A new friend is introduced into the group of Memin, but soon begins to cause problems with their pilfering. Memín ends up being accused of theft and is committed to discovering the truth a la Sherlock. A very poor management cops, I say. Memin currency
someone you know and she runs to inform their friends. Climatic factors and the effort they do faint and revive friends are watching, making sure not giving mouth to mouth. Carlangas throws a bucket of water and reacts bold to say that he saw .... Yes, that's just the 368 to keep us in suspense vain.
The next number, for a change a bit with the sangrona to which we want to get used to the bad arguments, presented to Carlangas trying to summarize the events above, and that Memin is unwell (but not enough to leave us in suspense, right?) and then relieved Ricardo .

After this mafufada, Memin claims to have solved a mystery, many twists and impatient giving to friends, to remind the incident of the circus and the big boy that they met when "coincidentally" Ricardo was lost wallet. Memin referred to as "short" a nickname contradictory, because of its height and bulk, but that we will have to call, because never let him say his real name. Your friends will recognize him and try to talk to him. Ricardo wants to know if he saw who took his portfolio loss (that morons), but "short" in a hurry to leave. They get well

insistent, inviting him to the house to watch wrestling Arcaraz and in case he remembers something of the portfolio, and ultimately reached the big guy. Just know and already considering a friend go, especially Memin. Ricardo asks everyone to bring something when they meet there later, but the black just thinking about trying your hunger, so he decides to eat at home or to give up (what a sacrifice).
"short" he starts talking out loud to make it clear to readers concerned that they discover that he stole the wallet, but still does not decline the opportunity to make friends. Upon arriving home, is greeted by his cruel father, producing a crappy soap opera scene. We immediately make clear all: the father is a bully who beats him, urging him to steal for him, and despite its size, the boy can not think of rebelling, but merely to please, with occasional bouts of whining and complaints if your mother lived things would be different, blah blah blah.
Four and his new friend finally meet and begin to see the fights. Memin emulates his favorite wrestler, "Hand Black "jumps over a Carlangas. A silly irrelevant. "Short" question where is the bathroom, and as they are shown, leaves, but clearly has other intentions. Memin is annoying his friends who just want to follow the event boring choreography.
A or the intermediate case, with the sole purpose of showing how blatant is the father of "short" fighting with one of his friends into a joke about how to earn money your child gets during a game poker. Wasted pages.
The four friends are excited about the struggles (and let us watch TV to see how it is, although it is not hard to imagine). Ernestillo repair in the absence of his new friend, and you're saying that looks unusual, what makes strange assumptions Memín take it disappeared (¿?). slipping down the drain
Of course, "short" walks exploring the house, looking for something to be flown to his unfortunate father. Upon discovering the jewels of Mrs. Arcaraz, he pockets some bills, but suddenly he heard voices to indicate that she and her husband have returned. Memin has to go to the bathroom to make one, encountering "short", which uses a distraction to put him the jewels in his pocket. As the black back, we report that was lost the end of the fight with the miraculous victory of this "Black Hand." After a while, and are firing and appreciating the hospitality of Richard, when she screams Mercedes, reporting on the disappearance of her jewelry ("as he comes home the first thing is to check your jewelry? That seems more a compulsion nothing). Crying, puts both his son and his friends. They then encourage her to find them. Memin Carlangas change asks for the truck and when he checked in regularly empty their bags, get the jewels of Mercedes. The black baffled, but that does not save him who labeled him a thief, knowing his history of not knowing where they came. His friends throw him face, while Roger comments on how disappointed he is and Mercedes that robs jewelry. Memin expected some support from "short", but he pretends he does not exist. Crying and banned for life from that house, bold leaves.

In turn, the thief returns home, worried about not having accomplished anything. His father arrives and there is a dialog box with the inverted, which one would expect that children will walk disrespect. It requires the money has been "strengthened" in the day, but "short" confesses that he got nothing, and the punishment it receives, is left to the reader's imagination. Meanwhile, hidden Memín the day's events to Euphrosyne, who assumed his deep sorrow, but says nothing. During sleep, the black has nightmares about steal jewelry and they become snakes haunt him. Wake up resenting the burden of criminality (although it is too dumb to know that is what they have done.)
The next day the teacher called the attention for sleeping in class, and then inform a teacher of another group is unwell, and meanwhile, have new friends among those who made up his class, among which is "short" , who smiles maliciously to see Memin (I thought he stole out of necessity, not wanting to hurt the dwarf big ears), he has to sit by his side. A Memín not enthusiastic about anything and tells him with a sarcasm, getting back to scold Romero to distract your partner. Sale to a meeting with the director (director What kind of appointment of teachers in the middle class?) And let them copy from the lesson. Students like angels they keep quiet until it's gone, then start making racket, the undisciplined brats style primary.
"short" takes away the distraction of others to take the portfolio of Romero on the desktop, and when he comes back soon discovers the theft. Although you do not like it, start to review the backpacks of all students. Memin let digging into his own with confidence, knowing that his new friend and threw the wallet there.

Very disappointed, Romero grabs Memín to take him to management. Your friends can not believe I won, but even still remember what happened the other day. The director sends for Memin's mother, but he implores them not to. Romero tells you can not ignore the veracity of the evidence, and as he insists on his innocence, he proposed to give him two days to try it, otherwise it will be expelled and will contact Eufrosina. Memin is concerned, but soon revived when Romero achieved by ensuring that supports him prove his innocence, and as a reward and asking anda they pass a year without doing tests. The director is rapidly losing patience with their confiancitas and kicks him out of office, guided by the instinct of Romero. Friends of Bold
decide to give him the benefit of the doubt and talk again. Seeing that no longer hate, are presumed to be a detective to solve the mystery of the theft, believing the level of "Sherloco Holmes." "Short" appears to inquire doing still in school, then send them to fly and go in another direction. Ernestillo finally deduced that since met with "short" began to steal things (technically, they have not won anything except the portfolio of Ricardo ") and should continue to be frisked
The next day, and are waiting for four and Memin is anxious to practice a wrestling move on him. But considering just the opposite to be intimidated by the stature of "short" (height matters if so far it has proved tame, aggressive in nature if it would otherwise). His friends try to follow, and almost dragged just because you walk by pulling back. Memin out his "Lupe" (typical magnifying glass, such as "Sherloco" he says), taking it out only to find air.

"short" has been uploaded to second floor from which you can use a fishing rod to steal the lunch of the clueless students who go eating on the benches below. Memin try to stop holding the lunch box and "short" just pulling everything and the black. Grab lunch box and runs away, wailing on the road after this it can not go to school and has lost the opportunity to make friends. The four are going along, under the auspices of the Memin magnifier to distinguish the huge footprints of the thief. Come home, where the father is furious to see that just brings in the lunch box food. Timely and inexplicably, Romero and the police arrive in time to stop this man. Romero turned to his four students consent to disclose their risky maneuver that observed and followed him all the time (but in that time because he knew he had to call the police?). Memin says he already had everything under control and did not need, causing laughter among his friends.
next day call to the address Memin, worried. There he meets his beautiful and Messrs. ma Arcaraz, who just wanted to apologize for having considered a thief. Eufrosina Romero clarified that she has already explained everything (and send it to call up there?). All thank you for your good work to find the thief, who technically was the father of "short", who has been arrested, while the big guy have left him guilt-free. Upon returning to the lounge, Memin is reunited with "short" and he apologizes for the problems caused by clarifying that all this criminality was coincidental. With this, the case ends well, but never say what happens to that child if his father is in the pot. Where will you live and how? We will not know because after that never comes out (better, did not have much grace was to serve to present this silly drama.)
At home, Memin is pampered and welcomed back by Euphrosyne and sleeps very happy. Dreams of getting an appointment to the Queen of England have solved the most difficult case in history, and even Sherlock Holmes himself appears as it did to ask. Memin

fails to respond because Eufrosina wakes in time to go to school. His friends are, and as he was joking about the fumes have gone up, hitting the joke if the Queen and awarded him, missing the bold to the point of assuming that their dreams have spied. But no, Memin has chosen to retire detective and demonstrate throwing away the magnifying glass (magnifying glass is not an object that can walk and pulling as well). In the container, light refractory causes do not hesitate to fire away (do you see what I mean? At least this if you know the arguments), so that the black has to run for a bucket of water to extinguish. Arrives late to class and Romero or repair on your excuse of having saved the school from a fire, starting with the lesson, it opens the next sequence.