Friday, August 31, 2007

Diets And Watson Landjagers

knowledge, archeology Anarchy


Archaeology of the future has been developed by some utopian thinkers and fiction writers making approaches or archetypes of possible social scenarios beyond the life of the author is therefore building models of any kind may be capricious, but largely on the basis of reality based on the technical and social conditions in which it operates builder projects are usually not very accurate for a thousand causes of contingency against which it is subjected proposed speech. "Easier said than done long way", more however, the project can not be avoided, as is the archeology of the future, so that part of the idealization of a behavioral model that still does not prove their steadfastness to the corrosion of time.

investigate the contents of the trash that accumulated at the end of the day, the archaeologist can infer about the customs prevailing at least in food and other vital issues that were prevailing on such a day, is the archeology of the present also reflected in the speeches most commonly used on certain days of this, plus other artifacts relating to the current fashion, provides a view of the Archaeologists in reference to the "new" in relation to the past, ie the comparative study becomes imminent due to the uncertainty of characterizing the past.

A cause is the presence of archaeological activity associated with the study of great civilizations past has seen fit to place this branch of science as regards the study of past knowledge, but rather a helper from historians or history is investigated only by archaeologists rather romantic spirit to entertain the audience with old issues for public entertainment eager to discover ancient mysteries, this is the case research on the mummies of the powerful personalities remote Nile civilization, emphasizing further studies on the classical Helena

Archies = In ancient Greek ancient arche = beginning and arch = denotes primacy, first begin command. File = beginning, origin.

Architecture = Arche model "Techos = worker, workers Ura = infinitive amount. Archaeology Arche Logos = principle = group, collection, classification, treated.

arquismo In is associated with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe original model, the upper end representative in its application to past, present and future, is seeking to determine the symbolic features representative of a dominant model of aesthetic vision reflected the spirit of a time limited periods arbitrarily defined time perhaps but ultimately is the result of the construction of certain structures that single forms to consider and respond to the world by groups of men whose actions make up a mode of production and therefore specific modes of government power, religious and architectural course. The latter is the handiest for the investigation of the original models for least seniority in the absence of conventional writing, in our times we are able to understand, but once reached the stage of written culture archeology tends to be more accurate to define the original models as opposed to historiography that relies on archaeological activities to describe human actions, according to clearances whimsical pieces of time-space adjusted world view that dominates the thinking of historians on its own present. Thus we have the dual-History Archaeology.

may consider Archaeology of history would be a good opposition the simplistic explanation encyclopedic History Archaeology. what characterizes the story are dramatic re accommodations in cultural concepts so strong they can be compared to the earthquake from the bowels of the earth product rearrange explained by the tectonic plates that shake the social aesthetic structure with such violence that causes the expiration of the existing order and leaving abandoned forever the world view prevailing in some cases for centuries.

thinking understood as a vital intangible complex itself can only be considered based on their unique Product: Knowledge.

"Weighing" Sorrow is felt in the head in a situation that causes us pain, grief for Hispanics translates to "think", "Think" for whites and each culture has its phonetic reference in this regard. not therefore cease to be a complex life in the "intellectuals" of our time have to call "complex thinking", as if that was not a resort complex in itself, but that thought is complex, which comprises a absurd tautology.

Addressing archeology of this complex life without resorting to the method "positivist" quantification as does "science" only leads contemporary prisoners continue indefinitely in the tyranny of numbers. Archeology provides clues not positive, but significant models that make up the entity I call "vital complex" genesis of all knowledge. In this regard will describe the four components.

revolution of thought, which is embodied in the setting of great civilizations capable of being representative certain "times", but thought Revolution? Is it? For many thinkers alone and there is only the evolution of thought subjecting the revolution as an exceptional state in the context of responding to changing the composition of the memes that will be discussed further ahead.

The revolution of thought is the original model that makes up the essence of it, the less intense pace of the revolution is nominated as a gradual evolution but this contextualized in terms of revolution is that the continuing trend towards investment thinking that models are invested in other models that can be head in relation to what precedes it, if possible, but behave in the investment management before the revolution. Arche precisely the thinking is that the principle is the basis revolution as major archaeological course that puts your opponent: The counter revolution.

The counter is inherent in the same revolution as it is the counterweight causes involution of the evolutionary process, placed in the extreme "negative" or "positive" according to the taste of those who value such extremes. Although the counter while there is reduction of the revolution is dependent on the presence of the counter because it is not a principle or model is in the image of the revolution a kind of anti mirror image model of the figure of principle.

McLuhan in his four laws of media thinking as applied to artifact "soft" recognizes the investment process of the dominant models and extends the generalizability of the investment law the so-called revolution, but, based on investment is caused by excess pressure that receives a "medium" in this case thought. Notwithstanding the archeology of thought involved model of revolution as the creator of consistent models of the main model is revolution. Does not break the merit of Mc Luhan, contrary strengthens the principle of revolution surrounding the investment law that it extends to all media. That this law is derived from the behavior of all components including the nature and the thought is one thing, but quite another to be equated or matched with the unique dynamics of thought. However, the pressure to equalize through generalizations named "law" serves another archetype of thought : Equation.

original model equation is vital part of the complex component called thought which tends to establish balance between the environment and yourself, through language has coined a philosophical maxim that is considered "religious truth" that "we were made the image and likeness of God "a kind of investment now that nature is only based on the authority of man. Levy Strauss argues that "Man has always thought so" before this authority anthropology - can claim the cultural tendency to equate the phenomena at least in matters of universal laws. Man has always thought so, means it has always been the same in the action of thinking. The notion tissue or text is immutable in thought as is the case of the network where there are nodal points and peripheral branches, ie branches of a tree and its roots are linked to the node called trunk, see an illustrative biological equation equation applied to the principle of thought. The universal is the particular node and the ramifications that can be considered a way of dendrite.

The concept "reality" means in fact the offset of the order of things in motion and the state of our whims of what should be, so we resort to a reference in this state of sympathy than the state of harmony.

Being in harmony is to the liking of the balance between fact and thought, so the search for equality is fundamental point in the work of thought. Murders and wars are caused by inequality both modern social developments are in principle the demand for equality, the French Revolution of 1789 is based on the sense of equality rather than equality in the eyes of God sustained during since the medieval age is attached to the concept of liberalism based freedom characteristic of modernity. justice still valid in the investigation of which equals to men but also the reasons for the difference, hence the modern state to act by "the neutral" where "justice is blind." In order to "neuter" is the essence of the original model that has the thought, the equation. The logic is by far the evidence for this explanation.

pre logical thinking up the dream or the childhood of humanity which is characterized by the dominance of the realm of incoherence, of the absurd and the myths. The power of persuasion of logical thinking is the balance and equality between things real and abstract thinking. Balance operation is first developed in the arithmetic "measure of the numbers" expressed in its four fundamental equations that make up the basic operations of thought: Sum. Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. Nevertheless, these four entities set transition Bridge of balance or equality, and two between two has a ratio which is 1, 1Más 1 = 2. 2 by 2 = 4, 4 least two 2 = 2 all show the epitome of equality means much more complex operations in Algebra "reduction" and the so-called infinitesimal calculus, and of mathematical theories that attempt to express something that is to be equivalent. The mathematical construction is always orientated to establish equality. Symbols are the equation of a "reality" and symbolic logic determined progress towards the truth and unreality built on symbols that are the equivalent of the structure "logic" of nature. In management accounting balance in assets and liabilities should be equal. The power of thought association is supported by this base.

In sum is equal archaeological model of thought that has sustained Unity in or cute, coherence of the universe is the ultimate cause. Strength unit that is chained to monolithic another archetype: Replication of the unit.

cloning or replication as a model of thought generates structuring "templates" on which replicated the central images that thought is generated. "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness" Genesis 1:27 at least this is the version of the translators who have attempted to clone the divine word, but somehow it is useful to illustrate as thought "solidified" models or patterns can be outlined and played a similar way regardless of the number, reverence or fear of the clone is highlighted in the case of composing classical cultures such as the constellation of the twins, Romulus and Remus ... ... or the murder of a twin by certain cultures and their evil distinction. The mold is the ARCOS region that sustains good thought but the thought is not eternal linearity linearity even if this has some degree of longevity but not forever, making clones, a system that took up the modern mode of production where Cloning of articles or goods are cloned in factories called "iron", whose mission is to clone all potentially tradable schemes. Mass production is only the expression of the dominant contemporary archeology where the artificial world is composed of schemes cloned.

replication at the non-linearity exists as eternal force another archetype of thought is obvious: fractality

But fractality is a product of the cloning of minimum units underlying structures of nature ie fractal bases with replication initiating cumulative stressing the plastic forms of the fractal nature of the archetype by for replication of the "reality" and is part of the neocortex of the brain systems that originally comes from of our aggression there reptiles, mammals hence our perceptions sentimental and finally the neocortex derived from monkeys which over the years reached the logical capacity reaching established the "humanization" of certain animal species. But precisely this replication has an impact from the aforementioned revolution which determines the sequence of archetypal images of thought. By Richard Dawkins called the name of "memes" These are in turn minimal units of information and cultural replication of fractals so that ideas, concepts, techniques, skills, habits that are likely to transform into other archetypes Product or social paradigms of chaotic connection strength under the revolutionary force and the force equation. Thus replication of cultural traits are indifferent to the "truth." We are themselves the product of immemorial family archetype of personalities Adam and Eve have archaeological been generating stereotypes associated with Homo Faber (ironmaster) iron was possibly the name before the land called by the Latins. The fractal of thought is the minimum unit "Nemis" of the chains that form structural instant speed (almost timeless) that are arming the virtual image: Idea.

Variables of these archetypes of thought is manifested in human species such as Homo Sapiens, Speaker Homos, Homo Faber, Homo Politikon, religiosus Homo, Homo Simbólicus, Homo Homo Eroticus and Aesthetic. Expression of the archeology of thought that have created the patterns recorded in the accounts historical archetypes appear before our contemporary witness to the difference between some types of man and others through the ages.

consider two possible archetypes are primarily known as passions essences "affections of the soul being that part of the body type of humor that his conduct to the social environment that surrounds it is more singular not unconscious, but is idiosyncratic body attitude as a major trend that former students of behavior nouns attributed to each of the attitudes of people classified by their characteristics such as greed, hatred, revenge, humility, pride, vanity, greed, envy, sloth, filial love, work, fraternal love, among other ways to recognize both types of behavior in natural inclinations expressed or express the interiority of the individual specific types of events. The question is whether these are inherent components of thought becoming a fundamental archetype.

Moreover another gap appears at least in response to the question whether thought is another archetype of private property. Case attributed by some thinkers eternal life, which is part of the archeology of thought and therefore private property shall be forever, for others it tax is a matter for private property has always existed, without confusing that man needs to live a living space, the condition of distribution of global land areas are constantly changing due to the impact of population explosion and economy monopolist is increasing, so the per capita space is reduced proportionally. The matter was raised there, but in the course of history we see a group of people to defend property and other communal property eligible for perhaps two kinds of thoughts are dominated by these two archetypes, or the central archetype is the property and its specification is operated by trends but of secondary importance, such So if we assume that the human species is predatory in nature or is a virus destroying the ecosystem of the land itself is the kind that signifies the end of the terrestrial biosphere. Understand self in this way, if possible to ensure that thought is also made up the archetype of ownership.

The journey to the center of thought is not over yet, but these views can explore some roads less traveled by modern rationalism that created the archetype of the positive reason without providing further information to shed light on the archeology thinking outside the canons here restated

Eduardo Nunez Becu

Monterrey Nuevo Leon, July 30, 2007

A Good Catchy Sentence About Marijuana


The unit I staff in conjunction to the others I s, I establish the relationship of collective dictatorship of the "other" on my Ego that reptile that lives in the belly and the flesh of our bodies. Animal that is engulfed by a sense of pride that he covets enslavement of "other" by my power, a passion for revenge on the humiliation that causes me the dictatorship of the "outside", the road is to exercise my dictatorship on the other, saving my pride dictatorship. Totalitarianism that prevents my suffering caused by the presence of alien powers to my body, true happiness is that the community become your guide me, your King ... .... In his God.

"The glory is to be great" Simón Bolívar, leader of the American Revolution by Miguel de Santamaría. Thesis representative who served the Eastern peoples to maintain order based on the Dynasties of the Mandarins continued now by the "bosses" Chinese Communist Party's system of political agreements between the fiefdoms of power that requires a dictatorial central figure to maintain order, this stability maintained by Hussein now impossible to recover from the U.S. occupation of Iraq. Consensus system of the dominant poetic class legalized coup trends among this consensus is called democracy as the dictatorship of one man is avoided in order to contain the fighting between the "citizens" of power. So deterministic forms are favored direction of the existence of others who have no power or social prestige. Napoleon's government is a dictator functioned as a "referee" between the middle class that emerged from the revolution that wiped out the Bourbon House and Bourbon itself, of course government mediator between bourgeois and aristocrats in the historical context of the consolidation of modern liberal.

The Ego operates on the historical circumstances, the dictatorial nature of the I occasionally flows in its maximum expression requirement of one class against another class or the delivery of power from the ruling class to a political faction representing their interests immediate. Individualism requires the "strong man" to admire and envy, a true "gentleman". No denying the dictatorship of George Washington on the "heroic men" seeking "freedom" against the tyranny of London not to be combatants were granted citizenship. George was applauded and funded by the 13 houses of Burgesses, he finally proposed to appoint him King of America, but the structure moments Republic offered more advantages than monarchy: he was named president. Dictator aristocrat whose egotism was so necessary for the release of the United States today.

Miles of experience in this regard can be invoked through history, anywhere in the world, the clash of passions coupled with their aesthetic visions balance is tragic in the lives of children, women and men. Pain from the dictatorship is crucial to the extent that crushes the individual passions of another powerful appetite maximizing power, on the basis of passions crippled by torture and death. Only then will consume the Pride, as a large sector of people like to admire and love their leader feel proud to be represented its most secret hope: the dictatorship.

When the Ego is favored by the dictatorship did not feel compassion for the pain of others Egos, punished in his soul or body, no, can not It considers that this is true justice, he is happy because the pain does not invade your heart rather ... .. blessings God offers grace to enable the retention of the hero dictator.

dictatorship influences others, killing their souls while growing their personalities and their standard of living. The dictatorship is not often impoverishes men to dictators and not dictators, is not decisive power over the individuals. More dictatorship hurts the powerless because it hurts their bodies and souls, the dictator is angry! Angry!, The anger of hurt that I come from the freedom of their fellow's sole ownership, corruption does incorruptible as the acts of his body and his personality does not commit sins or crimes, it has power over the freedom of others, it becomes a truly free. Freedom comes from the dictatorship, but dictatorship of freedom. Such is the animal that lives inside the body, completely dictator, frightening and educational.

have a body is not fierce, it succumbs to the other, just so we live against the ferocity of the other men and women fierce causes of pain, sorrow and mental paralysis. Determinism

health, clean as dirt, pus from the swollen tissue, asepsis totalitarianism promotes physical and spiritual. Once done

remarks on tyranny is necessary to consider the scope of the Anti-dictatorship , Freedom is repugnant to it, value is only practiced by citizens 'free' Greco-Roman as imposing as a benchmark against crowds of slaves who had no thought or right to the possessions, in fact the city slave holder could give them the freedom, so that the citizen was in possession of freedom and could grant it.

The complex history of liberty is confused between slavery, servitude and theological concepts as is "Children of God" "Servant of the Lord" This last sentence is very closely related to the development of the Dominions after the fall of the Carolingian Empire, collated between earthly divine Lord and Lord which imposed a complex combination of social relations where despotism was over was controlled by the presence of the political class called "Master System" although power was centralized by the Lord that he did not omnipotent against slaves and "free" because the regime governing the application of justice manor so the Lord was not entirely free because he had to act as jailer, judge and accountable political system of the kingdom, and dissident anarchist tendencies were punished with chaining and fire, torture copies for those who dare to rebel against the divine scheme , hence the hallowed Aristotelian Platonism thus unceremoniously as the stately political figure corresponded to the patriarchal bases of the prophets and patriarchs of the Bible , so everything was in perfect order, everything was happening under the Carolingian regime . With the consent of the feudal system continued to exist as stately even mutated to the military-political structure feudal generated and consolidated a new aristocracy: The Princes who overthrew the aristocratic tradition, princely regime that originated the modern system of property sponsoring Policy Reform from the land of their own kingdoms and have with their own political power, a phenomenon appeared particularly in Germany.

All this did not prevent political trends do not submit variables as stoic monks had some sympathy for the slaves or free Perronas transmitting the culture of political opposition to the ancient and feudal lords as long as they tended to vice and corruption, and that Mr. had to operate according to the Stoics as the feudal manorial system and officially maintained this anti Roman precepts. is here that the relative freedom generated occasionally at odds with the official thinking but in the context of the Stoic precepts later absorbed by the regime Scholastic. The different attitudes were controlled only by methods of marking the body with hot irons, cut head, burned alive or prevent hair cut them so that other people run away from them until they die, sophisticated techniques are putting helmets with masks metal to prevent people eat or drink or people walking between the forest until death came to save their suffering. Who were the victims, no doubt the opposition to despotism and feudal manor.

anarchist attitude cruel unfolded in this context, but without a political agenda different from the speeches of the cynical, because anarchism itself has no direct connection with the socialist vision of Marxism positivist closer to Stoicism , but rather as an ethical attitude towards reading that makes the world, perhaps the anarchists came to support the "Gentlemen" to the extent that they were stoic as the lords not correspond to the bourgeois morality but to Catholic ethics, which incidentally also had many problems of corruption because of deviations from the Platonic discourse. Anarchism was aimed to preserve a world so ascetic remained as critical deviations from the feudal regime in modern times was adapted to the Marxist socialist program to the extent that it claims a society somewhat austere and ascetic behavior as Cynics claimed, but their method is similar to that cynical method of destruction of vice and corruption, claimed a state social Ascetic as president for a time while achieving ascetic society as a whole, auque now with many amenities, but anarchism more aware of the need of an ascetic state to the extent that such a state is hypocritical because it keeps and plays the corrupt way of life. Anarchism know this rule to the extent that their concept of time and space is in the here and now, society unfolds not in the future of "hope" but in practical matters and this is the destruction of the State, as people to obtain their freedom at least the median percentage defend against the insurrections of the conservatives of the old regime, certainly re-create the institutions of freedom overthrown but under the command of Freedom, in this regard created a portrait by Delacroix, "Liberty Leading the People" is a metaphor representing the process of anarchist liberation against the bourgeois-feudal regime supported by beams Timocrates system, insist on the point Anarchism is not in itself to Marxist socialism but even state of life where ethics ruling is very close to Asceticism understood by the Stoics and the Cynics., certainly not a promoter of poverty for all but a wealth distributed according to absolutely all men are free and not have to obey one another, they can object to the issue of justice and punishment without But be fully democratized, where Freedom will be the true state. Here is one definition of anarchism on the outside of the rules of Marxism and socialist from that anarchism is not socialist or libertarian, in that bourgeois society is about to wing Freedom. Remember is more egalitarian than libertarian individualist version of freedom, from then that socialism provides equality in the field of freedom, a freedom on equal rights and property.

Cynics claimed that civilization with all its problems, it was something artificial, unnatural and should viewed with contempt. Therefore proposed a return to natural life, which they equated with a simple existence, and stated that complete happiness can only be achieved through self-reliance and independence is the true good and not for riches or lust. Thus it can be deduced that the cynics were ascetics who considered a life of abstinence as a real release. It is obvious that proposed non-satisfaction of natural appetites, nor artificial. Much has been ridiculed by the example of the cynicism of Diogenes doing living in a barrel (of course no one can live in a barrel) and masturbating in public every time, but is part of the fantasy corrupt public policy.

self-government and self-management is the "Order perfect as possible", also taken up by the modern anarchist discourse.

Another interesting variable is the Stoics who thought like the cynical but practice a different method to fight the corruption of man is indifference, as the cynical contempt and fought with his militant protest against the artificiality of normal citizens, perhaps to be called Stoics indifferent or "peaceful" to the extent that they remain "neutral" to the injustice committed by the "citizenship virtuous. "

In modern socialist thought current fighting vice and corruption by fighting the bourgeois system which highlights two basic tendencies: that of preserving the state for a reasonable time led by Marx, on the other hand, the immediate destruction of the State main task represented by Proudhon and Bakunin latter apparently was called Anarchism Engels pejoratively but not just them but the bourgeoisie describing "The anarchy of capitalist production," surely that Bakunin was expelled permanently from the I Socialist International "for breaches of morality." The Anarchism as a movement existed in the classical Hellenic as mentioned above and indeed throughout historical period, reaching more entrenched find his name "Anarchism" after the Communist Manifesto, we must not forget that socialism or not is the creation of Marx, but was represented in Babeuff guillotined in 1796 many years before Marx was born. I insist on socialist thought as the dominant group gave it this name for this social trend that came to have similarities with this design but not the method of action. Ie the product name is not self appointment but comes from abroad, more well I would call libertarian tendencies that tend to break with the paradigms set by the "civilized society" civilization's economy currently is vice and corruption if we start with the Platonic Stoic precepts of Christ, where the ends are punished by the police apparatus and its prisons.

virtuous cities which are totally contradictory and far from simple and ascetic life, which is way of life that avoids violence, theft and enslaving one another as is the current way of life, yet even this most seems to socialism. Maybe I return to this aspect of socialism in his speech, so the official history of anarchism is a function of the evolution of socialist thought as well, Anarchism was an invention of modernity and the bourgeoisie only that it uses the anarchist way of action but not its principles as their central passion is greed, nothing strange of reality, because in retrospect to the time immemorial this political group was classified in the group of vagrants and criminals, applying the same punishment for this and for those, socialism classifies the offender bourgeoisie vague and which promotes social anarchy because it is based on the clash of men of all against all .. So about a recorded history no longer exists however it is possible to deduce that these preparations are epistemic. Well

has reached Anarchy demarcated concept of socialist currents or otherwise, only anarchism without other additions, pure or pure anarchism anarchism. But the concept of manners conservative either bourgeois or socialist ideologically still classified as part of the crime, more political anarchism does not claim theft, murder or other provision that is within the Mosaic law, but criminal codes State medieval and modern rebellion and punish all forms of radical protest and to remember that the modern state has strictly banned any practice that cynicism derives from the discourse of medieval Catholic heritage, so the anarchist methods are severely punished by the local customs, but this does not mean they are not right in his speech revolutionary social project that offender. The punishment is because it represents a social danger his historic speech to the order of the appropriators and conservatives is very different from ordinary crime that is by others noted the horrors of the crimes made by individualistic individuals who steal for themselves, as has been logic in most part of the history of private property.

The Melancholy is manifested in oppositional discourses and rejection in many cases absolute the order established by the capitalist model that leads to schizophrenia the urgency of "change" for no other principle than the accumulation of capital, it destroys himself in accomplishments as these are depleted each more quickly, the micro models are ephemeral and that its depletion is operated dramatically when economic profits stop flowing and you have to find new veins of capital, the order itself exists as the grain is abundant, which governs is the interest of those who are. The break is permanent in particular but not as general as anarchic system in relation to welfare permanent common. A kind of order without order, system invaded by melancholy frequently recurring finding new glitter and then fall into the swamp of boredom micro model, constant change unaddressed social, but individual, a fact that both banned medieval Catholicism, melancholy in fact no relief is almost sick regime for its renewal is not durable like a corpse that is injected artificial life. The model without Anarchist model is present in this form of contemporary social life. More anarchism also like socialism is outside of every sphere capitalist because capitalism has adopted this method generated by him, but he settled life expectancy, as a device at your service, the capitalist order is characterized by not requiring a standing order if required by socialism, and a deeply melancholic survive on the war economy, by force of arms, torque to maintain order within the disorder.

Anarchism An literally (without or lacking) Arquismo (model, pattern, paradigm or leader), no model, their model is no model, a model without model. Paradoxical association of real existence but in the sense that complements the absence of presence, the presence of model is seduced by his absence. No but ... .. Nondeterministic presence as deterministic model does not require armies and prisons, requires libertarian democracy to its logical conclusion, therefore necessary libertarian democracy inevitably leads to permanent changes very similar to the capitalist system, but with the absence of capital accumulation in a few hands of the most "fit" with that class anarchy "fit" to be diluted away in a perspective of equality and democratic libertarian, anarchist likely engender progress as much deeper than the great advances under capitalism is out there for the society of barbarism in which it is currently engulfed the Homo Sapiens. Anarchism can even travel through mixed forms of socialism with capitalism Statism without dictatorial because the true state is libertarian democracy where the individual is dissolved in the social whirl, where if there is competition, but competition for the highest perfection freedom, anarchism and the future of humanity, because I could not be removed as far as inherent in human beings is an essential part of their nature.

Art and knowledge are always at odds with the paradigms and models are achieved and discourse structure since the precision of their models based on rest libertarian preferences of people in permanent change, always be in pursuit of artistic perfection in the game simultaneous relationship between art and freedom. All modern art emphasizes individual action in the expression of their internal representations, which are in harmony with the anarchy of modern industrial production and of itself, its results have been the most fabulous creations despite being based on the market and not of inspiration in the most profound forms of the spirit of creation, but the artist is the first time there in history so is the need to constantly break the paradigms of classical art and its own paradigms following the dynamics of renewal within their unbridled individuality "style, or grace unfortunately the market is an anarchist by the conjunction of millions of passions and desires, requires the reproduction of the models as "favorites" of the public to some extent killing the spirit of artistic creation. More significant as art that is contemporary rule "destroy to build" steps logical I and II global wars approximation to a real anarchist spirit. Anarchy is the goddess of the social and artistic changes because without this the current world suddenly stop their search for renewal melancholy and end the deadly boredom of traditional customs is of the social nature whatsoever.


Monterrey Nuevo León A August 9, 2007.