While Yom Teruah, the party is ordered by the Lord called the Day of Shouting, not leda importance, giving higher priority to a party celebrating the Lord has commanded, and apart from any initiating a new year at a date which Yahweh has commanded, ordered the blessed new year to Israel to celebrate the first month of Aviv
Shemot 12 pesuh 1 and 2
Lord spoke to Moshe and Aharon in the land of Egypt, He said: 2 " You start your calendar this month, will be the first month of the year for you
Obviously, if the Lord tells Moses to begin the schedule here is that the lunar year, begins here and not when it has imposed
disobedient Orthodox Judaism, with Rosh Hashanah holiday invented in the seventh lunar month.
How can new year is the seventh month? [De 16:1;
Now as we can ensure that this new year, falls on this date, if they have lost more than 200 years? And they claim that it is time that man was created, if this were so the Lord our God I had taken into account and have been recorded in the Torah of the Lord given to Moses. How can we ensure that this date coincides with the creation man?
it not the Lord's Torah says not to add or diminish to what He has ordered
Devarim 4 pesuh 1 and 2
"Now, Israel, listen to the laws and statutes which I am teaching them to follow, So live, then enter and take possession of the land which Yahweh, the Elohim
from their fathers, is giving them. 2 To obey the Lord your God Mizvot of which I am giving you, do not add to what I'm saying, and not subtract. [
Now the first day of Tishrei is Rosh Hodesh and we must celebrate the day indicated by IAHUEH our God does not like going to celebrate Orthodox Judaism is a date set by men without account as ordered by the Lord and many are falling Messianic Judaism error in following traditions of men and disregarding the orders of YHWH
By: Nehemia Gordon Yahudy Karaite
On the first day of the seventh month (Tishrei) Torah commands us to observe the day of Yom Teruah Kadosh means "Day of Shouting" (Lev 23:23-25, Num 29:1-6). Yom Teruah is a day of rest in which work is prohibited. One of the unique things about Yom Teruah is that the Torah does not say what the purpose of this day Kadosh. The Torah offers at least one reason for all other days Kadosh and two reasons for some. The Feast of Matzot (unleavened bread) commemorates the Exodus from Egypt but also a celebration of the beginning of the barley harvest (Exodus 23:15, Leviticus 23:4-14). The Feast of Shavuot (Weeks) is a celebration of the harvest of wheat (Exo) Shemot 23:16; 34:22). Yom Ha-Kipurim is a national day of atonement as described in greater detail in Vayikra (Leviticus) 16. Finally, the Feast of Sukkot (Cabañas) commemorates the journey of the Israelites in the desert but is also a celebration of the harvest of agricultural products (Exo) Shemot 23:16). In contrast to all the festivities of the Torah, Yom Teruah has no purpose is not clear that we are commanded to rest on that day.
Yom Teruah name may provide a clue as to its purpose. Teruah literally means to make a big noise. This word can describe the noise made by a trumpet, but also describes the noise made by a large group of people shouting in unison (Num 10:5-6). For example:
"It will happen when the ram's horn makes a long sound when you hear the sound of the shofar, the whole nation cry out a loud scream, and the city wall will fall into place, and the people will rise as a one man against it. " (Joshua 6:5)
In this verse the word "shout" appears twice, one as the verb form of Teruah and again as the noun form of Teruah. While this verse refers to the sound of the shofar (ram's horn), the two mentions of Teruah both referred to the unison cry of the Israelites which was followed by falling walls of Jericho.
Although the Torah does not explicitly state the purpose of Yom Teruah, the name may indicate that is expected to be a day of public prayer. The verb form of Teruah often refers to the noise made by a multitude of the faithful who invoke the Almighty in unison. For example:
· "Clap your hands, all nations cry out to Elohim, with singing voice" (Ps 47:2)
· "Cry to Elohim, the whole earth" (Ps 66:1)
· "Sing to Elohim our strength, call upon the Elohim of Yaakov" (Ps 81:2)
· "Cry to IAHUEH, the whole earth "(Ps 100:1)
In Lev 23:24, Yom Teruah is also called Zikhron Teruah. Zikhron word sometimes translated as "memorial" but this is also the Hebrew word meaning "include" often with reference to speak the name of the Lord (ed. Exo 3:15; Yeshayah 12:4;, 26:13 , Ps 45:18). Zikhron Day Teruah, the "Mention of Clamor" can refer to a day of public prayer meeting in which the crowd of worshipers shouting the name of the Lord in unison.
Today few people remember the biblical name for Yom Teruah and instead is widely known as "Rosh Hashanah" which literally means "head of the year" and therefore also "New Year." The transformation of Yom Teruah (Day of Clamor) on Rosh Hashanah (New Year) is the result of the pagan Babylonian influence upon the Jewish nation. The first stage in the transformation was the adoption of Babylonian names for months. In the Torah, the months are numbered as the First Month, Second Month, Third Month, etc. (Leviticus 23, Numbers 28). During their stay in Babylon, our ancestors began to use the pagan Babylonian names of months, a fact readily admitted by the Talmud:
"The names of the months went with them from Babylon." (Jerusalem Talmud, Rosh Hashanah 1:2 56d )
Nature pagan Babylonian names of the months is exemplified by the fourth month called Tammuz. In the Babylonian religion Tammuz was the god of grain whose annual death and resurrection brought fertility to the world. In the book of Yechezkel, the prophet described a trip to Jerusalem in which Jewish women was sitting in the Temple "weeping for Tammuz" (Yechezkel 8:14). The reason I wept for Tammuz is that according to Babylonian mythology Tammuz had been killed but had not yet risen. In ancient Babylon the time to mourn for Tammuz was early summer when the rains ceased in the entire Middle East and the green vegetation was burned by the hot sun. Until today the fourth month in the rabbinic calendar month called Tammuz and still is a time to mourn and lament.
Some of the Babylonian names of the months were introduced in the later books of the Tanakh, but always appear next to the name of Torah for months. For example, Esther 3:7 says
"In First Month, which is the month of Nisan, in the twelfth year of King Ahasuerus. "
This verse begins by giving the name of Torah for the month (First Month") and then translates this month to its pagan equivalent ("that is the month of Nisan). At the time of Esther all Jews living within the borders of the Persian Empire and the Persians had adopted the Babylonian calendar for the civil administration of the Empire. At first the Jews used these Babylonian names of months along with the names of Torah for months but over time the names of Torah for the month fell into disuse.
As the Jewish people felt more comfortable with the Babylonian names for the months became more susceptible to other influences Babylonian. This is similar to the way the American observance of Hanukkah has been influenced by Christmas. That influence began with the seemingly innocuous custom of giving gifts on Hanukkah. Until the Jews came to America the custom was Fdesconocido and is still a rarity in Israel where Hanukkah need not compete with Christmas for the hearts and minds of Jewish youth. Once assimilated Hanukkah this seemingly trivial aspect of Christmas was ripe for significant influences. Today many Jews have the custom to put a "Hanukkah bush" as Jewish alternative to Christmas tree. These Jews did not want to take the Christmas directly so that "Judaizing" the Christmas tree and incorporated it into Hanukkah. This example shows how easy it is to be influenced by the practices of a foreign religion, especially when there is some similarity in which to start. The fact that Hanukkah often falls around the time of Christmas provided that American Jews incorporate elements of Christmas in their observance of Hanukkah.
Just as the Jews of America have been influenced by Christmas, the ancient rabbis were influenced by Babylonian pagan religion. Although many Jews returned Judaea when exile formally ended in 516 BCE, the ancestors of the rabbis were left behind in Babylon where he gradually took shape and the Jews. Many of the oldest known rabbis such as Hillel First, born and raised in Babylon. Babylon certainly remained the home of the heart of rabbinic Judaism Gaonato until the fall of the 11 th century CE. The Babylonian Talmud abounds with the influences of Babylonian paganism. Certainly, the pagan deities to appear in the Talmud as genuine recycled angels and demons. 1
An area of \u200b\u200binfluence was in the Babylonian religious observance as a celebration of Yom Teruah New Year. Since ancient times the Babylonians had a luni solar calendar very similar to the biblical calendar. The result was that Yom Teruah often fell on the same day that the Babylonian New Year festival known as "Akitu." Akitu fell on the first day of Tishrei which coincided with Yom Teruah on the first day of the Seventh Month. The fact that the Jews had begun to call the seventh month of the Babylonian name Tishrei paved the way to turn a Akitu Yom Teruah Jewish. At the same time the Rabbis did not want to adopt Akitu directly so that the Judaizing by changing the name of Yom Teruah (Day of Clamor) Rosh Hashanah (New Year). The fact that the Torah gives no reason for Yom Teruah undoubtedly facilitated the Rabbis proclaim him as the Jewish New Year.
seem bizarre to celebrate New Year Yom Teruah and considering that falls on the first day of the seventh month, but in the context of the Babylonian culture that was perfectly natural. The Babylonians celebrated actually Akitu, New Year, twice a year, once in the first day of Tishrei and again six months later in the first of Nisan. The first celebration of Babylonian Akitu coincided with Yom Teruah and the Second Akitu coincided with the real New Year Torah on the first day First Month. Although the rabbis proclaimed that Yom Teruah was the New Year once admitted that the first day of the "First Month" in the Torah was, as the name implies, also a New Year. They could hardly deny this based on Exodus 12:2 says:
"This month will be your beginning of months: it is the first month of the year."
The context of this verse talks about the celebration of the Feast of Unleavened lechem which falls in the first month. In light of this verse the Rabbis could not deny that the first day of the first month was a biblical New Year. But in the cultural context of Babylon which was celebrated as the Year Akitu Again twice a year, made perfect sense that Yom Teruah could be a second New Year even if it were in the Seventh Month.
In contrast to the Babylonian paganism, the Torah does not say or imply that Yom Teruah has nothing to do with New Year. By contrast, the Feast of Sukkot (Cabañas) occurring exactly two weeks after Yom Teruah is referred to in a verse like "the end of the year" (Exo) Shemot 23:16). No one ever called to 15 January in the modern Western calendar "year out" and the Torah does not describe Sukkot so if the intention was that Teruah is celebrated as a New Year. Some modern rabbis
have argued that Yom Teruah is actually referred to as Rosh Hashanah in Yechezkel 40:1 which describes a vision that the prophet, "At the beginning of the year (Rosh Hashanah) in the seventh month." The fact that Yehezkel 40:1 refers to the tenth day of the month proves that in this context Rosh Hashanah can not mean "New Year." Rather, it must retain its literal meaning "the head of the year" referring to the first month in the calendar of the Torah. Therefore, on 10 Rosh Hashanah in Yejeskel 40:1 must refer to day 10 of the First Month.
Yom Teruah is mentioned in the following verses: Leviticus 23:23-25 \u200b\u200b"And YHWH spoke to Moses "Speak to the children of Israel saying, In the seventh month in the first month will be a day of rest (Shabbaton) paw you, a Clamor Memorial, a convening Kadosh. Do not do any work and bring a sacrifice by fire to YHWH. "
· Be aware that everything that has to do with the sacrifices were fulfilled while now stood Miskan omitted for not
temple Num 29:1 - 6 "And in the seventh month in the first month will be a convening Kadosh for you, do not do any work, be a Day of Shouting for you. [List of sacrifices for Yom Teruah]. "
FAQ Yom Teruah
Q: What about Leviticus 25:9?
A: Some people have argued that Yom Teruah New Year should be considered because it is the beginning of the sabbatical. However, the Torah does not say that Yom Teruah is the beginning of the sabbatical year and all indications are that the sabbatical year begins on the first day of the First Month. The Torah says:
"And you will touch a shofar in the seventh month on the tenth day of the month, on the Day of Atonement will spend a shofar throughout your land." (Leviticus 25:9) This verse is saying
you should use a shofar to announce the arrival of the Jubilee year, 50 year gap in the system. No said that the Jubilee began on the Day of Atonement only that the imminent arrival of the Jubilee year was announced on the Day of Atonement. Certainly, the shofar can spend for land in the Yom Kippur 49 years, six months before the arrival of the Jubilee year. This interpretation is supported by the immediate context of Leviticus 25. Verse 8 says to count forty-nine, verse 9 says to pass the shofar in the country, and verse 10 says to proclaim the year 50 as the year of Jubilee. This shows that the shofar announcing the arrival of the Jubilee in verse 9 is passed through the country before the proclamation of the Jubilee actually in verse 10.
Q: Is not that the Seventh Month the beginning of the agricultural cycle?
A: In the Torah the middle of the seventh month is actually the end of the agricultural cycle, specifically grain cycle. In the Land of Israel, the grains are sown in the fall and harvested in spring. The new agricultural cycle does not start until really plowing the fields. This does not occur until the first light rains that wet the ground enough to be broken by the iron and wooden plows. In the Land of Israel, this can be as early as the middle of the seventh month but is usually in the eighth month or later. By the logic above, the eighth month is regarded as the beginning of the year, the Seventh Month.
1 Zvi Cahn, The Rise of the Karaite Sect (The Rise of the Karaite sect), New York 1937, pages 98-101. Cahn's central thesis is that the reluctance of rabbinical leaders to repudiate the Babylonian paganism that has taken so many roots and has infiltrated the Babylonian Jewry led to the rise of the Karaite movement back to the Bible in the Middle Ages. In this context Cahn gives a detailed list of various pagan influences in Rabbinic Judaism.
By Ezra Ben Levi: Well
so we will celebrate the feasts of the Lord as He ordered us not follow the pagan traditions and why we say we are his people Israel by making our will?
I also invite you to check the following:
Review: Rabbinic calendar: to celebrate the holidays on the dates set by the Lord.
I invite you to review the night they celebrate Rosh Hodesh,
If that night and the moon was born, or are held when there is no moon, the question is who is celebrating Rosh Hodesh this
to darkness? Very careful to follow the guidance of Orthodox Judaism're missing the target, we should be guided by the moon to avoid errors.
Magen David "which is the origin and there is no evidence in the Torah?
The Scripture says that David was in the gutter, and chose a smooth stones, not in the Torah that the star-shaped stem, and Magen there comes the call, but if we're going to find good information that this star, which is in the flag and even identify with that Hitler symbol, the ancient pagans used it as an amulet, and Kabbalists practices until today
Flag of Burundi. Note the triple hexagram in the center.
Some Roman coins, had the six-pointed star, back in the second century
The Zodiac consists of two perpendicular hexagrams, which represent the integration of four elements: fire, earth, air and water.
Uses in the New Era (New Age):
use the Theosophical Society:
In Masonry:
This balance also represents the compass and square of Freemasonry, which also represents this with a hexagram .
is said that the symbol is used in the occult, if you circled, but in the last picture (top of the door behind the man) we see its use without the circle, a ritual.
On the other hand, the flag of the merchant marine of Yisrael, presents the Magen David circled, that is, in other faiths is used interchangeably locked or not in a circle, as the nation of Yisrael today.
... Through Sacred Geometry, you get to know the meaning of forms and symbolism, in this case referred to the Triangle or Tricon (tri = three, kona = angle), and Trigun: three points ( tri = three, guna ecto = asp) that will characterize the whole substance of the Creación.Ellos are: Tamas, Rajas, Satva ...
angles of the triangle are considered reservoirs of energy.
The base of the triangle represents the Lower World, which is the existence of Jiva (being red-man) and the horizontal axis Earth-Air (Prttivi-Vayu), representing the state of Being Tamasic (Inertia, its color is black, is the area of \u200b\u200baction of Lord Shiva).
upstream sides of the triangle correspond to upward of Fire (Agni his Texas-Deity), and represents the state of Being: Rajas (action, its color is red, is the area of \u200b\u200baction of Lord Brahma).
The Self (Jiva), through practices such as prayer, meditation, devotion and service, "actions" can ascend spiritually.
The apex of the triangle would be the peak elevation of Being, this state of elevation will touch the mercy of Brahm, who downstream as the Water (APAS), descends in the form inverted triangle identical to the first (it would be the No. 0 of 108: no difference between the One and Being). This summit represents the state of Being Satva (purity, color is white, is the area of \u200b\u200baction of Lord Vishnu). According to the state of grace or total surrender to the Lord (Isvarapranidhana) by the absolute purity of thought, word and deed, the upper triangle (Brahm), descending, will fully merge with the lower (the Self), to form a Six Pointed Star. The six-pointed star symbolizes the Union of various religions of Brahma (God) and Jiva (Man)
The Mother Goddess worship, there is a deity with star over his head, as if Ashtoret, which is known by various names such as Ishtar, a word from which comes the word "star" (star). I'm not surprising that a rabbi, when he commented that this symbol is of pagan origin, admonished me not to use the word "Star" because it comes from Star, and in turn Ishtar If however the symbol itself is representation closely associated with Ishtar! All this shows that the Torah is not the parameter of the Pharisees to measure how devious they can be of Elohim, but the traditions and love for religion, as is happening at the time of Yahushua, and which speaks of a form very special. Those Pharisees still exist, and as they talk about the Torah, is that they break it by introducing a symbol that even remotely orders such Torah.
Some rabbis say the Tehillim, eg Magen talks. I am your shield, say what you are referring to the Magen David, this is a very poor argument, even when Balaam was going to curse the people of Israel say they could not do anything for the people was circulated as a Magen, there is no support in the Torah on this alone is grounds care, the Lord did not use amulets to be Shomer Israel, therefore does not accept these arguments, the word of a mortal man, who is always leaning paganism: Now the Lord spoke often literally, in the Torah if it were true that there is a Magen David, the Torah I speak clearly, and then we were not talking about it, so if I see clearly, you do not want to recognize that this comes from paganism, which is why they adopted it as his identity as part of the leaders of Israel have drawn with pagan symbols and the zodiac that have, in some synagogues.
THE Menorah: Why Menorah is lit on Shabbat if Yahweh's Torah prohibits lighting a fire on Shabbat?
Shemot 35 pesuh 1 to 3
Moshe assembled all the congregation of the children of Israel, and told them: "These are the things that the Lord has commanded them to make 2 Six days shall work, but the seventh day is a day Kadosh for you, a Sabbath of complete rest in honor of the Lord. Anyone who does any work on it be put to death 3 Do not light a fire in any of their homes on Shabbat. " Well
have in mind, the Menorah that the Lord command to Moshe, was a single and was consistent with the model EL, had shown him in Ar Sinai, so that the Menorah, one would remain in the Miskan, and no Israelite it could access only the Levites, who were responsible, to keep on, no bone he had to be turning forever
important thing is that if the Lord, ordered not to light fires on Shabbat, since it will ignite!, and there are other methods to house food, already prepared the day before, so do not look for arguments to disobey because every argument is lie.
Is Mizvot use the yarmulke or kippah has this foundation in the Torah and is a commandment of men?
Since the Torah says that only Cohen Hagadol each year when he entered the place Makone Kadoshim, Kadoshim stood his clothes and a turban on his head which contained a plaque Kedushah said to the Lord, was the only one placed it on his head ordered by the Lord,
Vayikra 16 pesuh 4
He will Kadosh linen tunic, will
his linen breeches on his flesh, shall have the linen band around it, and will be using the linen turban, - are garments Kadoshim. The bathe his body in water and the will. Look
something important, these robes and turban it only used the Cohen Hagadol each year.
1 Corinthians 11 pesuh 4
Every man who prays or prophesies using something to cover his head, brings disgrace to his head,
1 Corinthians 11 pesuh 7
For a man indeed should not cover his head, for
He is the image and Kaboh of the Lord, and the woman is the man Kaboh
Well as we see a man should not cover his head, and if so will be spending over a Mizvot.
To give more importance to a rabbinic argument, that not having his yarmulke on his head, has no coverage of Yahweh.
Bone "an Israelite but does not fulfill the Torah, by having a kippah, the coverage is in the Lord.? This is unprecedented.
As you can measure the presence of the blessed for this, which is the commandment of men?
Is it true you have to do Nidrey Kol, cancellation of covenants.
What does the Torah of the Lord about the covenants?
Bamidbar 30 pesuh 1 and 2
Moshe spoke to the heads of the tribes of the children of Israel. He said: "Here is what the Lord has commanded: 2 When a man makes a vow to the Lord or formally oblige himself by taking an oath, will not break his word but it will do everything he said he would.
Devarim 23 pesuh 21 - 22 - 23
"When you make a vow to the Lord your God, do not delay fulfilling it, for the Lord your God will surely require it of you, and not to be your sin. 22 If you choose not to make any kind of score, that's not a sin for you: 23 But if a vote passes your lips, do take care to have agreed to voluntarily promised to the Lord your God, which promised in the words spoken aloud high.
While there are few votes, or covenants, that if they could strike, the nullified the father to his daughter, if I saw it was difficult to meet, or equally to husband his wife, had a stipulated time so that it can override, these votes are nullified at any time,
Not like today, that come with the argument that we can override covenants, as is the feast of Yom Kippur, to fall into the trap, the Lord is very clear not to vote lightly, and the defendant did not comply,
Bamidbar 30 pesuh 3 to 16
"When a woman makes a vow to the Lord, formally obliged to herself, as she is a child living in the house of his father, 4 then, if his father heard she swore or forced herself to do and keeps your Shalom, then all her vows remain firm - any obligation to which it has been subject shall stand. 5 But if the day his father heard, he disagrees, then none of her vows or obligations which it has committed itself will remain, and the Lord will forgive her because her father disagreed.
6 If having made her vows or unreasonably undertakes an obligation, is married and her husband
7 but remains Shalom hear her on the day he is known, then their vows and obligations which it has committed to itself will be tight. 8 But if her husband expressed their disagreement in the day that he knows, he canceled the vote that is about it and the obligation to which she has undertaken, and the Lord will forgive her.
9 "The vow of a widow, however, or a divorcee, including all of what she is committed, be firm against them.
10" If a woman made a vow in her husband's home or forced to an oath, 11 and her husband heard about it but kept her and Shalom did not express disagreement, then all her vows and obligations will be tight. 12 But if her husband annuls the day he heard of it, then anything she has said, embarrassing votes or obligations not remain firm, her husband's aborted, and the Lord will forgive her. 13 Her husband can leave everything and all binding obligation vote outright, or he can cancel them. 14 But if her husband remains completely Shalom with it day after day, then he confirms all her vows and obligations, he must stand firm because he kept his Shalom in the day he heard of it. 15 If he canceled after he has heard, then he must bear the blame
consistent. "Letting every vote and every firm binding obligation, or it can cancel them. 14 But if her husband remains completely Shalom with it day after day, then it confirms all your votes and obligations, he must stand firm because he kept his Shalom in the day he heard of it. 15 If he canceled after he has heard, then he must bear the blame accordingly. "
16 These are the laws that the Lord commanded Moses between a man and his wife, and between a father and his daughter, if she is a child living in the house of his father.
Well I think this is very clear for us to stop believing in fairy Rabbinical be.
Ecclesiastes 5 pesuh 1 to 6
If you make a vow to Gd, do not delay in fulfilling it. For Elohim is not pleased with the
fools, so fulfill your promise! [33] 5 is better to do a vote to make a vow and not fulfill
. [Lev 23:38] 6 Do not let your words make your little meat, and do not say in front of Elohim that was error. [
Why the Messianic charge Tithe Levites posing as the Torah says about this?
pesuh 8AL Bamidbar 18 10
Lord said to Aaron: "I myself have put in charge of donations given to me. All dedicated to the children of Israel I have taken and held for you and your children, it is a perpetual law. 9 Here is what things will be yours especially Kadoshim taken from the fire: every offering which they do - that is, every grain offering, sin offering and offering their fault that they delivered to me - will be particularly Kadosh for you and your children. 10 You shall eat it in a particularly Kadosh, every man can eat, you and your children, and will
Kadosh for you.
This pesuh from 8 to 19 is used by Christian pastors and "rabbis" to extract tithes and contributions to their sheep. These pastors and "rabbis" are in a great sin, because it clearly says that these offerings are for Aharon and his descendants as a perpetual law, but these pastors and "rabbis" are not children of Aharon and are lying for profit. This verse is also used to make merry with money from the sheep, the shepherd and the self-appointed "rabbi" illegally catch the tithe and then give a tithe of tithes to the denomination. But none of them are sons of Levi. The tithe was instituted for those who served in the Temple) The tribe of Levi and the sons of Aharon. To this day Israel is dispersed and the tribe of Levi (priests) is not identifiable, then there is no temple because they are encroaching on something that is not theirs? No scripture says that thieves will not inherit the kingdom of the Lord. 21 Bamidbar 18 pesuh
The children of Levi I have given full tenth of the product in Israel. It is your inheritance payment for the service they render on the testimony Miskan
It does not say that the Roe pastors sent or Nevi'im Sheliajim
But to the Levites for payment to them in the Temple service.
Bamidbar 18 pesuh
24 to 28 For I have given the Levites as their inheritance the production tenths of the children of Israel away as an offering to the Lord. For this I have told them that they have no inheritance among the children of Israel.
Lord said to Moses: 26 "Say to the Levites." When you take the children of Israel the tenths of the product that I have given it s as their heritage, you depart from it an offering to the Lord, a tenth of a tenth 27 The gift that you will be told to you deviate like grain and grape juice was the wine vat. 28 In this way you depart an offering to the Lord of all you receive tenths of the children of Israel, and these tenths Aharon the kohen shall make the offering apart for the Lord.
Now Yahweh, commanded that the tithe is only applicable in Israel, where the pick, so that his name was there that place is called (Yerusalém) but there are some corrupt people who use the Hebrew name, in any temple or house and manipulate the people, saying this place the Lord chose him, for his name to this here.
Here is the place to open the understanding, Who chose the place? Was not the man? The Lord do not take on lease, or buy the place etc. And then dare to say, whatever is your name, I will bring tithes, first fruits, vows, covenants, etc. offerings. this is total false mind lie, Yahweh Elohim, and not dwell in temples made with hands, now dwells in our Miskan through his Ruach HaKodesh.
pesuh Devarim 12 4 to 14 but will not treat the Lord your God in this way. 5 Rather, you will come to the place where the Lord your God will put His Name. He will choose from among all their tribes, and you look there, Yerusalém which is where he will live, and go there. 6 You will further their burnt offerings, your sacrifices, tenths [to depart to the Lord] the offerings are the offerings of the vote, their freewill offerings, and the firstborn of their cattle and sheep. 7 There will eat in the presence of the Lord your God, and rejoice over everything they undertake to do, you and your house, in which the Lord your God has blessed. 8 You will not do things the way we do today, where everyone does what seems right in his view, 9 because they have not come to rest and inheritance which the Lord your God is giving them. 10 But when they cross the Yarden and live in the land which Yahweh your God is making inherit, and He will give rest from all their enemies around them, and are living in safety, 11 then bring all that I am ordering them to the place that the Lord your God will choose for His Name dwell (Yerusalém) burnt offerings, sacrifices
, tenths, the offerings of your hand, and all his best possessions that you devote to the Lord; 12 and you will rejoice in the presence of the Lord your God -
You, your sons and daughters, your male and female slaves and Levi who is staying with you, because he has no portion or inheritance with you. 13 "Be careful not to offer your burnt offerings anywhere you see outside (Yerusalém) 14
But do it in the place that the Lord will choose in one of the territories of the tribes, there is where they will offer their burnt offerings and will do everything I command you to do. In Yerusalém
Now Moshe, did not ask for tithes, for forty years in the wilderness, but I teach the people that enter the land would, in accordance with the provisions of the Lord.
pesuh Devarim 14 12 - 17 - 19
not eat on their property where they live bone-tenth of your grain, new wine or olive oil [to be set apart for the Lord], or the firstborn of their cattle or sheep or any offering by one vote, or a freewill offering, or the offering of your hand. 18 No, you eat these in the presence of the Lord your God in the place which the Lord your God will choose (Yerusalém) you and your sons, daughters, male and female slaves, and Levi is your host, and rejoice before the Lord your God in everything we undertake to do. 19 As long as they live on their property, be careful not to abandon the Levite. Mizvot
As we see, is not to eat the tithe, in any city where you live, the evidence here is, that they could not eat the tithe in any other city or nation or people, just where was the temple of otherwise would be breaking the Torah of the Lord.
By doing our will, remember we can not add or diminish from the Torah.
If you look in the Renewed Covenant, THE YAHUSHUA Messiah taught us that we receive from free give for free, we do not cost any money this salvation, why do the leaders keep quotas and demand money and collect tithes?
Devarin 14 pesuh 22 to 29
Each year will take a tenth of everything you produce your seed in the field, 23 and eat in the presence of the Lord your God. In the place where He chooses to make His Name dwell
(Yerusalém) you eat a tenth of your grain, new wine, and olive oil, and the firstborn of their cattle and sheep, to learn to fear the Lord your God forever. 24 But if the distance is too big for you, so that they can not carry, because the place that the Lord chooses to put His name is very far from you, so when the Lord your God prosper, 25 will make it money, as money with you, go to that place
Lord your God will choose, (Yerusalém) 26 and change the money for whatever you want - cattle, sheep, wine or other intoxicating liquor, or anything you want - and eat it there in the presence of the Lord your God, and enjoy, you and your home 27 "But do not neglect the Levi that stays with you because he has no portion or inheritance as you. 28 At the end of three years will all of its product-tenths of that year and store it in their villages. 29 Then the Levi, because he has no part or heritage as you, along with the alien, the orphan and the widow who lives in their villages, they will come, eat and be satisfied - so that the Lord your God bless you in all your hands produce.
Consider the following, there is a tithe, which was collected every 3 years for people to share with the orphan, the widow and the stranger that tithing had to take it to Yerusalém
Question "because today is not taught This tithe that if we apply? And only apply their best interest?
Shaul taught us that love of money is the root of all evil, but unfortunately the vast majority, sought to profit only by an interest, for he said Shaul with my own hands have worked, not to be a burden to anyone, because it is more blessed to give than to receive. Acts 20 pesuh
33 to 35
33 "I did not mean for me gold, nor silver, nor no clothes. 34 You yourselves know that these hands of mine have provided not only for my own needs, but to those of my
Partners as well. 35 In all I have given you an example, that working hard and have to help the weak, remembering the words of Adon Yahushua himself: 'There is more happiness in giving than in receiving
. "
These texts 33 to 35 are never mentioned by the pastors or by "rabbis." Could we imagine why? But, however, is what Saul was doing and what emphatically ordered that work should help the weak, and not the opposite, pushing and milking the poor of their few possessions. The work is nothing dishonorable, builds a lot! Any work, see Shaul working with his hands, is also the ancient rabbis did. The modern ones are those who do not, because they copied the Christians tithe, and that would have been
Liked! Shaul visited all the synagogues, just as the Messiah Yahushua, that I never have asked for a tithe, or mentioned it. Neither the appointment of Sheliajim, pastors, Nevi'im, Moreh, appeared the Levites who were the only ones who could receive tithes because they do have Mizvot to receive
Here's the complicated, for many, once known this truth prefer to continue their scams to the people, instead of teaching people the Indeed, now is the time to instruct people how to teach, to do, now that there is no Temple. Well, anyone who serves the Lord, must be freed from the greed that is idolatry, the Lord reward if you know, that I witness, I now understand what I teach Shaul. We know that the money we need in order to sucistir that can not be denied, but that part is the reward of ABBA because the Torah says, no muzzle the ox that treads, it's who gives us the payment, and not man, but many are accustomed to the man to pay them, and that is why some curse the people, to give them the sheep, to be eligible to strength, and use texts as. Malachi 3
8 to 11 "Can a person insulting Elohim?
Yet you insult me. But ask: How have you insulted? In the tenth and the first results are still with you. 9 You certainly they look to me and insult me. 10 The year is over, and you have brought all the product to the stores but will foray into this house, now back in His Name, "said Lord-HaElyon. "Look if not I will open for you the windows of heaven and flood will pour for you a blessing until they are satisfied. 11 For the sake of the devourer forbid you to destroy the crop in their land] and the vineyard will not lose its fruit before the harvest, "said Lord-HaElyon.
nice Malachi made a clarification in the other version tells you the nation Note whole thing I have robbed the nation, the Tithe bone confirms once again that only applied to the nation of Israel, not as many nations wings read, before calling for the Tithe, causing panic and terror in many force, to release the money often is the only money they have to feed your family. Let's look at something else, what is called the storehouse, not a wooden box, as we were taught, but were warehouses, stores, large warehouses to store all the tithe that was more in kind than in money. That is the truth
My friend think through, let the true Ruach of the Lord, guide you to all truth, do not be manipulated by smugglers, the Emunah, and remember that tithing is, the widow, the orphan, and foreigner that is applicable in any country you live, Yehezkel
34 pesuh 1 to 10
The word of the Lord came to me: 2 "Ben-Adam, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel." Prophesy! Say them, the shepherds, that YAHWEH Elohim says this: 'Woe to those prophets of Israel who feed themselves! Should not shepherds feed the sheep? 3 You eat the meat first, wear wool, and kill the best of the pack, but do not feed the sheep! 4 You do not strengthen the weak nor heal the sick, nor sold to the broken, nor bring back the strayed nor seek the lost, on the contrary, you are the bully with overwhelming force. 5 So they were scattered without a shepherd, and became food for all wild animals - they were scattered. 6 My sheep wandered around aimlessly in every mountain and hill: yea, my flock was scattered throughout the land, no one to look for no one to care for them. "
7 "Therefore, shepherds, hear the word of the Lord: 8 'As I live,' says the Lord:" For my sheep have become flesh, my sheep have become food for all wild animals, since no was pastor, and pastors did not seek my sheep, however, my shepherds fed themselves but not my sheep. "
9 Therefore, O shepherds, so the Lord says
! 10 Lord says: 'I am against the shepherds. I demand that they give me back my sheep. I do not let them feed my sheep, and no
They will feed them. I will rescue my flock from their mouths, they will never be the food for them, "
" The shepherds of Israel, "refers to kings, princes, elders, Kohanim, prophets who tyrannize the sheep with their tithes, offerings required, other contributions, invented doctrines, all exaggerated rigor, and still oppress and destroy the souls to enrich themselves, but make no effort for the welfare of the country or sheep in their care. They know nothing of his flock, if they have disease, broken legs, mutilated, lost or missed, because I do not care. Does that sound somewhat familiar to today?
The same applies to the "churches" and some Messianic congregations. Are shepherds and butchers sheep?
Is it true that we have coverage of men who says the Torah on this? Tehillim
91 You who dwell in the shadow of Elyon, spend your nights in the shadow of Shaddai, 2 you say to the Lord: "My refuge! My strength! My Elohim, in whom I trust!" - 3 The rescue you from the snare of the fowler and from the pestilence and calamities;
4 He will cover the ends of their wings, and under his wings you will find refuge, His truth is a shield and protection.
Can a man give all this that offers its Kadosh Elyon?
Or is it rather that you have tied the man to subdue him and to do his will as in the past tense
Yechezkel 13 pesuh 18 to 23
Tell them the Lord says: 'Woe to the women who sew magic patches for all elbows and put veils on people of all moral character, to hunt human souls! "You hunt the souls of my own people while maintaining their own souls safe? 19 You disgrace me before my people for handfuls of barley and bread crumbs, killing souls who had to die and leaving those who should not live, for lying to my people who love to hear lies. "20 Thus and Yahweh Elohim said: "I am against your pillows, with which human souls as they hunt birds, I will remove them your arms and let the souls go, yeah, human souls you hunt like birds. 21 I also tear off your veils and redeem my people from their claws, so they are no longer in his power to hunt. Then you know that I am the Lord. 22 For you have disheartened the righteous with your lies when I was not trying to cause pain and have encouraged the wicked not to turn from their wicked ways in order to be saved, 23 and therefore will have no false visions, nor produce more guesses. I will rescue my people from their clutches, and you know that I am the Lord. "[
I think this last word fits in recent times
That is what we call it a "coverage are no more than magic charms, which lay upon the people so that they can manipulate? ENOUGH OF THESE Satanic practices.
"Lord commanded us to be mystics, Kabbalists, Gnostics, Metaphysical, etc..?
Lord, for he said in the Torah my people are lost for lack of knowledge. Devarim 4 pesuh
15 to 19
Therefore, take care! Since saw no form of any kind on the day that the Lord spoke to them on Mount Horeb from the fire, 16 do not become corrupt and make a graven image that has the shape of any figure - or a representation of a human being male or female, 17 or representation of any animal on earth, or representation of a bird flying in the air, 18 or representation of anything that creeps on the ground, or representation of any fish in the water beneath the coastline. 19 For the same reason do not look at the sky, the sun, moon, stars and everything in the sky, and go astray to worship them and serve them the Lord your God has given to all peoples under the whole sky. Here
bless him, is warning his people not to put your eyes on the Zodiac, Fallen Angels, the sefirot, the Tree of Life, numerology etc. this is what the pagan worship as the pagan Lord will I give all these things, so they have left to believe, but to his people Israel is not allowed these things, but the people have disobeyed worshiping the zodiac astrology, pagan gods Tammuz, the sun god Mithra and so on. Yehezkel
pesuh 14 to 18 14 He brought me to the north gate entrance to the house of the Lord that faces north, and there before my eyes there were women weeping for Tammuz. 15 "Ben-Adam," He asked,
"Have you seen this?" You see it most abominable practices. " 16 He brought me to the courtyard of the house of the Lord, and there, at the entrance of the temple of the Lord, between the porch and the altar, were about twenty-five men with their backs toward the temple of the Lord and their faces toward the east, and they were worshiping the sun. 17 He asked me: "Ben-Adam, have you seen this?
Is the house of Judah considered casual thing they commit these heinous practices that are being committed here, and fill the earth with iniquity, to provoke even more? Contemplate ! They are like mockers, and here that carry the vine branch to their nose! 18 Therefore, I will act in fury, my eye shall not spare, I will have mercy. Even if you cry screaming in my ears, do not listen. "
Lord had told Moses to choose 70 men to help to judge the people, and went after other gods. Syrian idol, corresponding to Adonis, the Greek and Egyptian Osiris, the brother-husband of Ishtar, identified as none other than Nimrod, Semiramis husband and the first enemy of the Lord. The followers of this cult believed that green vegetation withered and died in the hot summer because Tammuz was killed and dropped into another world. So worshipers wept and mourned for his death. In the spring, when new vegetation appeared rejoiced believing that he had come to life. Allusion to the cult of Tammuz (v 14), because the cedar branches were a symbol of immortality associated with the cult of Tammuz. Apply the branch to their nose cases amounted to breathe life-giving powers of Tammuz who had returned from death. He was also a symbol of the Magi worship the fire and sun. Well
be that today that Judaism does not pronounce the name Kadosh, do not have the temple for sacrifices of purification, not cow Lazan, "asked under what conditions are in the Ruach? Is that all they can believe? Of course this respecting Yahudy true that only follow the Torah Kadoshim, since those who claim to be Jews are not the only thing they have done is upset the people of the Lord, being a stumbling block, teaching the people to believe in Halacha calls of men, thus replacing Mizvot of the Lord, our God, giving credence to the Talmud, which is of Babylonian origin, Midrash, Zohar, Shulchan Aruch, etc. Gemara.
Part 1: On the authority of the Talmud.
1. Elohim gave the oral law (rabbinic) to Moses on Mount Sinai, Abot, 1.1, p.1
2. Elohim made a covenant with Israel only because of the Oral Law. Guitím-60b, p. 284
3. Rival rabbinic schools of Hillel and Shamay are both right. Even if they differ, both are the word of Elohim, according to the will of Elohim ("Bat Kol" is a heavenly voice.) Ruby-E 13b, p. 85-86
4. The Torah says that the rules of the rabbis must be obeyed. Tebamót-20a, p.
116 5. Those who obey the rabbis are holy, those who disobey them are wicked. Tebamót-20a, p. 117
6. He who disobeys a rabbi is a transgressor in Israel. -Shabbat 40 th, p. 186
7. The decrees of the Council of Rabbis (Bet Din) can not be questioned, and have equal authority with Moses. Rosh Hashanah, 25 th, p. 109
8. Torah study is a matter of indifference to Elohim, Talmud study is worthwhile. Baba Metzia 33 th, p. 206
9. Torah Study after study the Talmud produced problems. -Haguigáh 10 th, p. 49-50.
10. The rabbis (wise men) are greater than the prophets. Baba Batra 12 th, p. 59
11. A dispute in the sky between Elohim and a group of rabbis is settled when a great rabbi in the land rate by Elohim. Baba Metzia 86 th, p.
495 12. Elohim is involved in a dispute between rabbis and is logically defeated by a rabbi. Elohim Rabbi proclaims victory in the debate. Baba Metzia 59b, p.53
13. The precepts of the rabbis are more important than the commandments of the Torah Anyone who disobeys the rabbis deserves death and will be punished in hell with boiling excrement. -Eruvin 21 th, p. 149-150
14. Disobey the rabbis is conduct punishable by death. Berakhot 4 th, p. 13
15. Those who ridicule the rabbis are fools who deserve death. Baba Batra 75 th, p. 300-301
Well judge for yourself, if you are defaming, or rather we want to open their eyes and see reality, not our Messiah said YAHUSHUA know the truth, and Emet will set us free! It is time to stop believing the man, says the Torah of the Lord, cursed the man who trusts in man Yes, we always present, this Mizvot and thus our soul will be free from danger. Amein. Why
leaders call themselves Messianic Rabbis? That
YAHUSHUA our Messiah said on this subject?
8 But you should not let people call them 'Rabbi,' for you have a Rabbi, and all are brothers and sisters. 9 And do not call anyone on earth 'Father' because you have one Father, and He is in heaven. 10 Nor should stop being called 'guides' for you have a Guide, and is the Messiah! 11 The greatest of you must be your servant, 12 because anyone who promotes himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be promoted.
As much as the file named "rabbis" stretch and give returns to this verse, in order to accommodate its pretentious title, Yahushua commands us through this Mizvot, do not let the rabbis call, and not self appoint Rabbis. WHY SPEND OVER WHICH THE CASE IS ORDERED PAINTED ON THE WALL?
No one on earth deserves this title, even Orthodox Judaism, for the title rabbi is, value, weight, depth, etc. all they do with these titles is to make them authoritarian, proud, conceited and so on. Do you want to disobey the desert and has his reward
is why the only one who deserves to be called so is our RABBI YAHUSHUA HaMashiach.
Shalom, we're serving the Lord, And YAHUSHUA HaMashiach. Ben Ezra Levi