The unit I staff in conjunction to the others I s, I establish the relationship of collective dictatorship of the "other" on my Ego that reptile that lives in the belly and the flesh of our bodies. Animal that is engulfed by a sense of pride that he covets enslavement of "other" by my power, a passion for revenge on the humiliation that causes me the dictatorship of the "outside", the road is to exercise my dictatorship on the other, saving my pride dictatorship. Totalitarianism that prevents my suffering caused by the presence of alien powers to my body, true happiness is that the community become your guide me, your King ... .... In his God.
"The glory is to be great" Simón Bolívar, leader of the American Revolution by Miguel de Santamaría. Thesis representative who served the Eastern peoples to maintain order based on the Dynasties of the Mandarins continued now by the "bosses" Chinese Communist Party's system of political agreements between the fiefdoms of power that requires a dictatorial central figure to maintain order, this stability maintained by Hussein now impossible to recover from the U.S. occupation of Iraq. Consensus system of the dominant poetic class legalized coup trends among this consensus is called democracy as the dictatorship of one man is avoided in order to contain the fighting between the "citizens" of power. So deterministic forms are favored direction of the existence of others who have no power or social prestige. Napoleon's government is a dictator functioned as a "referee" between the middle class that emerged from the revolution that wiped out the Bourbon House and Bourbon itself, of course government mediator between bourgeois and aristocrats in the historical context of the consolidation of modern liberal.
The Ego operates on the historical circumstances, the dictatorial nature of the I occasionally flows in its maximum expression requirement of one class against another class or the delivery of power from the ruling class to a political faction representing their interests immediate. Individualism requires the "strong man" to admire and envy, a true "gentleman". No denying the dictatorship of George Washington on the "heroic men" seeking "freedom" against the tyranny of London not to be combatants were granted citizenship. George was applauded and funded by the 13 houses of Burgesses, he finally proposed to appoint him King of America, but the structure moments Republic offered more advantages than
Miles of experience in this regard can be invoked through history, anywhere in the world, the clash of passions coupled with their aesthetic visions balance is tragic in the lives of children, women and men. Pain from the dictatorship is crucial to the extent that crushes the individual passions of another powerful appetite maximizing power, on the basis of passions crippled by torture and death. Only then will consume the Pride, as a large sector of people like to admire and love their leader feel proud to be represented its most secret hope: the dictatorship.
When the Ego is favored by the dictatorship did not feel compassion for the pain of others Egos, punished in his soul or body, no, can not It considers that this is true justice, he is happy because the pain does not invade your heart rather ... .. blessings God offers grace to enable the retention of the hero dictator.
dictatorship influences others, killing their souls while growing their personalities and their standard of living. The dictatorship is not often impoverishes men to dictators and not dictators, is not decisive power over the individuals. More dictatorship hurts the powerless because it hurts their bodies and souls, the dictator is angry! Angry!, The anger of hurt that I come from the freedom of their fellow's sole ownership, corruption does incorruptible as the acts of his body and his personality does not commit sins or crimes, it has power over the freedom of others, it becomes a truly free. Freedom comes from the dictatorship, but dictatorship of freedom. Such is the animal that lives inside the body, completely dictator, frightening and educational.
have a body is not fierce, it succumbs to the other, just so we live against the ferocity of the other men and women fierce causes of pain, sorrow and mental paralysis. Determinism
health, clean as dirt, pus from the swollen tissue, asepsis totalitarianism promotes physical and spiritual. Once done
remarks on tyranny is necessary to consider the scope of the Anti-dictatorship
The complex history of liberty is confused between slavery, servitude and theological concepts as is "Children of God" "Servant of the Lord" This last sentence is very closely related to the development of the Dominions after the fall of the Carolingian Empire, collated between earthly divine Lord and Lord which imposed a complex combination of social relations where despotism was over was controlled by the presence of the political class called "Master System" although power was centralized by the Lord that he did not omnipotent against slaves and "free" because the regime governing the application of justice manor so the Lord was not entirely free because he had to act as jailer, judge and accountable political system of the kingdom, and dissident anarchist tendencies were punished with chaining and fire, torture copies for those who dare to rebel against the divine scheme , hence the hallowed Aristotelian Platonism thus unceremoniously as the stately political figure corresponded to the patriarchal bases of the prophets and patriarchs of the Bible
All this did not prevent political trends do not submit variables as stoic monks had some sympathy for the slaves or free Perronas transmitting the culture of political opposition to the ancient and feudal lords as long as they tended to vice and corruption, and that Mr. had to operate according to the Stoics as the feudal manorial system and officially maintained this anti Roman precepts. is here that the relative freedom generated occasionally at odds with the official thinking but in the context of the Stoic precepts later absorbed by the regime Scholastic. The different attitudes were controlled only by methods of marking the body with hot irons, cut head, burned alive or prevent hair cut them so that other people run away from them until they die, sophisticated techniques are putting helmets with masks metal to prevent people eat or drink or people walking between the forest until death came to save their suffering. Who were the victims, no doubt the opposition to despotism and feudal manor.
anarchist attitude cruel unfolded in this context, but without a political agenda different from the speeches of the cynical, because anarchism itself has no direct connection with the socialist vision of Marxism positivist closer to Stoicism , but rather as an ethical attitude towards reading that makes the world, perhaps the anarchists came to support the "Gentlemen" to the extent that they were stoic as the lords not correspond to the bourgeois morality but to Catholic ethics, which incidentally also had many problems of corruption because of deviations from the Platonic discourse. Anarchism was aimed to preserve a world so ascetic remained as critical deviations from the feudal regime in modern times was adapted to the Marxist socialist program to the extent that it claims a society somewhat austere and ascetic behavior as Cynics claimed, but their method is similar to that cynical method of destruction of vice and corruption, claimed a state social Ascetic as president for a time while achieving ascetic society as a whole, auque now with many amenities, but anarchism more aware of the need of an ascetic state to the extent that such a state is hypocritical because it keeps and plays the corrupt way of life. Anarchism know this rule to the extent that their concept of time and space is in the here and now, society unfolds not in the future of "hope" but in practical matters and this is the destruction of the State, as people to obtain their freedom at least the median percentage defend against the insurrections of the conservatives of the old regime, certainly re-create the institutions of freedom overthrown but under the command of
Cynics claimed that civilization with all its problems, it was something artificial, unnatural and should viewed with contempt. Therefore proposed a return to natural life, which they equated with a simple existence, and stated that complete happiness can only be achieved through self-reliance and independence is the true good and not for riches or lust. Thus it can be deduced that the cynics were ascetics who considered a life of abstinence as a real release. It is obvious that proposed non-satisfaction of natural appetites, nor artificial. Much has been ridiculed by the example of the cynicism of Diogenes doing living in a barrel (of course no one can live in a barrel) and masturbating in public every time, but is part of the fantasy corrupt public policy.
self-government and self-management is the "Order perfect as possible", also taken up by the modern anarchist discourse.
Another interesting variable is the Stoics who thought like the cynical but practice a different method to fight the corruption of man is indifference, as the cynical contempt and fought with his militant protest against the artificiality of normal citizens, perhaps to be called Stoics indifferent or "peaceful" to the extent that they remain "neutral" to the injustice committed by the "citizenship virtuous. "
In modern socialist thought current fighting vice and corruption by fighting the bourgeois system which highlights two basic tendencies: that of preserving the state for a reasonable time led by Marx, on the other hand, the immediate destruction of the State main task represented by Proudhon and Bakunin latter apparently was called Anarchism Engels pejoratively but not just them but the bourgeoisie describing "The anarchy of capitalist production," surely that Bakunin was expelled permanently from the
virtuous cities which are totally contradictory and far from simple and ascetic life, which is way of life that avoids violence, theft and enslaving one another as is the current way of life, yet even this most seems to socialism. Maybe I return to this aspect of socialism in his speech, so the official history of anarchism is a function of the evolution of socialist thought as well, Anarchism was an invention of modernity and the bourgeoisie only that it uses the anarchist way of action but not its principles as their central passion is greed, nothing strange of reality, because in retrospect to the time immemorial this political group was classified in the group of vagrants and criminals, applying the same punishment for this and for those, socialism classifies the offender bourgeoisie vague and which promotes social anarchy because it is based on the clash of men of all against all .. So about a recorded history no longer exists however it is possible to deduce that these preparations are epistemic. Well
has reached Anarchy demarcated concept of socialist currents or otherwise, only anarchism without other additions, pure or pure anarchism anarchism. But the concept of manners conservative either bourgeois or socialist ideologically still classified as part of the crime, more political anarchism does not claim theft, murder or other provision that is within the Mosaic law, but criminal codes State medieval and modern rebellion and punish all forms of radical protest and to remember that the modern state has strictly banned any practice that cynicism derives from the discourse of medieval Catholic heritage, so the anarchist methods are severely punished by the local customs, but this does not mean they are not right in his speech revolutionary social project that offender. The punishment is because it represents a social danger his historic speech to the order of the appropriators and conservatives is very different from ordinary crime that is by others noted the horrors of the crimes made by individualistic individuals who steal for themselves, as has been logic in most part of the history of private property.
Anarchism An literally (without or lacking) Arquismo (model, pattern, paradigm or leader), no model, their model is no model, a model without model. Paradoxical association of real existence but in the sense that complements the absence of presence, the presence of model is seduced by his absence. No but ... .. Nondeterministic presence as deterministic model does not require armies and prisons, requires libertarian democracy to its logical conclusion, therefore necessary libertarian democracy inevitably leads to permanent changes very similar to the capitalist system, but with the absence of capital accumulation in a few hands of the most "fit" with
Art and knowledge are always at odds with the paradigms and models are achieved and discourse structure since the precision of their models based on rest libertarian preferences of people in permanent change, always be in pursuit of artistic perfection in the game simultaneous relationship between art and freedom. All modern art emphasizes individual action in the expression of their internal representations, which are in harmony with the anarchy of modern industrial production and of itself, its results have been the most fabulous creations despite being based on the market and not of inspiration in the most profound forms of the spirit of creation, but the artist is the first time there in history so is the need to constantly break the paradigms of classical art and its own paradigms following the dynamics of renewal within their unbridled individuality "style, or grace unfortunately the market is an anarchist by the conjunction of millions of passions and desires, requires the reproduction of the models as "favorites" of the public to some extent killing the spirit of artistic creation. More significant as art that is contemporary rule "destroy to build" steps
Monterrey Nuevo León A August 9, 2007.
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