Tuesday, January 22, 2008

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With the advancement of information technology have incorporated more and better library services, it is necessary to consider and reflect on the extent that we can get to incorporate these innovations into our fundamental duties. Since the Sixth National Congress put the issue of "Modernization and Information Technology" which included the exposure of Blanca Ramírez and José Yáñez with the interesting proposal of the cooperative work of the Organization Documentary Network, but exposure Rafael Baca Pumarejo on OpenAcces in public and university libraries presented in the table: "Proposals for the Immediate Future," is highly relevant approach should now return to open the item on a particular technology: Internet and its use in the Public Library.

With the development of electronics began at the beginning of last century, the consolidation of the Internet and the stability achieved in ICT by the end of the century, we experienced a profound economic and cultural: The Knowledge Society immediate stage of the Information Society, is a stage of capitalism which is set as a new economic paradigm of information and useful knowledge. That is, the new economic engine is not the commercialism or industry and the services sector itself, but the production, purchase and sale of information and knowledge, they are assumed to be corporate assets and where it is vital to the development and use of electronic and informational technologies that support and encourage human creativity in order to consolidate a century in which the Labour Theory of Value "is completely overtaken by the so-called knowledge workers.

These cultural changes are not confined only to the increasing use of electronic technology and information technology have transformed the way we work and communicate. They have also modified our way of thinking, of conceiving the world and especially to conceive justice in the use of these technologies and creations arising from them: We have been participants in how they have changed the world the Copyright Laws of how Private initiative is getting closer to the public university to sponsor and participate in new discoveries of how librarians and managers prefer to be called "scientific" Information in the wars against patent and trademark piracy. And moreover we have also participated in the development of theories that question the weight of rationalism in science (Lakatos and Feyerabend) development of FreeSoftware private or non-free distribution, a strong trend called OpenAcces which proposes free access to information and knowledge in electronic and digital media primarily Internet, movement CopyLeft law proposed by the Free Copy for all formal knowledge, unlike that restricts Copyright. How to develop cooperative work and provides important projects such as the online encyclopedia Wikipedia, with all its derivatives, and the growing number of scientific and Database Virtual Library Specialized also free or open access. [1]

We then that this stage of capitalism, cognitive capitalism, not unilateral. As in all previous social trend is presented with a different proposal to the original proposal for "development": Those who believe that both information as knowledge are common property. Commons such as water, air, this world or life itself.

This trend has been developing around since the early eighties when it began to implement agreements Licensing to computer users, and has been led by the movement of American origin "FreeSoftware Foundation" driven primarily by the hacker Richard Stallman and consolidated at the end of the nineties thanks to the magnificent contribution of the engineer Finnish software Linus Torvalds, who developed the Linux operating system kernel that quickly Release.

is necessary to understand the FreeSoftwere as a social trend on how to think and act in consequence of which has been mentioned as a common knowledge, before moving to purely practical applications are even supported by some businessmen who are called capitalists progressive, although Bill Gates these practices remain of "Cyber-Communist." You must understand this movement as at the time was in Mexico a strong tendency towards the development and establishment of Social Security. It is necessary that public institutions mainly be doing their balance quality, cost-benefit analysis is useful even to be identifying specific actions that are ahead of the UN General Assembly, as the Brazilians have made since 2005 [2] when they decided to change, on all computers belonging to government institutions, the operating system Windows of Microsoft by OS GNU / Linux , FreeSoftware, so now save about $ 500 per computer for the payment of annual license. Other countries have successfully adopted these savings on Information Technology expenditures are Venezuela, India, South Africa, China and South Korea. Also worth mentioning that a considerable number of users using Linux operating system in the world: United States 20.7% Germany 10.5%, France 5.1%, Italy 4.5% Brazil 4.3%. In Mexico, barely 1.2% [3]

In the same way the cost-benefit generated by the use of information OpenAcces is favorable for developing countries because as mentioned Baca Pumarejo [4] , countries with a sizeable population of students and researchers would agree to cutting-edge knowledge because they eliminate the big budgets for access to specialized virtual libraries. However, in Mexico, the Internet is a tool which has gained almost no benefit, since it has more do not know what to do with it, as well as e-government. Given this reality, it is first necessary to understand that Internet use at the public library goes beyond introducing hundreds of online computers.

then see two ways to effectively utilize this tool, the first is to manage resources OpenAcces for our users, the second as a platform to run FreeSoftware library that automates the work through the Integrated System Library free distribution: Koha .

Internet use to manage resources OpenAcces.


-effective human resource personnel only need cibernauta also having knowledge of a particular discipline may be the same librarians or volunteers of our own community of users.

basically do the same procedure as in the Procurement Department, but instead of "buy" go to "download" free and without legal charges. So began a selective dissemination of information, while taking due caution and certainty that the materials chosen are OpenAcces , which is something very easy to distinguish since the same places we do know. For this we can help us Meta-Search Engine Ixquick . [5]

then developed an index to the sites found, once indexed are explored in detail, even for this activity can be obtained from a group of scholars to assess the information from the sites indexed to make a better selection. Finally, supporting the articles or books that we consider relevant.

Never have too much confidence in both the articles and the books will be there forever. Can happen for example, that one day X , a user needs And article and go to the site that we have indexed this repository is being updated and temporarily out of service, surely the item will be back when the site located new service but you needed the article at this time. Another possible scenario might be that one day fall in our library network, but if we have supported at least the articles or books most in demand with or without Red Red can meet the needs of our users.

What follows, by way of example, this very brief Indexes:

Journal Indexes

Dictionary of Open Access Journals http://www.doaj. org /

http://www.biomedcentral.com/ BioMed Central

Network of Scientific Journals of Latin America and the Caribbean Spain and Portugal


• Al Day http://www.al-dia.cl/index.html


Virtual Library Vicente Llopis http://www.vicentellop.com/biblioteca.php

Virtual Library Literature satirical http://usuarios.lycos.es/granda /

Electronic Library • Quebec


PLOS Public Library of Science http://www.plos.org/oa/index.html

• Public Domain http://www.dominiopublico.gov.br

reference works

Wikipedia - Free Encyclopedia http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki / Home

• Dictionary of Philosophy http://www.filosofia.org/filomat/

• Dictionary of Sociology http://www.5campus.com/leccion/sociodic

Dictionary Latin-English, English-Latin

http://recursos.cnice.mec.es/latingriego / Palladium/5_aps/esplap03.htm

Etymological Dictionary (Castellano.org)


http Urban Dictionary : / / www.urbandictionary.com/

The Power of the Word http://www.epdlp.com/

Databases and dissemination of scientific journals

PUBMED http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=PubMed

Center for Scientific Information and Documentation http://dmle.cindoc.csic.es/

• E-LIS http://eprints.rclis.org/

Ecology and Society http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/index.php

Specialty Sites literature with access to complete works

• Solo Literature http://sololiteratura.com/php/

• The Poetas.com http://www.los-poetas.com/

• Free Paper http://www.librolibre.net/

• ABC Cultural http://www.abc.es/cultural/

• Free Drawer http://www.cajondeletras.com/

Magazines culture, literature, music

Virtual Word http://www.palabravirtual.com/index.php

• Letralia http://www.letralia.com/

• Havana Elegant http://www. habanaelegante.com /

• http://www.lajiribilla.cu/ Jiribilla The

• Speculum http://www.ucm.es/info/especulo/

Music and his teachers


Opus Music http://www.opusmusica.com/index.html

Journal of Seventeenth - Century Music

http://sscm-jscm.press.uiuc. edu / # Contents


Universal Music Score Library

http:// imslp.org / wiki / P% C3% A1gina_principal

• Violin site http://www.theviolinsite.com/es/

Using the Internet to automate the library activities

Alexandria, pinakes, SIABUC, VIRTUA, Prometheus, how Integral Systems ... But the reality of the libraries of the National Network is that by failing to laws governing the allocation of budget, virtually every library depends on what your state governor has. At each change of administration is not sure whether we will continue to enjoy the virtues of our SIB, ie we will not know if there will be funds to pay the license the next year or not, with all of that already if you have to pay the annual leave to use Microsoft OS and Office Suite, either through the National Network or the Unit to which it belongs. If you are lucky enough and belong to a sustainable medium-federal entity, it is only the Central Library which is preferably to automate. In addition to the limited budget, buy a SIB involves sacrificing the development of collections through purchase.

As we have discussed the trend FreeSoftware , it is easy to understand then the great importance of the places that concentrate the common property of mankind. So under this influence has developed Koha an OpenSource SIB or Open Source running on Linux. The whole operation is managed via the web and is distributed free or FreeSoftware .

The Koha history is our history. In 1999 the Horowhenua Library in New Zealand used a BIS of 12 years old and was not ready for 2000, but there was enough money to buy a new system, and major reforms were needed and could not be funded. Considering these factors, the library consulted K.tipo Communications decided to write their own system.

Once completed, determined Releasing under General Public License (GPL) to ensure that other libraries could draw on work done and also could cooperate in work future to improve the system. Since then this decision has had an impressive range. [6]

After years of improvement, currently (March 2007) the stable version of Koha is 2.2.7. It is used by libraries of the National University of La Plata, Argentina, a network of libraries of the Universidad ORT Uruguay, some libraries of Finland and other European countries. In America the study, development and maintenance of Koha is performed by the School of Computing National University of La Plata, Argentina. Do not forget that SIB is an OpenSource , which means it is a public product code or formula for how it was done so that any person skilled in it can draw on it, you can improve it or customize it freely as required to be detected.

The National Network of Public Libraries have what it takes to invest in new processes that economize on its activities to provide high quality services with minimal financial investment. Beginning because it is a network, if we propose the use of Koha on a Linux OS, we would solve our basic needs of IT in a single issue, so that the small budget that goes into the Library can be managed directly for development and strengthening of the collections in printed and multimedia. The search service Databases OpenAcces can be added to Digital Service Module.


with a good national organization, you can create a cooperative for the Documentary Organization, and the proper preparation of librarians Empiric you can be paid for by the ENBA through its system of distance education. Thus significantly reducing costs and also raise the benefits for all our users.

References .-

[1] Public Domain, Digital Library ( http://www.dominiopublico.gov.br ).

PubMed (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ ).

Information Centre and scientific documentation ( http://dmle.cindoc.csic.es/ ).

E-LIS ( http://eprints.rclis.org/ ).

[2] BBC News. Friday, June 3, 2005.


[3] Linux Counter Machine Report

( http://i18n.counter.li.org/reports/machines.php )

[4] Report of the Sixth National Congress of Public Libraries: The National Network: Evaluation of their programs. Mexico: CONACULTA, 2006 (p. 305)

[5] Ixquick Metasearch http://www.ixquick.com . Other metasearch engines:

Metacrawler: http://www.metacrawler.com/ , Search http://www.search.com/

[6] Eyler, Pat: Koha: a gift from New Zealand to the world's libraries. Review Information. Year 12, number 52. Winter 2002 (available at: http://www.infoconsultores.com.mx/RevInfo52/6_10_ART_Koha.pdf )

Erika Charles Child

VII National Congress Public Libraries

" Proposals for a new library model"

Tlaquepaque, Jalisco, Mexico

11 al 13 October 2007


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