15: 1 "If you love me, keep my commandments Mizvot;
Yochanan 14:12-24 Whoever has my Mizvot, and the guardian is the one who loves me, and I love, be loved by my Father, and I love him, and I reveal myself to him. 22 Judah (not the Kerioth) said: "What has happened, Adon, you're revealing yourself to us and not to the world?" 23 Yahushua answered, "If anyone loves me, he will keep my word and my Father will love him, and go to him and make our home with him 24 who does not love me will not obey my words, and the Word hear is not mine but the Father who sent me.
Yochanan 15:10 If you keep My commandments, you remain in my Ajavat, such as Mizvot I have kept my Father, and I remained in Ajavat.
We know there are countless verses in the Brit Hadashah ordered us to obey the Mizvot, all, not that you want to choose. But how so many thousands of hundreds of thousands who discuss and continue to argue that we should not obey the Mizvot? Do believe you can make fun of the Lord our God and His Word which is Yahushua? 're walking through the word of human beings misleading, are based on a pair of twisted lines and a very poor understanding of them to justify their position, because the human twist anything to justify himself, but when we stand before the Throne we can not use any human argument to justify anything. Let's look at these verses: Obey
Mizvot of the Lord is the most wise we can do because in Devarim 28: 1. 14 Brachot are all in our favor
Also Mizvot not obey the judgments of the Lord bring us as written in Deuteronomy 28 15. 45
Devarim 30: 8. 17 says, ASI: But you come back and pay attention to what the Lord says and obey all Mizvot which I am giving you today. 9 you undertake to make the fruit of your body, the fruit of your livestock and the fruit of thy land everyone will go well, because once again the Lord will rejoice in seeing you do well, and rejoiced in thy fathers. 10 "But all this will happen only if you pay attention to what says the Lord your God, to obey their Mizvot and regulations that are written in this book of the Torah, if you go back to the Lord your God with all your heart and your whole being. 11 For this mitzvah which I am giving you today is not very hard for you, not out of reach. 12 It is not in heaven, so we need to ask: 'Who will go to heaven for us, bring it to us and make us hear, for us to obey? " 13 It is not across the sea, we need to ask: 'Who will cross the sea for us, bring it to us and make us hear, that we may obey it? " 14 In contrast, the word is very near you - In your mouth, even in your heart, therefore, you can! 15 "Look! I am presenting to you today, on one hand, life and goodness, and the other, death and evil - 16, which I'm ordering today to love the Lord your God, to follow their paths, and obey His Mizvot, regulations and statutes, because if you do, live and increase your numbers, and the Lord your God will bless you on earth you're going to take possession of it.
Colossians 2:14 He canceled the document debt against us. Because of the regulations, was a witness against us, but He removed him nailed on the execution stake. It was the second death sentence was upon us that the Messiah has set us free from this death penalty Rabah All Yahweh for the great chesed.
Yochanan / John 19:30
30 After Yahushua had taken the wine, said: "It is finished." And putting his head down, gave his Ruach I do not see that this verse says that he canceled the Torah, but canceled the charging document, the document says: "You do not obey the Torah." The paper said you adulterer, adulterous, Sefer Keritut, divorce papers. He canceled the charge against you. And when He said in the Stake "It is finished" is what he was talking, canceled divorce document against the house of Israel / So how so many thousands who are being led astray by rabbis and pastors deceptive and liars who just want the money from your tithes? Are you trying to buy you blessings of the Lord with your tithes to prosperity? For even obey in searching the Scriptures to see if what is being taught is true or false. The misleading pastor will not be judged in your place, he will be judged more severely as it says:
Jacob / James / James 3:1
Not many of you should make teachers, my axim, because they know we will be judged more harshly.
But you're not going to happen so that we can you blame the pastor l. Because you have no need to be hearing the words of human beings without verifying the Scriptures. Because if you had checked, you would come running from where you long time. Yahushua did not come to establish any new religion called Christianity, came to build on the foundation of Torah and Nevi'im, and give salvation to His people Israel through his death and resurrection, bringing back the marriage contract.
But you're not going to happen so that we can you blame the pastor l. Because you have no need to be hearing the words of human beings without verifying the Scriptures. Because if you had checked, you would come running from where you long time. Yahushua did not come to establish any new religion called Christianity, came to build on the foundation of Torah and Nevi'im, and give salvation to His people Israel through his death and resurrection, bringing back the marriage contract.
Mateo 9-13 As for you, go and learn what it means: 'I desire mercy rather animal sacrifices.] Because I did not come to call the 'fair,' but sinners! " Hosea 6-6
1 Corinthians 6 to 9 Do not they know that the unrighteous shall have no part in the Kingdom of the Lord? "Do not deceive themselves, the people who have sex before marriage, the idolaters, homosexuals and homosexual, 10 those who steal, the greedy, those who get drunk, who assailed with contemptuous language those who cheat, no share in the Kingdom of the Lord.
Galatians 5 to 19 And it is perfectly clear what the old nature does. It expresses itself in sexual immorality, impurity and indecency; 20 Idolatry, and drug abuse in connection with the occult, in strife, hatred, anger and jealousy, in selfish ambition, divisions, intrigue 21 and envy in drunkenness, orgies and things like these. I warn you, as I've warned you before: Those who do such things have no part in the Kingdom of the Lord!
Revelation 21 to 8 But the cowardly, those who are not trustworthy, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who are misusing drugs in relation to the occult, the worshipers idols, and all liars, their destiny is the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, the second death.
Yochanan 1, 2 to 3 The way that we can be sure that you know is if we obey His commandments.
1 Corinthians 6 to 9 Do not they know that the unrighteous shall have no part in the Kingdom of the Lord? "Do not deceive themselves, the people who have sex before marriage, the idolaters, homosexuals and homosexual, 10 those who steal, the greedy, those who get drunk, who assailed with contemptuous language those who cheat, no share in the Kingdom of the Lord.
Galatians 5 to 19 And it is perfectly clear what the old nature does. It expresses itself in sexual immorality, impurity and indecency; 20 Idolatry, and drug abuse in connection with the occult, in strife, hatred, anger and jealousy, in selfish ambition, divisions, intrigue 21 and envy in drunkenness, orgies and things like these. I warn you, as I've warned you before: Those who do such things have no part in the Kingdom of the Lord!
Revelation 21 to 8 But the cowardly, those who are not trustworthy, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who are misusing drugs in relation to the occult, the worshipers idols, and all liars, their destiny is the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, the second death.
Yochanan 1, 2 to 3 The way that we can be sure that you know is if we obey His commandments.
4 Whoever says: "I know him," but he commands is a liar and the truth is not in him. But if anyone does what he says, then truly love for the Lord has reached the goal in it.
Now let us then that is the mercy of the blessed 'is the blessed truth, Ajavat, kindness, grateful shame, benevolence, fidelity, pious show mercy.
Some are wrong and believe that the Ruach haming Hesed and Yahweh is to do what you want is adjusted to the thought of man, not Yahweh's very careful about this he only has one Hesed is wrong is to acknowledge that a transgressor of the Torah but the heart becomes otherwise reach Hesed is hopeless. There is nothing to do. Violating
Some are wrong and believe that the Ruach haming Hesed and Yahweh is to do what you want is adjusted to the thought of man, not Yahweh's very careful about this he only has one Hesed is wrong is to acknowledge that a transgressor of the Torah but the heart becomes otherwise reach Hesed is hopeless. There is nothing to do. Violating
ordinances given in Shemot 20 can cost us eternal life eg
If we break the Sabbath is the same as adultery can not enter the kingdom of Yahweh is also the one who steals, the fornicator. Mizvot ie these are part of the ten commandments given to Moses at Sinai Ar and if they have to do with the salvation that infringes any Mizvot can make us lose this salvation as thieves adulterers fornicators the murderers will not inherit the kingdom of Yahweh then Shabbat 'Did not Yahweh says that it treated as an ordinary day the people will be cut? Eye is very careful as we are observing their festivals.
That does not belong to Israel is exempt from these Mizvot since only blessed us gave it to his people Israel.
Ivrim 10: 28 He who ignores the Torah given to Moshe on the testimony of two or three witnesses dies without mercy.
[De 17:6, 19:15 29 Think of all the worst that will be the punishment for anyone who has trampled the Son of the Lord, who has been treated as something common blood of the covenant that made Kadosh, and who has insulted the Ruach Hajakodesh Hesed giver of the Lord! [Ex 24:8]
Yahushua said in Yochanan / John 14:6:
Yahushua said, "I AM THE WAY AND THE TRUTH AND THE EXISTENCE No one comes to ABBA, except through me. But do not know what he actually said, the word Emet, What is Truth?:
Psalm 119:142 Your righteousness is everlasting and your Torah is true. What is The Way, The Path ?
Devarim / Deuteronomy 5:33 you follow the entire path that the Lord your God has commanded, to live, things are going well, and live a long life on earth which are to possess.
What is Life?
Devarim / Deuteronomy 6:1-21 Now this is the mitzvah, the laws and statutes that the Lord your God commanded me to teach them to obey you on earth to which they are crossing over to possess, 2 so that fear Lord your God and observe all its statutes and Mizvot that I am giving you - you, your children and grandchildren - as long they live, to have long life
Now, what is the purpose of your life and mine?
Now, what is the purpose of your life and mine?
In Devarim is said 19 "I call heaven and earth to witness against you today that I have presented with life and death, blessing and cursing. Therefore, choose life, to live, you and your descendants 20 loving the Lord your God, paying attention to what he says and holding you to Him - because that is the purpose of your existence! In this depends on the length of time that will live in the land which Yahweh swore that he would give to your Parents Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov. "
Then, all that Yahushua said that He is, The Way, the Truth and existence, pointing to the Torah, as we saw from the Scriptures. In addition, El Camino is the courtyard of the Temple Truth is The Place Makone Kadosh / secluded place and existence is the sanctuary Kadoshim / Holy of Holies in the Temple, and that is Yahushua.
There is a saying common in the so-called Christianity and even messianism when you ask them: "How are you axim / ajot?" Reply: "Me? PROSPERITY, SUCCESS AND BLESSED. However, according to the words living, calls the Messiah Yahushua, you are not nor prosperity, nor bless OR IN WIN IF YOU COMPLY. MIZVOT OF THE YAHWEH
Tehillah / Psalm 28:9
9 If a person does not want to hear the Torah, Even his prayer is an abomination.
TEILLAH 119: 21
You rebuke the proud, the cursed, who stray from your Mizvot. As we see the Lord did not like about those who deny that you have to keep commandments and lead the people is a curse that is why there is much need in some people and this is the reason why your prayers are not heard because there is no bone merit obedience in the word of the Lord
TEILLAH 119: 43
not remove all my power to speak the truth, because I put my hope in Your judgments, 44 and keep Your Torah always, forever and forever. 45 I'll go wherever you want, I have sought Thy commandments. 46 Talk about your instructions still the kings Without being avergonzado47 I delight in Your Mizvot, which I loved.
48 I will lift my hands to Your Mizvot, which I LOVE and think on your computers.
TEILLAH 119: 60. 69
I have prepared (not scared) So watch your Mizvot. 61
traps sinners entangled me, but I have not forgotten Your Torah. 62 At midnight I rise to give Rabah For All Your righteous judgments. 63 I am a friend of all who fear you from those who observe His commandments. 64 The earth, O Lord, is full of Your mercy; Teach Your ordinances. 65
have been good to your servant. O Lord, according to Your Word. 66 Teach me good opinion and knowledge, because I thought in Your Mizvot. 67 Before I was afflicted, I transgressed; But now I see Your Word. 68 You are good, O Lord, therefore, teach me your ordinances.
69 The arrogant are slandering me but I will wholeheartedly Mizvot Your
TEILLAH 119: 73
Your hands made me and formed me, instruct me, in order to learn Your Mizvot. 74 Those who fear you rejoice to see me, because I put my hope in Your words
Your hands made me and formed me, instruct me, in order to learn Your Mizvot. 74 Those who fear you rejoice to see me, because I put my hope in Your words
TEILLAH 119: 159
Watch as I love Your commandments, the Lord according to Your mercy, 160 Revive Thy Word The main thing is that truth, and all thy judgments remain forever.
TEILLAH 119: 165. 168
Those who love Your Torah have great Shalom, nothing makes them stumble 166 I have hope in Thy salvation, O Lord, and I loved Your Mizvot. 167 My soul observes Your statement, and I love her greatly! 168 observe Your commandments and instruction, O Lord, for all my ways lie bare before you.
TEILLAH 119: 172. 176
My tongue pronounce your name, because all Your Mizvot are fair. 173 Your hand is ready to save me, because I choose Your commandments. 174 I long for Your salvation, O Lord, and Your Torah is my meditation. 175 My soul shall live, and I will praise thee; and Your judgments help me. 176
I got lost as lost sheep looking for your servant: but I have not forgotten Your Mizvot. Ten
into account what is the true Chesed of the blessed as it is not pandering, but rather examine ourselves as we walk and will correct in time. Since Hesed is not libertinism.
This is where perseverance is needed by the people of the Lord, we must take a serious decision to obey his Mizvot and exercise the fullness of Emunah in Yahushua. Shalom
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